Summary of a mathematics lesson on the topic “Number 7, figure 7” (preschool education, preparatory group)

Assignments and recipes

Today I propose to complete small and very interesting tasks about the number 7 together with your child.

So what we will need to do:

  1. Count the colorful gnomes (there will be 7 of them, of course)
  2. Find the number 7 among many other numbers and circle it.
  3. Draw 7 different colored pencils onto the pencil case.
  4. Find all the numbers seven hidden in the hearts.
  5. Circle the big number 7 seven times, starting from the arrow.
  6. Find the wallets with seven coins and write the number 7 in the circle next to the wallets with seven coins.
  7. Paint 7 dwarfs for Snow White.

Developmental tasks for preschoolers and first graders about the number 7.

Copybooks in Russian

Copybooks in English

So, the sacred number 7 is the hero of many genres of folk art . Read fairy tales with your children, recite poems, solve puzzles, no matter what class they go to. Don’t be confused by the fact that learning numbers is not exactly a creative activity!

A very good addition to the lesson about the number seven is a short cartoon from Owl from the Scientific Hollow about this number.

Project “7 – magic and magic”

  • March 3, 2014

Conference “Project activity in an educational institution - 2014”
Nomination “Children’s project in elementary school”

Topic: 7 – magic and enchantment.

Problem: In ancient times, the number 7 was held in high esteem. Even now, in many proverbs, sayings, and sayings, the “seven” is used: “Measure seven times, cut once,” “Seven do not wait for one,” etc. So why was the number 7 of such great interest to people? What is its meaning and sacred power?

Purpose : to study the magical properties of the number 7.

Task: Find as many facts as possible that reflect the magical properties of the number 7.

Hypothesis: The number 7 has magical properties.

Stages of our project:

  1. Collection of information.
  2. Study.
  3. Results.

Main part

Stage one. Collection of information.

Once upon a time, 7 was the limiting number, as confirmed by the proverbs “The bow of seven ailments”, “Seven do not wait for one”, where “7” is used to mean “everything”.

7 has become a sacred number. It was considered magical. Perhaps this was also explained by the fact that a person perceives the world around him (light, sounds, smells, taste) through 7 “holes” in the head (2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, mouth).

Stage two. Study .

While collecting information, I came to the conclusion that ancient people revered the number 7, for them it was mysterious and not fully understood, but they still believed in its power.

I wonder how people feel about this number now, whether seven occurs in our lives and speeches.

I'll try to research this. To begin with, I decided to conduct a survey among my acquaintances, friends, relatives, where they encounter the number 7 . The survey results showed that the number 7 is most often encountered when uttering catchphrases, proverbs, sayings to characterize any type of activity.

For example:

1. Measure 7 times, cut 1 time

2. 7 nannies have a child without an eye

3. On cloud nine

4. Sip jelly 7 miles away

5. 7 spans in the forehead

Also, the number 7 is used to indicate the number of wonders of the world, namely the 7 wonders of the world .

People associate the birth of the New World with the number 7

The most basic ideas about the number 7 are: 7 days of the week, 7 notes in music, 7 colors of the rainbow.

My friends and I really love watching and reading fairy tales. The titles of the fairy tales also contain 7: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Flower of the Seven Flowers”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “Seven-league Boots”.

Also, my friends and I found out that the number 7 also appears in poems.

I cited one of G. Kaytukov’s poems that we liked:

In the crowded sky on a starry night I found seven bright points. seven burning eyes, they are called a ladle...

The number 7 has 2 more meanings:

7 – the number of stars that make up the Ursa Major bucket.

7 is the age at which almost all children begin school.

How does the number 7 affect a person himself?

From additional literature, I learned that the number 7 is considered the number of luck. People whose date of birth includes this number are considered diligent and have well-developed intuition. Children who were born with 7 in the date become great composers, writers, musicians and poets.

In addition, I learned that 7 has a magical effect on the human brain, namely, the meaning where 7 appears is simpler and easier to remember.

Together with teacher Grazhdantseva S.V. conducted an experiment in a group. We asked the children in our group to write down any 10 words on a piece of paper, and then reconstruct this list from memory. The study showed that about 90% of the group (17 people) were able to remember 7 words from their list.

Based on this, the number 7 can be conditionally called the maximum capacity of our memory.

The writing of the number 7 by a certain person.

We, together with teacher Grazhdantseva S.V. revealed what kind of character the children of our group have.

I will give several examples confirming this fact.

1) The line does not cross the number, but stops on an inclined line. Such a person has the habit of postponing everything until later.

2) A long stroke in the underlining tells us that the person is putting himself in the foreground.

3) A seven with funny curls characterizes a romantic person who loves to have fun.

4) An even stroke crossing the number in the middle characterizes a reserved person who is confident in himself and stubbornly strives to achieve his goal.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to note the closer unity of the number 7 with man. This is family .

Stage three. Results.

As a result of the study, the magical properties of the number 7 were confirmed. I was interested in the magic of the number 7. I think that other numbers also carry a certain meaning, so I will not stop there and will continue my research.

The magic of number 7

Author: Samira Utesheva, 2nd grade student of the Razdorskaya Secondary School named after Governor A.P. Guzhvina." Head: Svetlana Vasilievna Grazhdantseva, primary school teacher, 1st qualification category, MBOU "Razdorskaya Secondary School named after Governor A.P. Guzhvina", Astrakhan region, Kamyzyak district, village of Razdor. Work experience 28 years.

Verbal aids

In lessons for children who are in 1st grade, you can use verbal aids to study mathematics. They can serve as proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, poems, riddles where the number 7 is mentioned.

Proverbs, sayings and riddles

Proverbs, sayings, riddles are genres of oral folk art. The number 7 in them is an unusual number. It has always been associated with the motif of the harmony of the universe. For example, proverbs such as “Measure twice, cut once” indicate that the number 7 was revered as a self-sufficient number. Repeating an action seven times means achieving good luck in it. Riddles for the number 7 are mainly related to the days of the week: we also have seven of them. You can download the riddles on the website.

Of course, there is no time to devote a lot of time in mathematics lessons to the fact that the number 7 represents a certain ideal, and there is no time to delve into history. But raising children in the national spirit is simply necessary. To do this, use proverbs and sayings. These are edifying genres of folklore, containing all the folk wisdom. If you tell proverbs and sayings appropriately in your lessons, children will take it for granted, and then they themselves will begin to quote them. Proverbs and sayings dedicated to the number 7 will also be associated with the perception of this number as harmonious, expressing the agreement of man and the world around him. You can download proverbs and sayings on our website.


No matter what grade the child goes to, it will be useful for him to listen to poems about the number 7. This number is present in many modern authors, but the best can be called the poems of S. Marshak. Poems in a math lesson not only make children more interested. Poems in skillful hands develop children's memory, instill a love for their native word, and it is with the help of words that we turn to any science. A teacher who is preparing an open lesson for an elementary class can use poems about the number 7 to diversify the lesson and attract the attention of children and guests. In children's development centers you can learn simple poems about seven by heart with children. The more you offer your children, the more you will receive from them. You can download poems by modern authors about the number 7 on our website.

It will be interesting for children to solve puzzles. It is puzzles that develop logical thinking and ingenuity. Without developed intelligence, it will be difficult to solve the puzzles. Puzzles about the number 7 can contain an encrypted word or the appearance of the number itself. You can download interesting puzzles for children here.

An interesting question for children may also be: what does the number “seven” look like? Let's think about what the children might answer. She looks like a poker, an old woman, a hockey stick, etc. What would you, adults, answer? What does the number seven look like?

How to write a number correctly?

A fairy tale about the number 7

Seven colors of the rainbow

After the rain, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. Two boys saw a rainbow and argued:

– The most beautiful color of the rainbow is red, because I have a new red bicycle. “It would be nice if the whole rainbow were red,” said one boy.

- No, let the whole rainbow be green. “I have a favorite green car,” said the second boy.

They argued for a long time, and each considered his own color to be the best. Rainbow was upset when she heard this argument. She always thought that people liked all seven of her colors. Out of frustration, the rainbow melted forever, and people forgot how to rejoice.

- What to do? “It was I who offended the rainbow,” one boy said sadly.

- Do not be sad. Let’s ask number 7 to return all seven colors of the rainbow,” suggested the second boy.

Number 7, after listening to the boys, went to the artist and told him that the rainbow had disappeared.

“I will draw a rainbow if you, number 7, give me seven rainbow colors,” said the artist.

The number 7 cast a magic spell, and colors immediately appeared in front of the artist: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

The artist painted the picture for seven whole days of the week. When the picture was ready, a rainbow appeared in the sky again.

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