The role of cultural and hygienic skills in the upbringing of children of primary preschool age Everyone knows that the health of the body
Games and competitions for June 1 You can start the holiday with some funny children's song.
This page presents author's books for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. Some benefits are offered
Lesson summary “Why do people need water?” Irina Kochetkova Lesson notes “Why do people need water?”
Diagnosis of the sense of timbre Test - game “Timbre Hide and Seek” Purpose: identifying the level of development of timbre hearing
FEATURES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN PRESENTATIONS Article on the topic This work discusses how it is carried out
Self-education plan for a middle group teacher in kindergarten Specific topics that are relevant specifically
PROJECT “Game educational space in preschool educational institutions” Secondly, this is the play activity of children according to their interests and desires