Kolesnikova mathematics in the preparatory group - Calendar-thematic planning in mathematics (preparatory group) on the topic: long-term plans | download for free

Summary of mathematics lessons in the preparatory group

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Bekhteevskaya secondary school

Korochansky district, Belgorod region"

«Summary of a lesson in mathematics in preparatory group A»


Kotlyarova Natalia Alexandrovna

Bekhteevka 2017

Summary of a mathematics lesson in preparatory group A.

Topic: Simple arithmetic numbers, introduction to the number 15. Lesson No. 17 (E.V. Kolesnikova)

Purpose of the lesson:

continue to learn how to write addition and subtraction problems and become familiar with numbers within 20.



Improve forward and backward counting skills within 10; continue to develop the ability to understand the relationships between numbers in a number series; consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, the sequence of days of the week; improve the skill of orientation on a sheet of paper in a square and the ability to navigate in space, spatial representations.


Develop ingenuity, memory, coherent speech.


Cultivate friendly relations and neatness.


pen, workbooks, colored pencils, pencil.

Progress of the lesson:


Organizing time.

Hello guys, today is December 14th. The day of the week is Thursday, and now it’s a math class. We’ll be working in a printed notebook, check if you have everything ready for class.

— open the notebooks with lesson No. 17 and start working.

Task “Listen, count, write down”

(sheet 17, fig. 1)

— Guys, listen to the poem:

Vanya has one game

Sailors have more fun in battle

Blew and floated in the bath

All 15 ships

  • How many large ships are there in the picture?
  • How can you say it differently?
  • How many small boats are there in the picture?
  • How many boats are there in the picture?
  • How did you get the number 15?
  • Write how you got the number 15 and read the entry


Checking readiness for class

Children answer questions, complete tasks in the workbook

Development of thinking, ability to answer questions


“We write the number 15”

(sheet 17, Fig. 2)

— Guys, write the number 15 to the end of the line

Children complete the task in the workbook and formulate the task independently

Development of the ability to independently formulate the conditions of the problem


Finger gymnastics “Hat for Lily.”

The girl Lily was given a hat

(connect alternately the fingers of both hands with the thumbs);

On Lily's hat (clap hands)

Ribbon with lily (flower exercise);

A ribbon with a lily is attached to the hat,

(connect alternately the fingers of both hands with the thumbs)


The girl Lilia is always in order (they clap their hands, put their thumb forward for the last word, the rest of the fingers are clenched into a fist).

Children perform movements in accordance with the text

Development of the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text


Game exercise “Add and connect correctly”

(sheet 17, Fig. 3)

  • What do you need to do in this task?
  • Write the digits of the number in the empty squares, name them
  • Match the number with the card that matches the number of items
  • What number is the card with flowers connected to? Why?
  • What number did you connect the card with balls to? Why?
  • What number did you connect the card with leaves to? Why?
  • What number was the card with beetles connected to? Why?

Children answer the teacher’s questions and complete the task in the notebook.

Formation of the ability to establish correspondence between the number of objects and numbers


“Drawing a cat

(sheet 17, fig. 4)

— Guys, what do you think needs to be done in this task?

  • Draw a cat as shown in the picture
  • What geometric shape does a cat's tail resemble?
  • What geometric shape does a cat's head resemble?
  • What geometric shape do a cat's ears resemble?
  • What geometric shape do a cat's paws resemble?

Children formulate the task and write down the solution in their workbook

Development of the ability to navigate by cells


Self-monitoring and self-assessment of work performed.

- What did we talk about today?

Children answer the teacher’s questions, analyze what worked and where they had difficulty.

Development of coherent speech, formation of self-control skills


Plan of activities for the math week in the pre-school group

Publications on the topic:

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Kolesnikova E.V. Mathematics for children 6 - 7 years old. Methodological manual for the workbook [PDF]

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  • 517.68 KB
  • date added unknown
  • modified 03/23/2017 01:44

2nd ed., add. and processed - M.: TC Sfera, 2005. - 80 p. — ISBN 5-89144-211-6. The third part of the series “Mathematical steps” (from work experience) is intended for working with children 5-6 years old (older group). It includes a methodological guide for conducting 32 educational and game activities and a notebook “I count to 10” for the child to complete tasks. Recommended to a wide range of specialists…

  • 98.02 KB
  • date added unknown
  • modified 02/11/2019 18:38

Workbook for children 6-7 years old. — M.: Sphere shopping center. 2007. - 64 p. The notebook is an appendix to the fourth part of the series “Mathematical Steps” (from work experience) and is intended for working with children 6-7 years old. Through a system of exciting games and exercises, children will get acquainted with numbers up to 20, expand their knowledge about the seasons and parts of the day, about geometric shapes, learn...

  • 144.83 MB
  • added 11/24/2011 6:53 pm
  • modified 27.11.2011 21:02

2nd edition, revised and expanded. - M.: TC Sfera, 2011. - 64 p. The notebook is an appendix to the third part of the series “Mathematical Steps” (from work experience) and is intended for working with children 5-6 years old. Through a system of exciting games and exercises, children will get acquainted with numbers and figures up to 10, expand their knowledge about the seasons and parts of the day, about geometric...

  • 869.11 KB
  • added 10/11/2012 00:11
  • modified 10/11/2012 20:39

M.: TC Sfera, 2009. - 64 p. - (Mathematical steps). — ISBN 978-5-9949-0514-2. Notebook on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts - final hour


Plan for the Week of Mathematics in preschool educational institutions


Head of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 95"




holding Mathematics Week in preschool educational institutions.

Goal: to create conditions for improving the quality of mathematical education for preschool children in preschool educational institutions.


development of cognitive and creative activity of preschool children; introduction into the practice of preschool educational institutions of new forms of organizing the mathematical development of children; ensuring partnership interaction with families of pupils on issues of mathematical development of preschool children; improving the professional competence and professional skills of teachers through the preparation, organization and conduct of events with children and parents of pupils.

Date of/

day of the week

Areas of work Form of work, events Responsible


Work with children
    Opening of the Week of Mathematics:
    “In the Country of the Merry Mosaic” (early age) “Space Travel” (younger/middle age) “Saving the Planet Mathematlandia” (older age)
    Various types of activities for children in groups.
Art. teacher

Group teachers

Working with parents Information materials:
    Not boring mathematics. Entertaining mathematics. Where did mathematics come from? (From the history of science) Great names.
Group teachers
Working with teachers
    Workshop “Intellectual games for preschoolers.” Preparation for the review-competition of Mathematical Corners.
Art. teacher


Work with children
    Tournament “Graphic Master” (senior age, group 9) Various types of activities for children in groups.
Group teachers
Working with parents
    Master class for parents “We play, count together” (early age, group 2).
Group teachers
Working with teachers
    Selection and design of a card index of games for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers. Preparation for the review-competition of Mathematical Corners.
Art. teacher


Work with children
    Entertainment for middle-aged children “Let's go to Kolobok to the rescue” (gr. 10). Various activities for children in groups.
Group teachers
Working with parents
    Master class for parents of group No. 4 (early age) “Let's play together.”
Group teachers
Working with teachers
    Exhibition and review of methodological literature, teaching aids, games on the topic. Selection and design of a card index of rhymes and finger games with mathematical content. Preparation for the review-competition of Mathematical Corners.
Art. teacher


Work with children
    Various activities for children in groups. Entertainment for middle-aged children “Let's help Kolobok” (gr. 6.11).
Group teachers
Working with parents
    Master class for parents “Fairy tale counting” (older age, group 7). Open lesson for parents “Journey to a Fairy Tale” (senior age, group 12). Open lesson for parents (older age, group 9). "Visiting three bears." Joint play activities of children and parents (early age, group 3). Joint game situation for children and parents “Research workers” (older age). Checkers tournament (joint activity of children and parents, middle age, group 10).
Group teachers
Working with teachers
    Consultation “Voskobovich’s games as a means of developing logical thinking in preschoolers.” Preparation for the review-competition of Mathematical Corners. Selection of entertaining material on REMP for preschoolers (labyrinths, puzzles, puzzles, etc.).
Art. teacher


Work with children
    Entertainment for older children “Fort Boyard” (senior age (groups 7, 12, group 9). Closing of Maths Week (all age groups).
Group teachers

Art. teacher

Working with parents
    Joint play activity of children and parents “It’s fun to play together.” (Younger age, group 5) Master class for parents “We play, we count together.” (Early age, gr. 2) Parent meeting “Mathematics in a child’s life.” (Younger age, group 1) Exhibition of games and aids with mathematical content “Not boring mathematics” (Competition for parents, all age groups).
Group teachers
Working with teachers
    Review competition of Mathematical corners:
    Presentation of Mathematical Corners by teachers in groups. Work of the commission.
Art. teacher

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