Project in the senior group “Family and Family Traditions” Anna Malkova Project in the senior group
Fairy tale in a new way “Kolobok” Grandfather Come on, grandma, don’t joke, we won’t find Kolobok!
Project on the theme of the week “Fashion World” in the middle group Taimyr municipal budgetary preschool educational
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF “Creating play motivation at different age stages” Topics of OOD, its purpose and
Plan for the week “Me and my friends” Lena Butyrina Plan for the week “Me and
Master class Methodology for composing riddles using TRIZ technology methodological development Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
Project work “Trees in autumn” (presentation) I, Adgamova Guzel Rafisovna, teacher of the municipal budgetary preschool educational
Summary of a healthy lifestyle lesson in kindergarten Topic “Take care of yourself, baby” Goal and objectives: to familiarize
Integrated lesson in the secondary group “Visiting Autumn” Summary of the integrated lesson in the secondary group