do-it-yourself didactic games card index (junior group)

Didactic game "Caterpillar"

Goal: to develop motor skills of the fingers through actions with objects, sensory perception, logical thinking

Game option: “Continue the row.”

Didactic manual “Finger dry pool”

Dry pool - used for simultaneous active stimulation on various points of the hands, fingers, palms; sensorimotor development, the formation of basic sensory standards: shape, size, material, weight, sound; fostering perseverance and patience in work; relieving emotional stress. It’s very simple to make: fill the Kinder Surprise capsules with various fillings (rice, peas, beans), cover them with thermal film for Easter eggs, put them in a small deep plastic container, and hide the Kinder Surprise toys at the bottom.

Ask your baby to look for various small objects or toys in the dry pool. By plunging as deeply as possible into the filler, the child’s hands are massaged, the fingers become more sensitive, and their movements become coordinated.

This manual can be used in music classes.

Didactic game “Beads from salt dough”


  • strengthening and development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination;
  • developing the ability to combine colors;
  • development of concentration; development of perseverance, accuracy, children's creativity, a sense of beauty in one's own work and the work of other children;
  • learning how to work from a sample and create your own product.

This benefit can be done by the child himself, with a little help from an adult. Dough modeling really helps develop a child's motor skills. After all, a baby can change the shape of an object from a spherical shape to a square or triangular one. And, taking a piece of dough in his hands, he can feel its weight, heaviness and viscosity.

Description of the preparation of the manual:

Prepare salt dough (mix 1 cup of “Extra” salt, 1 cup of flour, 0.5 cups of cold water, leave for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator), form balls, make holes in them using a cocktail straw, leave until completely dry. The beads are ready!

Didactic manual “Place the eggs in your houses”


  • develop the ability to distinguish and correctly name the 4 primary colors;
  • learn to combine a testicle with a cell, perform correlating actions (color guide); act purposefully, sequentially: from left to right, without skipping cells; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Description of the tutorial: Paint the cells of the egg container with the main colors and varnish them. We tie the Kinder Surprise capsules in the appropriate color.

The result is a bright and beautiful manual.

Children must arrange the eggs into houses according to their color.

If possible, name the color of the eggs and the color of the houses.

Didactic manual “Place the pencils in cups.”


  • develop the ability to distinguish colors;
  • learn to combine a pencil with a glass; act purposefully, sequentially: from left to right; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Description of the tutorial: Cut out rectangles and pencil shapes from ceiling tiles. We cover the rectangles to the middle with squares of self-adhesive film of different colors. We paste the pencils with the corresponding colors. Fast, beautiful, economical!

"Tactile Box"

The tactile box is a teaching tool designed for young children.

Made from an ordinary shoe box, beautifully decorated with self-adhesive paper.

The box is filled with pieces of fabric of different textures: wool, fur, silk, guipure, etc. It also contains small objects: pebbles, soft toys, ribbons, zippers, laces, etc.

Children examine all the objects in the box with great interest with their hands.

The teaching aid “Tactile Box” helps children, using touch, to explore the world around them from a completely unusual point of view.

To ensure that kids don’t lose interest in the box -

From time to time you have to update the contents of the box and come up with different fillers.

The tactile box can be filled with objects that have completely opposite properties, for example: sandpaper, an iron key, pieces of foam rubber, a porcelain figurine, etc.

This manual can be used in direct educational activities, as well as in children’s independent activities (provided that it contains items that are safe for the life and health of children).

Didactic game “Find the extra traffic jam”

Means: corks of different colors and sizes.

Goal: development of logical thinking.

  • Consciousness of an emotionally positive mood.
  • Development of interest and motivation to action.
  • Introducing sensory standards: getting to know different
  • Properties of an object: size (large, small), shape (circle), color; developing the ability to alternate objects by color and size.
  • Development of the motorized hand: developing the ability to perform actions with objects.
  • Forming the skill of jointly completing a task: developing cultural communication skills;
  • Development of the ability to understand and correctly perform tasks;

  • Formation and activation of the child’s vocabulary: development of the ability to look at a picture, name the objects depicted on it, their qualities and actions;
  • Development of perception: visual, tactile.
  • Development of visual – effective, imaginative thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

Educational game for developing fine motor skills “Feed the piglet” with your own hands

Remedy: a soft toy (pig) and a bottle the size of the soft toy. Get mixed feed - beans, peas, corn flakes, etc.

Why you need to develop fine motor skills

Many people know about the need to develop children's fine motor skills from an early age. However, not everyone understands why this is needed and what such activities are.

Fine motor skills are the ability to perform precise movements with the hands and fingers. It is coordinated by the work of the nervous, muscular, skeletal and visual systems. Its development begins in the first months of a child’s life with looking at his own fingers and hands. Then the baby gradually learns to master them by picking up toys. Motor skills have a positive effect on manual dexterity, the formation of a student’s future handwriting, and reaction speed.

It has been established that the level of development of a child’s speech directly depends on the degree of formation of finger movements. In the human brain, the centers responsible for speech and motor skills are located nearby. Thus, when one area is stimulated, the other is also activated.

The concept of sensory

“The child’s mind is at the tips of his fingers” - the words of the Soviet teacher V. Sukhomlinsky accurately reflect the tasks of raising a preschooler. In early childhood (from 1 to 3 years), development occurs through objective activity, in which imaginative thinking is formed. It is important for children to taste an object, feel its structure, and touch the surface. By interacting with surrounding objects, the child learns to perceive and analyze information. The senses and corresponding analyzers help him in this:

  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • tactile;
  • olfactory;
  • taste.

Through these systems, ideas about the surrounding reality are formed, which are enshrined in sensory standards - generally accepted properties of objects. Such standards are shapes, colors, size, taste, sound level, temperature.

The sensory system of a preschooler includes two interconnected aspects:

  1. Mastering ideas about the properties and relationships of objects. The child is looking for new ways to interact with previously unknown objects.
  2. Mastering new perceptual actions that allow you to more fully perceive the world around you. The child can perform operations not with objects, but with symbols, and becomes able to solve simple problems in his mind, without resorting to trial and error.

Sensory development allows:

Sensory skills improve attention.

  • enrich your vocabulary;
  • form the correct structure of speech;
  • improve cognitive mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, perception;
  • develop imagination;
  • obtain complete information about the surrounding reality;
  • improve communication skills.

A child who has a developed system of perception and processing of information is able to navigate perfectly in the conditions of the modern world.

Games for sensory development for children of primary preschool age 3-4 years

The play of a 4-year-old child becomes more complex and becomes the leading type of activity in which development occurs. The child acquires speech skills that allow him to describe the properties of an object. Basic ideas about the properties of objects are expanded, the child orients himself in the variety of shapes and colors. Games in early preschool age are aimed at:

  • to gain knowledge about the senses;
  • to expand vocabulary for describing objects;
  • on the development of sensory systems;
  • to highlight the distinctive features of objects;
  • to carry out practical activities.

Options for sensory boxes for children from 6 months

You can start playing with the sensory box as soon as your baby learns to sit. It is best to fill a sensory box for your baby with large and non-traumatic materials, for example, fabric, ribbons, pompoms, balls, sponges, cubes. You can also supplement it with various musical toys (bells, rattles) and something rustling (polyethylene, parchment paper).

If your baby is still small, use larger objects to fill the sensory box and carefully monitor how he plays.

For children over one and a half years old, you can use sensory boxes with cereals. At an early age, interest in small objects is especially great. Your baby will be happy to find hidden objects in the cereal. They can later be sorted by color or shape. In addition, playing with a sensory box can become training for instrumental actions: the ability to hold a spoon, pouring, and so on.

To make the filling of the sensory box brighter, you can color the rice at home. To do this, add a few drops of food coloring and 1 tablespoon of alcohol to a bag of rice (this is needed to fix the paint; the alcohol will evaporate quickly). Seal the bag tightly and stir to distribute the color evenly throughout the rice. Open the bag and wait for the cereal to dry.

If you and your child are learning the names of colors, then colored sensory boxes can be a good tool for practicing. Place different items of the same color into a container. When playing with such single-color sensory material, the baby will quickly remember the desired color.

The use of various tools and tools allows you to diversify games with the sensory box. Invite your child to play with the sieve and sift the semolina. To make it more interesting, hide small toys, pebbles or larger grains in the cereal. Using a sieve, the child must separate them from the semolina. With the help of such a game you can quickly master the concepts of “big” and “small”.

Sensory boxes filled with water cause genuine delight among children. With the help of a sieve and spoons, the baby can remove floating and sinking objects from the water, pour water into glasses, and make boats from molds and other available materials. You can add a little paint to the water - this will make playing even more fun and interesting.

Preschool children (over 3 years old) will be interested in themed sensory boxes. With their help, the child will learn new things about the world around him in a playful way. Such games are also very useful for the baby because they perfectly develop memory, attention, thinking and imagination. Here are some examples of themed sensory boxes:

  • "Space"

  • "Zoo"

  • "Farm"

  • "North Pole"

  • "Construction"

Sensory education in children 2-3 years old

In order to purposefully influence the sensory skills of preschoolers, it is necessary to know the main stages of sensory development, be able to diagnose its level and correlate it with age-related characteristics. Among them are the following:

  1. Getting to know an object through perception through the senses. The child puts it into his mouth, tastes it, feels it, smells it, evaluates its shape and size.
  2. Formation of skills to correlate the spatial arrangement of objects, connect objects and their parts. The child evaluates the sizes of objects and their relationships. To do this, you need to teach children to put one object into another (games with a pyramid work well), string beads on a cord, and push small objects into various holes. The child becomes familiar with composite objects, with the concept of the whole and parts. Games with large puzzles, cut-out pictures, and construction sets of 2-4 elements will help him with this. At the first stage, the child is able to assemble a matryoshka doll from 2 elements.
  3. Mastering ways to practically distinguish the properties of objects. A preschooler learns to compare two similar objects through practical actions: putting one on top of the other, the relationship between shape and color. At the second stage, the child is able to assemble a matryoshka doll from 3 elements.
  4. Formation of manipulative actions with an object based on repeated repetition. After practical manipulations with an object, the child is able to visually correlate the size and shape of objects using only mental operations. He can group objects according to one characteristic, select 3 objects according to a given pattern, and is able to sort objects from smallest to largest. At this stage, the preschooler assembles a five-seater nesting doll.
  5. Complicating the conditions for performing actions that require correlation according to one of the characteristics. The child groups objects according to several characteristics, is able to correlate 6 or more colors with each other, and visually selects a pair of objects according to given characteristics.
  6. Using learned actions in solving practical and cognitive problems. The child is able to reproduce acquired knowledge and skills, differentiate the properties of objects, and apply subject standards in solving assigned problems. At this stage, a 3-year-old child can correctly assemble a pyramid of 8 rings in descending order of their size.

Sensory education is a targeted didactic impact on the sensory systems of preschool children, which becomes more complex with each new stage of sensory development. Creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the senses is the task of parents and teachers of preschool educational and developmental institutions.

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