Lesson summary on the topic: “Insects” for children 6-7 years old

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At the age of 5, my son became so interested in insects that we now collect their figurines and play only with them, we got beetles as pets, during walks we look for and examine various cockroaches, and we signed up for the children's library, where we have already studied almost all the books on this topic. I especially liked the photo books of V. Tanasiychuk , a Soviet entomologist. We found only 2 books by this author in the library, pretty shabby, “shaggy” editions.

In the books “Six-Legged Neighbors” and “Visiting Insects” you can see realistic photographs and read short stories about insects that will be of interest to children 5-6 years old . Unfortunately, it turned out that it is now impossible to buy these wonderful books for children . So we scanned them and would like to share our findings with you. Read about insects , study them with your children. This is so cool and exciting!!!


Mantises got their name from their unusual appearance. They fold their forelimbs as if in prayer. Mantises are known for their fearlessness. They attack the enemy without hesitation. Praying mantises cannot be called large; they reach 10-12 cm in length. But when threatened, they do not run away, but remain in place and try to look larger and more impressive. Praying mantises spread their wings, spread their front legs and stretch upward. In this position they sway frighteningly to the sides. This strategy works even with much larger animals. They prefer not to mess with a creature that looks menacing and does not run away.

Mantises feed on insects, but can also snack on lizards, frogs, and even small snakes. They even eat poisonous spiders and ladybugs. Mantises are safe for humans. But if you make them angry, they can bite you painfully. Mantis eggs are protected by special capsules. They are not afraid of low temperatures or even toxic chemicals.


These graceful fluttering creatures always attract attention. Butterfly wings are very beautiful and children like them. And it’s so easy to catch them by the wings when they sit on flowers. But we need to explain to children that this cannot be done. Butterfly wings are covered with special scales that are easily erased when touched with your fingers. Butterflies with such damage to their wings will not be able to fly and will die.

Butterflies come in different sizes - from very tiny 2 mm in wingspan to giants of 28 cm. Their wings are beautifully painted in a variety of colors and patterns. Butterflies have an unusual, curled proboscis with which they feed. Their food is plant nectar and fruit juice.

Children will be very interested in learning about the life cycle of butterflies. A caterpillar emerges from the egg, which does not at all resemble the future bright beauty. The caterpillar feeds on plants and can eat them in huge quantities. When its time comes, the caterpillar turns into a motionless chrysalis, within which amazing transformations take place over a certain period of time - the caterpillar becomes a butterfly. And soon he leaves the doll house. This process can be observed with children. Bring home a caterpillar, place it in a clear container with enough food, and soon you will see it become a chrysalis and then a butterfly.

Lesson with multimedia presentation “Insects”

(slide 3)
Message of new information: acquaintance with the structure of a beetle
The teacher tells the children about the origin of the name “insects”,

suggests looking at the structure of a beetle and naming its body parts

-What is located on the insect’s head?

-How many pairs of legs does an insect have?

(slide 4)
Didactic game “Where do insects live?”
The teacher suggests naming the habitats of insects based on the image

(slide 5)
Guessing the riddle
The teacher asks you to guess the insect that lives in the house?

(slide 6 )
Message about bees
The teacher reports interesting facts from the life of a bee

(slide 7)
Products of bees' labor
The teacher asks you to name what benefits bees bring?

Didactic game “Assemble a bee”
The teacher offers to assemble a puzzle of 8 cards and compare with the sample

(Slide 9)
Physical education lesson
(Slide 11)
Guessing the riddle
The teacher suggests answering who lives in such a house?

(Slide 12)
Message about ants
The teacher reports interesting facts about ants

(Slide 13)
Didactic game “Help the ant climb to its friend”
The teacher offers to help the ant and draw the path of the ant to its friend

(Slide 14)
Guessing the riddle
The teacher suggests answering why she was called that?

(Slide 15)
Message about ladybugs
The teacher reports interesting facts about the ladybug

(Slide 16 - 20)
Didactic game “Whose shadow?”
The teacher offers to choose from 3 insects the one whose shadow is depicted

(Slide 21)
Physical education lesson
(Slide 22)
Guessing the riddle
The teacher suggests answering who will emerge from the cocoon?

(Slide 23)
Message about butterflies
The teacher reports interesting facts about the ladybug

(Slide 24-26)
Didactic game “Who’s the odd one out?”
The teacher suggests choosing an extra picture that doesn’t depict an insect.

(Slide 27)
Protecting insects from enemies
The teacher suggests talking about how insects protect themselves from enemies

(Slide 28)
Insect protection
The teacher asks you to think and answer the questions:

Do we need to protect insects and why? -What can we do for this?

The teacher suggests thinking about if children had the opportunity to turn into insects, then who would they want to turn into and why?

Relaxation. "The Flutter of a Butterfly"

The teacher invites the children to lie down on the mat, close their eyes and remember the insect they liked.

(music sounds)

Imagine a beautiful summer day. You are lying on a green meadow. You feel warm and comfortable, you breathe easily and calmly. Imagine that you are light butterflies with large and beautiful wings. Your arms are light and light—like the wings of a butterfly. And your body also became light, light, flapped its wings and flew. With every inhalation and exhalation you float higher and higher in the air. You feel good and pleased. But now it's time to return home. Stretch and on the count of three, open your eyes. Smile at each other.

Informational resources:

1. Pictures from the site www.Yandex.ru;

2. S.I. Karpov, V.V. Mamaeva “Development of speech and cognitive abilities of preschool children” 6-7 years old S-P, 2010

3. O.A.Skorolupova. Classes for preschool children on the topic: “Insects.” M, 2006


These insects are very hardworking, friendly and organized. They are always in a hurry and running somewhere. It is very interesting for children to observe the life of an anthill in nature. Ants are very beneficial insects. They cleanse nature of garbage. One ant is stronger than an elephant. Of course, he will not be able to lift the load that an elephant lifts. But an ant can lift a weight that is 10 times its weight. And an elephant cannot even lift a load equal to its weight.

Ants are excellent builders. Their anthills are complex houses with apartments, well-designed ventilation, storage rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms, garbage bins and toilets. Ants strictly maintain cleanliness in their homes. Inlets and outlets serve to supply air inside. They are guarded by soldier ants.

There is a spacious room right under the roof of the anthill, which is the first to be heated by the sun's rays. Ants bask there in the spring. In the depths of the anthill there is a bedroom in which the ants spend the winter. There are separate storerooms for grain and meat food. There is also a “cow barn” with aphids. Ants exploit these insects by eating the sweet substance they secrete. They protect and protect aphids, carry them to the anthill for the winter, and take them out to new succulent plants in the spring.

In the anthill there is a special “royal” room for the ant queen. She is engaged in laying up to 1000-1500 eggs daily. Worker ants take care of it.


Everyone knows the cute red bug with black dots. Surely every child in the summer put a ladybug on his hand and said the rhyme: “Ladybug, fly to the sky, there are your children.” Children will be surprised to learn that this bug is actually a poisonous predator. Ladybugs destroy aphids, dangerous garden pests. They are even distributed in fields and gardens specifically for this purpose.

The red coloration of the ladybug signals to birds and other enemies that it is poisonous. When attacked, she injects a sharp-smelling liquid from her paws. This smell warns predators of danger. Ladybugs also know how to pretend to be dead to save their lives.

Interesting facts about insects for children in kindergarten

For most urban children, the village is a living museum of nature, much more interesting and instructive than all the “adult” exhibitions put together. After all, in the countryside there are so many interesting, unknown and mysterious things! First of all, it is worth drawing children’s attention to insects from the “close environment”. These are ladybugs, caterpillars, butterflies, and grasshoppers. We got used to their presence and almost stopped noticing, and children will enjoy listening to stories about the everyday life of these funny creatures. By watching insects, the baby will not only acquire new knowledge, but also learn to think, analyze, compare, and reason.

10 interesting facts about insects:

1. All insects have common features: six legs, antennae and wings. Their body seems to be divided into parts by thin lines - notches. Hence the name – “insects”. 2. The ladybug is of great benefit: it destroys many plant pests - aphids. The ladybug is cunning - she can pretend to be dead if you put her on your palm. At the first danger, a ladybug secretes a yellow liquid - even if a bird once grabs a ladybug, it will understand that this bug is not tasty, will remember its color and will not touch it again.

3. Why do they say that the grasshopper plays the violin? The fact is that there are special notches on its wings. He rubs them quickly, quickly, against each other, as if moving a bow across a violin, and a chirping sound is heard. Let the baby take a good look at the grasshopper (what color it is, does it have antennae and eyes), and at the same time think about why it needs such long hind legs. To jump, of course!

4. Bees, bumblebees and wasps are pollinating insects. After all, without them, flowers would never become fruits, and that means we would not be able to enjoy delicious apples. 5. Children are often afraid of stinging insects. But the one who waves his arms and screams in fear is more likely to be stung by a bee than a calm person. Because insects will not be the first to attack. 6. The ant is the strongest on earth! He can carry weights up to 10 times his own weight. If adults don’t forget to bring a magnifying glass to the dacha, with its help kids will learn a lot of interesting things about the life of these ubiquitous ants. To do this, it is enough to find a small anthill with little holes in the ground and watch it from time to time: what do the ants do, how do they treat each other, what kind of prey do they carry, how far do they run away from their home?

7. The main pest for a country garden is the Colorado potato beetle, which regularly “attacks” potatoes. The child needs to be told about the harm this insect causes and ask for help in fighting it. Children usually do a good job of this task by collecting bugs in a jar of water while exercising their fingers.

8. It’s interesting to watch fireflies at night. The firefly flies in zigzags. Be sure to show with your hand in the air how a firefly flies. In the dark, the firefly glows with a yellowish light.

9. Bees collect nectar from which they make honey. A bee collects nectar with its proboscis. Bees have a whole set of tools on their feet. Here you will see brushes for collecting pollen, baskets for transferring pollen, and brushes that bees use to clean their eyes from pollen that has entered them. Bees, flying, buzz: “w-w-w-w-w-w-w.” Play bees with your child: repeating this sound is useful for speech development.

10. In the summer in a village or country house you will probably see a dragonfly. These beautiful insects hunt in the air: in flight, they keep their strong hairy legs folded in a net at the ready. Their sleepy victims end up in these “nets”. Interestingly, in just an hour, a dragonfly can eat as many as 40 house flies. If you want to make a dragonfly from plasticine, it is useful to know that its body consists of three parts: head, chest and abdomen.

We recommend watching:

Environmental project in the senior group on the topic: Insects Educational project in kindergarten “Insects” for children in the senior group Summary of educational activities for children of the preparatory group in kindergarten with a presentation. Insects Ecological tale about an Ant for children 5-7 years old

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Hardworking bees provide humans with tasty and healthy honey. Their shaggy body is covered with villi and has a striped color. Bees use their long proboscis to suck nectar from plants. They process it and turn it into honey. Bees store honey in honeycombs. In the cold season it serves as food for them. To ensure a well-fed winter, bees work tirelessly all winter and summer.

Bees live in large hive families of several thousand insects. Each family member has his own responsibilities. The “queen” lays eggs, builders build honeycombs, workers collect nectar, deal with larvae and guard the hive. Bees build their houses from wax. They make honeycombs out of it with cells in the shape of regular hexagons. The cells are connected to each other and are all the same size, as if the bees were using a ruler.

People obtain honey in a way that does not harm the bees. They only take a small portion of the honey from the hive. Previously, bees were only wild. To get honey, people had to look for bee houses in the forest. It's difficult and long. Then they came up with the idea of ​​cutting down trees with hollows inhabited by bees and placing them in a convenient place. And after that, people began to build special houses for bees - hives - and populate them there. A bee city of hives is called an apiary.

Bees have a stinger and they bite very painfully. But they always do this only for protection. There is no need to be afraid of bees, but you should treat them with caution and respect.


Wasps are similar to bees, but they are completely different insects. They also love sweets and feed on flower nectar and fruits. But they don’t know how to make honey. Sensing something sweet, the wasps immediately fly away. Therefore, when relaxing in nature, you need to be careful. A wasp sting is very painful. The insect stings if you accidentally crush or step on it.

Wasps hang their houses on tree branches or in attics. They make them from paper. Wasps scrape wood with their jaws and mix it with their saliva. From these lumps they make thin strips of paper, from which they build multi-layered, durable and warm houses. The female wasp lays eggs in them. And the rest of the wasps take care of the larvae that emerge from them. Under no circumstances should you touch wasp housing. The insects immediately rush to their defense and attack.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

"World of Insects"

Prepared by educators: GBOU School No. 236, building 6

  • Malyutina Antonina Andreevna;
  • Chiridnik Marina Alexandrovna;
  • Zhuravleva Daria Yurievna

What are insects?

There are countless insects on earth. This is the most numerous and diverse class of animals. These include hard-working bees, bumblebees, wasps, grasshoppers, all kinds of beetles, flies, dragonflies...

“insect” itself comes from the word “incise” and literally means “animal with notches . All insects have notches. It looks as if the insect's body is divided into separate joints.

The insect's body consists of three parts - head, thorax and abdomen.

All insects have 6 legs and wings. Attention: centipedes and spiders are NOT insects.

Where do insects live?


The honey bee has a family. It's called a swarm. Sister bees live together. The bee will find a lot of honey and tell the others.

She flies in a circle or in a figure eight, buzzes loudly and wags her belly.

Bees collect nectar from which they make honey. A bee collects nectar with its proboscis. Bees have a whole set of tools on their feet. Here you will see brushes for collecting pollen, baskets for transferring pollen, and brushes that bees use to clean their eyes from pollen that has entered them.


The dragonfly is an equally beautiful insect in nature.

The dragonfly has 4 wings, two of which are slightly longer; they serve as its controls, literally like a steering wheel in a car. The eyes of a dragonfly are facets, shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow and occupy almost the entire space of the head; they consist of small eyes.

Dragonflies live near water: rivers, streams, lakes. The dragonfly flies very quickly and dodges deftly. The speed is such that it can catch up with a person racing on a bicycle.

They come in different colors: black, white, blue and green.


During the warm season, you can find ants everywhere. They run back and forth about their ant business. They seem so small and stupid. In fact, ants are smart insects. Their brain works like a powerful computer. That's what scientists say.

Ants are powerful insects. An ant lifts a load 50 times heavier than itself.

The little ant will not allow itself to be offended. He sprays formic acid on the offenders. Formic acid is caustic. It even causes burns.

Formic acid is not scary for people. But you cannot touch the ants or destroy anthills. Ants are beneficial insects in the forest.


Everyone knows the fly. She is harmful and annoying. Buzzing, buzzing.

A fly has six legs and four wings.

The wings are transparent. Two front wings for flight. Hind wings for balance in flight. They are called halteres.

The fly has Velcro on its legs. They help the fly to crawl even upside down.

The fly carries various diseases. She crawls everywhere, and dirt and germs stick to her paws. A fly will crawl through a clean place and leave germs on it.


An insect that can detect the presence of a person from a distance of more than twelve meters. People are the main prey for these insects.

There is a constant battle against mosquitoes, because they not only cause discomfort after a bite, but can also carry dangerous diseases. When going to the forest or going on a picnic, it is strongly recommended to use insect protection and wear closed clothing. After all, you can’t hide from them anywhere. There are no mosquitoes except in Antarctica.


Grasshoppers feed on grass and fruits. But there are species of grasshoppers that eat small insects.


A caterpillar is a butterfly larva that hatches from an egg. She, unlike her parent, has a very unattractive appearance. Caterpillars have a soft, elongated body. They don't have wings. Many have bright colors and beautiful pubescence or outgrowths. Most species have silk glands with which they create a cocoon. They feed mainly on plant foods.


Butterflies are the beauty of nature. There are many of them around. The colors of butterflies are different. It pleases our eyes.

Butterflies are small and large. Their body is covered with small scales.

Butterflies feed on the nectar of flowers. They drink it with their proboscis. In the spring, when there are still few flowers, butterflies drink birch or maple sap.


The small ladybug beetle is known to everyone. She has two hard and durable wings of yellow, orange or red color with black dots. And soft wings hide under them.

Upper wings for protection. Lower wings for flight. The ladybug needs to fly, the upper wings rise, the lower ones straighten, and the beetle flies.


Answers: wasp; bug


Answers: dragonfly; fly



I buzz loudly, flying, collecting healing honey. Helpful and sweet to everyone, Busy...

Physical school

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, (torso to the right, left) Didn’t want to sleep anymore, (torso forward, back) He moved, stretched, (arms up, stretch) Soared up and flew, (arms up, right, left)

The sun is just waking up in the morning, the butterfly is circling and curling. (spin around)

Let's read together

K. Ushinsky “Cabbage Butterfly” ;

V. Bianchi “How Ant Hurried Home” , “Ant’s Adventure” ;

T.N. Need "World of Insects" ;

K.I. Chukovsky “The Cluttering Fly” , “Cockroach” ;

I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant" .

Game "Find a Pair"

Drawing houses

Thank you for your attention!

Next >


It is not easy to spot a green grasshopper in the grass. You can only hear its loud chirping. Grasshoppers have a slender body, long antennae and powerful legs, with which they can jump very high. Their ears are located on their legs. And grasshoppers “sing” using their wings. They rub them against each other, like a bow against the strings of a violin, and the result is a loud chirping sound. Grasshoppers, seemingly harmless at first glance, are predators. They hunt butterflies, flies, and insect larvae. Grasshoppers escape from their enemies with the help of protective coloring and dexterity. In summer, females hide their eggs in the ground. In the spring, larvae will emerge from them, which will soon become grasshoppers.

Summary of an open lesson on the topic: “Insects are our little friends.”

Summary of an open lesson on the topic: “The world of insects.”


Educational: clarify and expand children’s knowledge about insects, their appearance, lifestyle, and the benefits they bring to nature.

Developmental: develop mental activity, curiosity, attention, memory, speech. To arouse interest in the world around us, to form realistic ideas about nature. Expand your horizons of environmental ideas.

Educational: Continue to cultivate a love for nature and respect for it

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment

Guys, we have guests today, let's say hello and sit on a chair.

— Tell me, what time of year is it outside?

Name the spring months (March, April, May).

Let's list the signs of spring?

With the onset of spring, many things change in nature. And along with spring, little residents wake up. Look at the clearing and name who you see?

Children see toys on the table and name them. (Cockroach, beetle, bee, ladybug, fly, bee, grasshopper, spider).

How can you call everyone in one word? (Insects)

Are all the insects here? (No, a spider is not an insect, it does not have 6 legs, like all insects)

Guys, listen to the riddle. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu I’m sitting on a branch and I keep repeating the sound “zh”. (beetle) - This is a cockchafer.

Let's count how many legs he has? (6) - What else does the cockchafer have (head, abdomen, legs, wings) - How does it move? (crawls, flies) - Where does he live? (on the tree)

- Does he have any enemies? (birds) - How does he escape? Hides: brown color - the color of wood. Let's meet another resident of the clearing.

That cow does not moo, has no horns, hooves, tail, does not give us milk, lives under the leaves. The beetle wears a red cloak with black dots. Plants are a guardian. This one cleverly fights harmful aphids...

- How many paws?

– How does it move (crawls and flies) – Where can we meet b. k. (in the meadow, trees, grass) - What color b. To.? Look how bright she is! It is clearly visible in the grass and on the bark of trees. Any bird will notice it. How can she hide (children's assumptions). — It turns out that the ladybug doesn’t have to hide, because she has a secret: she herself knows how to defend herself from enemies. In a moment of danger, she secretes a liquid called jelly. This liquid smells very bad, which is why no one eats the ladybug. And since she, like a big cow, gives milk, she was called “ladybug”. It is bright red for everyone to see: it is dangerous to eat!

Guys, how is a ladybug useful? - Ladybug eats aphids - which eat tree leaves.

3 task. "Make a whole from parts"

— This magic box contains parts of the whole picture. Take each part, those with a red part will go to this table, those with a blue part will go to this table. Connect the parts together on the table. - Children, let's come to this table.

Who is this?

The ant has 6 legs and a pair of short antennae.

Notches on the body divide it into several parts: Head, chest, abdomen

. This is what an ant looks like. - How does he move? (runs)

- Where does he live? (in the forest, in an anthill) - Guys, why do you think ants are called forest orderlies?

They eat small bugs that eat trees, i.e. ants save trees. -Now let's go to another table. - Who’s here? (Grasshopper)

Guys, why is the grasshopper called the “jumping champion”? — Unlike an ant, a grasshopper has very long antennae and powerful legs, with the help of which it moves deftly and skillfully.

Like all insects, how many legs does a grasshopper have?

Guys, how many of you know where a grasshopper’s ears are? - No, imagine - on your feet. - What an amazing insect, the grasshopper. - Does he have any enemies? - How does he escape from them? (where he lives, what color). K. green - the color of the grass. Now guys, let's play and turn into little grasshoppers.

PHYSMINUTE. Raise your shoulders! Jump, grasshoppers! Jump-jump, jump-jump! We sat down, ate some grass, and listened to the silence. Jump high again, Jump deftly and easily!

Do you like miracles? Relax and listen to the miracle that happens in spring.

The Tale of a Butterfly.

Spring has arrived on earth. She brought with her many, many colorful silks to decorate forests and meadows with them, to dress butterflies and bugs, so that everything around would look elegant and festive. Spring asked the red Sun: “Warm the Earth better.” Wake up everyone who slept soundly during the long Winter. The Sun warmed the Earth. Various insects crawled out and all crawled and flew into a spacious forest clearing. Spring was waiting for them there with its gifts. The butterflies were the first to appear and said: “Spring, give us bright, elegant clothes.” “Okay,” Vesna answered and began to dress them up. She gave the white butterfly a bright white dress.

Lemongrass is soft yellow, like an autumn leaf.

She wore a mourning butterfly in a black velvet outfit with a white lace border.

But the cheerful nettle butterfly chose a colorful dress, reddish-red with dark and blue specks.

Spring itself admired their new bright outfits. Everyone was happy with the spring gifts and hurried to the meadows and fields to do their business. - This is such a fairy tale. Interesting? - And indeed, you can’t help but admire the butterfly: the pattern - the right wing is the same as the left. The legs and body of a butterfly, like many insects, are covered with hairs, which help them pollinate flowers, because more pollen sticks to the shaggy, fluffy hairs. “And if the body and legs of insects were smooth, would they be able to carry pollen?”

— I propose to conduct an experiment and make sure...? Experiment - I have magic fingers that, when worn, can turn into butterflies. One is smooth and shiny, the second is terry, fluffy, fleecy, shaggy, like the fibers on the body of insects. “We have semolina on our tray, like pollen on a flower.” “Now you and I will see on which finger the most pollen will stick.” - Look, which finger is the semolina stuck to? - Why did the semolina stick to the blue one? - That's why insects are covered with villi.

- Guys, look what's here. What is this? (honey) Who left it here?

Who makes honey? That's right, bees. And here is the bee itself. Look how brightly colored it is.

Why do you think? The bee seems to say, “Don’t come closer, I’ll sting you!” - The bee extracts pollen and nectar from flowers, and processes the nectar into honey. And it turns out such tasty and very healthy honey. Do you like honey? Do you want to try it and see that it is very tasty and healthy? RESULT - Our lesson is over. -Who did we meet today? (chafer beetle, ladybug, butterfly, ant, grasshopper, bee) - How can you call them in one word? (insects) - They are all so different, but what do they have the same? (6 paws) - What other insects do you know? (mosquito, fly, dragonfly, cockroach)

— Did you like it? What was interesting? What did you do and remember? Which insect do you want to know even more about?


Dragonflies are very ancient insects. They appeared about 350 million years ago. Swift and fast, they are created by nature to hunt and attack. They fly incredibly fast and are able to change the direction of their movement with lightning speed. This can often be seen in the summer. Dragonflies land anywhere very rarely. They spend almost their entire lives in flight; their legs are not at all adapted for walking. And they fly at the speed of a car - up to 14 km/h! Dragonflies can control their two pairs of wings independently. They can fly forward, backward, sideways and hover in place. Dragonflies have simply huge eyes, which consist of 28 thousand individual eyes. These insects are very voracious. In just an hour they can catch and eat up to 40 flies!


These biting flying insects are familiar to every child. Not a single summer is complete without itchy bite marks, which cause a lot of anxiety for children. It is interesting that only female mosquitoes bite. Males are absolutely harmless and feed on plant nectar. When a female mosquito bites, it injects saliva into our skin, which contains special substances that slow down blood clotting. It is this that causes redness, swelling, itching, and in some, a severe allergic reaction.

The squeak of mosquitoes is created by the rattling of their wings. Mosquitoes live only 1-2 months. During this period, females drink 5-7 times more blood than their own weight and lay up to 300 eggs. Eggs develop in stagnant water. Air-breathing larvae emerge from them. That's why they float on the surface of the water. The larvae then turn into pupae, from which mosquitoes then emerge.


The flashes of these bugs on a summer night give a feeling of magic and wonder. The glow is produced by a special chemical reaction in the firefly's body. Their light comes in red-yellow and green shades, of varying duration and brightness. And they can glow in different ways. The glow can be continuous, intermittent, pulsating, or flashing. In different species, males, females, or both glow. Fireflies are predators and hunt other insects.


In the spring, in May, large beetles appear in the green forest. Their backs look like smooth brown acorns. They are called May beetles or beetles. They live only one month, during which they lay eggs. Khrushchi are dangerous pests. Their larvae live in the ground, large, with powerful jaws. They feed on plant roots. The larvae live in the ground for 3-4 years and during this time they eat everything around them. Where there are many larvae, the plants dry out and die. The larva turns into a pupa, and in the spring into an adult beetle. He breaks his way and flies up to freedom.

Ecological story about insects for older preschoolers 6-7 years old

A story for children of the preparatory group of kindergarten “Ball of Insects”

Author: Kirill Kapitalchuk, 6 years old, student of the preparatory group of the Municipal Educational Institution “Bendery Kindergarten No. 9”, Bendery Head: Vera Valerievna Pavlova. Teacher of the TNR group, Municipal Educational Institution "Bendery Kindergarten No. 9", Bendery Description of the material: this is the third story about Ladybug , Hives and Ant . This story tells how friends decided to go to the Insect Ball. The story material can be used by educators, primary school teachers and parents to show children the diverse world of insects that surround us. Goal: to familiarize yourself with the lifestyle of various beetles and butterflies using literary images. Objectives: 1. Tell interesting facts about the life of the May Bug and the Swallowtail butterfly. 2. To develop an interest in studying the world of insects, teach to love and protect them from destruction. 3. Develop the ability to come up with a series of stories, using the heroes of one story and including other heroes *** One spring morning, Ladybug woke up in a great mood. Having flown near her house and spreading her wings, she decided to go to her friend, the butterfly Nettle. Beautiful Nettle, as usual, was already in a clearing of dandelions and was feeding on sweet and delicious nectar.

She was very happy when she saw Ladybug. “Good morning, dear friend!” began Nettle. “I have two very good news for you. I heard the first news when I arrived at this wonderful clearing. Dragonfly told me that we will have an Insect Ball. The truth is so wonderful! Ball, music, dancing, gentlemen. And the second news is that you and I, dear friend, are also invited to this Ball,” finished Nettle. “It’s amazing that Dragonfly came up with the idea to organize a Ball! She was always so frivolous and airy. Someone probably gave her this idea,” Ladybug answered. "So what? The main thing is that we can have fun with all our hearts! But when you come, you have to come with your gentlemen. Who do you have in mind? - asked Nettle. “Yes, of course, I just think that my friend Ant won’t be able to go - he became a warrior, and now he has absolutely no time. All the training, assignments, we even saw each other so rarely because of this service. So you and I, dear friend, will have to find gentlemen for ourselves at the Ball,” suggested Ladybug. “I’m just sure that beauties like you and me won’t be bored for long!” - Nettle finished cheerfully. Then the friends began to prepare for the upcoming Ball. Ladybug helped Nettle Clean her wings with dandelion fluff, and Nettle washed her friend's back with drops of dew. The day of the Ball has arrived. Ladybug didn't sleep well all night, thinking about how it would be at the Ball. She had never been to such a holiday and was very worried. Of all her acquaintances, she will only know her friend, Urticaria. And if Nettle goes dancing, she might be left alone. It was all very exciting. Hives, on the contrary, had a great rest. She had been to such holidays more than once and she really liked it. But most of all she liked dancing. Wow, how she loved to dance! It’s okay that it was difficult to step on the paws later, after all, there are wings to fly home. The girlfriends met, as agreed, near the mighty Oak. Ladybug was very happy to see her friend. “I’m so worried, dear Urticaria! What if nothing works out for me and I’ll be bored at the Ball?” - Ladybug began sadly. “Girlfriend! Don't worry! I will find a gentleman for you! I'm sure you'll forget about the word boredom in a minute! Trust me, honey! - Nettle answered. The girlfriends flew up to the very top of the Oak, where music could already be heard in the depths of the leaves and branches.

“How wonderfully Dragonfly came up with everything! Spring, music, ball! — Hives couldn’t be happier. The girlfriends immediately flew to say hello to the Dragonfly, who was amazing today: four huge wings, transparent with veins that help her fly. On Dragonfly's head there was a small and graceful crown. Thanks to his huge compound eyes and excellent vision, Dragonfly saw his friends a long time ago and was very happy with them.

“Dear beauties! I'm so glad to see you! We are very pleased that you were able to attend our Ball! Now I will introduce you to my friends. I think you won’t be bored with them!” - Dragonfly said joyfully. “You see, you were worried,” said Nettle to Ladybug. The dragonfly flew up to a huge, solid red-brown beetle. “Greetings, dear May Bug! I’m glad to introduce my friends Ladybug and Nettle!” - said Dragonfly. “Ah, dear cousin, you brought me cheerful company as always. Thank you. Today is your holiday, I will be only too glad to meet your friends!” Zhuk answered importantly. Then he flew up to his friends and shook each of their paws. "Nice to meet you! Chafer!" - Zhuk introduced himself. “I admire your manners,” said Nettle. “Dear Zhuk! My friend Ladybug is modest and not used to such holidays. Could you help her get comfortable and keep her company?” - Nettle Beetle asked. "With great pleasure! You can rest easy, dear Urticaria!” - answered the Beetle. Nettletail hugged Ladybug and flew on. Ladybug stayed with the Beetle. “Please tell us about yourself,” she asked the Beetle. “I see someone like you for the first time and I want to know as much as possible about you!” asked Ladybug. "Fine. I think that my story will not bore you,” answered Zhuk. “Let’s sit down on this Oak branch and I’ll tell you everything,” suggested the Beetle.

“In the warm spring in May, everyone will know about me, I’m not a dragonfly, not a butterfly, not a spider. I can buzz - I'm a Maybug! We, May Beetles, are very hairy insects; our entire body, as you can see, is covered with hairs of varying lengths. Under our hard wings there are spiracles through which we breathe. We see well, we have a good sense of smell, thanks to the antennae. Scientists think that we are bad at flying because we have short wings and a very heavy body. We love to nibble on plant shoots. In our entire life, we fly for 30-40 days; we can fly up to 20 km per day in search of food. During the flight we make a lot of noise. We eat shoots and flowers of apple, plum, cherry, sea buckthorn, gooseberry, as well as leaves of maple, oak, birch, chestnut and linden. For three years we live underground like voracious larvae, eating the roots of carrots, potatoes, corn, strawberries and pine trees. In nature, we also have enemies - birds feed on larvae, and badgers and hedgehogs feed on adult beetles. Moles and owls with bats. That’s all I wanted to tell you, dear Ladybug,” Zhuk finished his story. “I was so interested to learn about you, May Bugs! Thanks a lot!" - Ladybug answered. “I’ve tired you with my story, let’s go and dance. True, I’m not much of a dancer - I’m too heavy, but I really enjoy your company, dear Ladybug!” “I’m glad to dance with you too!” - Ladybug answered. The Maybug and Ladybug went to the guests and joined in the dancing. The musicians played one cheerful tune after another, Ladybug really enjoyed dancing with the Maybug. Although he was huge and powerful, he was very good at dance moves. The slow dance music started playing, the Beetle hugged Ladybug tightly with his powerful paws and hugged him. It was the most pleasant moment of the entire holiday. Then Ladybug asked the Maybug to help her find her friend - the butterfly Hives. The Maybug put Ladybug on his back and a few minutes later they found Nettlebug, who was dancing merrily with an unfamiliar gentleman.

“Glad you’re having fun too, girlfriend,” said Nettle. “Yes, the Maybug doesn’t let me get bored,” answered Ladybug. “Introduce us to your beau, dear Nettle,” said the May Bug. “Oh, how inattentive I am! My gentleman has completely made me dizzy! Let me introduce – Swallowtail is the most handsome of all the gentlemen!” - Nettle answered. “We’re very glad, Maybug and Ladybug,” the Beetle and Ladybug introduced themselves.

“Let’s try some dandelion nectar cocktails and take a little break,” suggested Nettle. The Maybug and the Swallowtail flew off for cocktails, and the friends were left alone. “Thank you, dear Nettle, for taking me to this holiday. I am so glad. I found myself a new friend - the May Bug. He cheered me up and took care of me. Helped me find you. I'm so happy!" — Ladybug hugged her friend tightly. “Wait, Machaon will fly in now, we’ll ask him to tell him about himself! You don’t know what kind of butterfly he is!” - Nettle answered. When the Maybug and Swallowtail returned, Nettlepelt asked Swallowtail to tell everyone about him. “Swallowtail is a very rare butterfly; scientists have listed us in the Red Book. They call us after the doctor Machaon, who saved Roman soldiers. We are considered one of the most beautiful butterflies. We are very bright, of unusual color, very large, bright yellow wings with curved spots along the edge, on the hind wings there is a black “tail” with yellow-blue spots. We are very energetic and active butterflies - we cannot sit in one place for a long time. We feed on the nectar of flowers of parsley, fennel and others. When we turned into a butterfly, we live only 20 days,” this is how Machaon ended his story. "How interesting! Bravo!" - Nettle and Ladybug shouted. All the insects treated themselves to delicious nectar cocktails and continued dancing. The ball was a great success! The dancing, music, and pleasant company were remembered by Ladybug for a long time. And most importantly, she found new friends - the May Bug and the Swallowtail and learned a lot of interesting things about them. The evening was ending and it was time to go home. The Maybug offered to carry Ladybug to her house on his back. Ladybug thanked Dragonfly for a very long time for such an amazing Ball, which she liked so much.

Hives was accompanied by Swallowtail, and Ladybug was accompanied by Dragonfly's cousin, the May Beetle. Before saying goodbye, they decided to get together again at the May Bug's and also organize an evening with dancing and music. Only this is a completely different story.

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stick insect

Amazing and unusual insects. They live mainly in the tropics and are exotic for our area. They really look like sticks in appearance and color. But there are species that look like pieces of bark and leaves. They are even classified as a special class - ghosts. Stick insects can range in size from 2 cm to 35 cm in length. These insects are ideally suited for camouflage. Even when moving, they slowly sway to the sides, like branches swaying in the wind. And at the slightest danger they freeze in place. A frozen stick insect cannot be distinguished from the surrounding nature at all. Predators do not perceive it as prey and leave. Stick insects feed on plant leaves, fruits, and berries.

In a cruel world where all insects fight for their lives, stick insects have chosen their path. They are not aggressive, they do not have sharp teeth or claws, and they cannot run fast. Their only method of defense is to be invisible and live a quiet life in the surrounding vegetation.

Draw children's attention to the world around them, to the insects that exist in nature. And such as stick insects, butterflies, large beetles can be seen in special zoos with insects - insectariums. Watching them is very interesting and educational. Children learn to understand and protect nature and treat every insect, even the smallest one, with respect. After all, every insect is needed on our planet for some reason.

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Lesson 49 "Insects"

Today I tried to do a themed day for the first time. Our theme was “Insects”.

1. First, we looked at insects in the book “I Play and Learn” and in the SSG magazine “My First Dictionary” and laid out cards with insects.

2. Bee and mosquito (from 2-3 years old)

You can depict a mosquito in the same way, only you should not “buzz”, but pronounce the sound for a long time: “Z-z-z...” When portraying a mosquito, read the rhyme to your child: A mosquito is flying above me, Squeaking right in my ear. He won't miss the opportunity - he'll sit down and bite. Pretend that the mosquito wants to “bite” the child. To do this, touch the baby with your index finger and continue to “ring.” Let the child also pretend to be a mosquito and try to “bite” you. Next time, ask who you are impersonating, a bee or a mosquito. To do this, show a finger game and pronounce the sound Z or Z for a long time. Let the child determine what kind of insect it is

Ilya didn’t want to portray a mosquito, he liked the one about the bee better, but he rotated, of course, not with his finger, but with his whole hand.

3. Catching mosquitoes

The child stands straight with his arms down. Now tell us that mosquitoes have flown up to you, we will catch them. We clap our hands alternately in front of ourselves and above our heads - 3-4 times.

4. Stickers were applied. First, I let Ilya glue the sun, then flowers on the grass, and then insects. Along the way, she told me that flowers grow in the grass, and insects fly in the sky.

5. Playing with clothespins. Catch a bug

Take colorful clothespins and attach them in different places in the room - on tablecloths, on the sofa, on curtains, etc. Tell your child that bugs have arrived. But they decided to play hide and seek with us. Let's find them together and put them in a box. If the baby didn’t see where they sat, tell him with the words “hot - cold.”

I read a lot about the benefits of clothespins, but somehow I never got around to it before and we didn’t play with them. In the summer, I showed Ilya on the street how to attach a clothespin to a rope. And today my son became so interested and caught them everywhere.

6. Fly, butterfly!


development of prolonged continuous oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.


2-3 bright paper butterflies.

Progress of the game:

Before starting the lesson, tie a thread 20-40 cm long to each butterfly, attach the threads to the cord at some distance from each other. Pull the cord so that the butterflies hang at the level of the standing child’s face.

The teacher shows the child butterflies and invites them to play with them.

- Look how beautiful the colorful butterflies are! Let's see if they can fly. The teacher blows on butterflies. - Look, they're flying! How alive! Now you try to blow. Which butterfly will fly farthest?

The child stands near the butterflies and blows on them. It is necessary to ensure that the child stands straight, does not raise his shoulders when exhaling, blows on one exhalation without taking in air, does not puff out his cheeks, and slightly pushes his lips forward.

You can blow for no more than 10 seconds with pauses to avoid dizziness.

The son did not want to blow on the butterflies, but simply pulled them and tore them off.

7. Fairy tale on flannelgraph. “A fungus grew in the clearing”

The board is still not ready, so I wrapped flannel around the sofa cushion. Ilya didn’t want to listen to the fairy tale and we just clicked on the pictures and I showed and named the insects.

8. From our treasure box, I chose insects and we looked at them, putting butterflies to butterflies, ladybugs to ladybugs.

9. From our game “Where is whose house?” I chose insects.

10. We made butterflies from halves.

11. Charging “Butterfly”

In the morning the butterfly woke up, smiled, stretched, once - it washed itself with dew, two - it circled gracefully, three - it bent down and sat down, four - it flew away.

Ilyushka didn’t want to show it. Then we just started running with him and flapping our arms like a butterfly's wings. Sometimes I would say, “The butterflies landed on a flower,” and we would squat and then run again.

We also jumped on the sofa cushions. I decided that they were like grasshoppers.

12. Big-small. I printed some insects in two sizes. I just didn’t have time to color it. I placed two cardboard sheets A4 and A5 in front of Ilya. She said that large insects live in a large house, and small ones in a small one. I gave my son one pair each. He laid out three pairs, and then he got tired of it.

13. We made an applique “Bugs” from an album on creativity

I sculpted almost all the plasticine, as my son quickly got tired of it, but he pressed the cereal on his own.

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