Thematic week in the nursery group on the topic: Transport Day Transport Day 1 half day
Applique To introduce children to the art of appliqué, to develop interest in this type of activity. Teach in advance
Romanova Vitalina Anatolyevna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 “Lazorik” in the city of Donetsk, Rostov region
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of direct educational activities for children of the middle group “Vegetables in a jar” according to
Pedagogical TECHNOLOGY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN Human ecological culture includes his ecological consciousness
Self-education plan for a kindergarten teacher. Non-traditional drawing techniques Self-education plan for preschool teacher teacher Topic:
Summary of GCD cognitive development in the middle group “Spring has come” GCD for cognitive development in
September. “Let’s remember how to eat properly.” Goal: To consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at the table, directly