A fairy tale for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren about the seasons

A fairy tale for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren about the seasons

Fairy tale for children 5-8 years old “Seasons”
Author: Ksyusha Ershova, pupil of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg Leader: Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg

Description of material: This fairy tale is written for children of different ages. This tale tells about the seasons that were very friendly. The material can be used in kindergarten, in extracurricular reading lessons at school and for reading in the family circle. Goal: Formation of ideas about the seasons in children through the content of a fairy tale. Objectives: - instill interest in the world around us, in changes in nature; - cultivate goodwill, interest in the world around us, in nature, in reading fairy tales.

Once upon a time there were four sisters: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. Each of them had three sons. One day Winter decided to go visit her sister Vesna. She went out into the street with her eldest son, December, and outside there was snow, apparently - invisibly, a blizzard was sweeping all around. They returned home. Winter waited a little and, taking her middle son, January, went again to visit Spring. They went outside, and there was snow and biting frost. Winter decided to return home again. So she waited a little longer and went out again into the street with her youngest son, February. And outside the sun is shining, the snow is warming up. Winter went on and on, and Spring came. Their children, February and March, walked a little on the street, and as soon as the snow began to melt in the sun, Winter went with her son back to her home. Vesna got bored and decided to go visit Summer. She took her middle son with her. His name was April. They decided to go through the forest by summer. They see the first flowers breaking through the melting snow in the forest. What kind of flowers do you think these are? - Of course, snowdrops!!!

Then Vesna decided to return home and take her youngest son with her to visit Summer. His name was May. He loved flowers very much. So May went outside, and there the sun was shining, the grass was turning green, and yellow flowers were popping up everywhere. Can you guess what they are called? - Coltsfoot.

It was so pleasant for Spring and May to walk along the flowery streets that they didn’t even notice how they had already reached Summer. Meanwhile, Summer went out with her son for a walk. The son's name was June. Spring and Summer were so happy to meet each other that they decided to have a little fun. They called clouds, thunder and lightning into the sky. They rattled, sparkled, rained, and Spring remembered that it was time for her and her son to go home. Summer felt refreshed in the rain, and decided to take a little walk around our native expanses. Summer took his middle son outside. His name was July. They went outside, and it was hot there, everyone was sunbathing and swimming. Summer warmed up with her son and wanted to go visit Autumn. It took its youngest son with it. His name was August. They went out into the street and saw that no one was bathing anymore, everyone was collecting crops: cucumbers, tomatoes, apples.

It was so interesting for Summer and August to watch this that before they had time to look back, they came to visit Autumn. Autumn was delighted and said: “Now I will introduce you to my eldest son, his name is September.” He can draw very beautifully. As soon as September went outside, he painted the leaves on the trees yellow, orange and red.

The sun was shining and it became very beautiful outside. “It’s good to be your guest,” says Summer. - Yes, but it’s time for us to return home. As soon as Summer went home with her son, Autumn became bored. She called her middle son for a walk. His name was October. October went out into the street, saw that he had not met Summer again, but how he would cry like autumn rain, how the cold wind would blow. That all the leaves have fallen from the trees.

Meanwhile, Autumn decided to take her youngest son and go visit Winter. So the youngest son November went out into the street, he saw the wind and rain and decided to freeze the streets and add snow. Meanwhile, Autumn and November came to visit Winter. So they walk along the streets. First Winter, then Spring, then Summer, and then Autumn. They take turns walking, each at their own time, telling us about themselves and showing themselves off. That's why they are called seasons!!! This is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever read and listened - Well done!!! YEAR. At any time of the year, the weather is pleasant! Every month is so good, They are different from each other. Three dozen wonderful days, Gives a month without a trace. Looks like a ball all year round. How could it be otherwise? Slowly walks around the circle. He has been a loyal friend for months. (Author of poems: Tatyana Nikolaevna Dvoretskaya, teacher, Moscow)

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Pushkin did it!

Fairy tale 1.

One day, a lot of snow fell, there were large, soft snowdrifts. The eldest sister’s joy knew no bounds; she joyfully walked around the palace singing songs. Sister Vesna was tired of such displays of Winter, she decided that it was time to stop these frosts. As soon as she thought about this, everything immediately began to melt away. The sisters had a very strong fight that day, the blizzards were howling, and there was a biting frost. This lasted seven days and seven nights, the sisters cursed and were angry. Winter got tired of fighting with her sister and retreated. Then Spring put on her favorite green sundress and went for a walk around the palace. All the snowdrifts were in the area, it was getting warmer. Sister Summer met and they realized that it was time for nature to blossom. It became hot, flowers and bushes bloomed. For three months everyone in the palace rejoiced, but Autumn woke up. She was awakened by the loud laughter of the children and she decided that it was time for all nature to fade, she threw a crimson outfit over the palace. Autumn cried for a long time because they didn’t let her sleep, but her younger sister loved Zimushka, so she transferred her rights to her, and the cold came again. It’s like this every year: Winter and Spring fight, and Autumn is woken up by the children’s laughter. But thanks to the sisters, we can play snowballs, launch boats in streams, collect wildflowers, rustle leaves under our feet!

Fairy tale 2.

The gloomy stepmother Winter had three daughters: Spring, Summer, Autumn. The oldest stepmother did not really like her, they constantly fought. Spring wanted to come as quickly as possible so that all the stepmother’s snow could be cleared away. The relatives could quarrel for a long time, but the stepmother gave way to Spring, and the old woman got tired of fighting. Two sisters, Spring and Summer, were inseparable. We always walked and played together. From their ringing laughter and warm smiles, nature woke up and flowers bloomed. But they accidentally woke up their stepmother’s favorite Autumn. How she cried bitter tears, all the leaves turned yellow, the flowers were damaged and dried up. The gloomy old woman became angry again, frosts struck. Winter put her little sister to bed and covered her with a snow blanket. It's getting cold.

Fairy tale 3.

Four friends gathered for the competition. Winter arrived from the north, Summer arrived from the south, Spring was brought by a swallow from the east, and Autumn was brought by a cloud from the west. Winter spoke first. Everything was covered with snow, snowflakes began to sparkle under the sun. Frost painted on the glass, frost covered the trees and bushes, all the animals fell asleep in their dens. Spring came second, showing its wealth. The snow instantly melted and streams began to flow. The first snowdrop flowers woke up, and the animals began to wake up. The sun began to warm up. Summer felt the warm sun, did not allow the spring performance to end, and hurried to show itself in all its glory. Her braids came out, she came out in a green outfit, and the flowers bloomed. The sun became even stronger. Autumn smiled at such beauty, but it was time for nature to fall asleep, the time had come for her to perform. She covered everything with a golden veil, sent the animals to sleep, and the birds along with Summer to the south. They painted everything crimson, including leaves. Nature fell asleep. And the competition has come to an end.

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Tales of Suteev. Seasons

March. Mom's holiday

For the Eighth of March, all the children in our house were preparing gifts for their mothers, sisters and grandmothers. And they behaved well.

Vanya and I also decided to behave well and give my mother a gift, but so that she wouldn’t know anything yet. Vanya said that this is called “surprise”.

We came up with this surprise for a long time and even fought a little, but it wasn’t very painful, and when we came up with it, I already had a small bump on my forehead. It was Vanya who accidentally hit me with a plate.

We prepared the following gifts: a doll for a teapot - I sewed her a new skirt - we bought a box of chocolates and tied it with my most beautiful ribbon. We tried two candies to find out whether they were tasty or not.

It turned out to be very tasty. Vanya wanted to try again, but I didn’t allow him.

Then we put all the gifts on the table and began to wait for mom to come...

And suddenly Chapka barked and began to “serve” on her hind legs. And then my mother immediately came and saw the gifts. She was very happy, laughed, began to kiss us and said that we were extraordinary children and her dear Buttons...

What's special? We are the most ordinary, but there is no one better than our mother.


January. About Christmas trees

Our New Year began with a Christmas tree... no, with Christmas trees. At home we have a very beautiful Christmas tree: there are all sorts of toys on it, and a big star at the top. All the guys I know also have good Christmas trees. We saw large Christmas trees on the streets and in courtyards, but ours is the most beautiful, although not very large.

For the New Year we were given a lot of toys: Vanya - a dump truck, a teddy bear; for me - the doll Katya and Petrushka, and for us together - a large book - “All Year Round”. Chapka received one hundred grams of sweets; she ate them right away - wow, nope! And Usik was given milk, but he didn’t drink it well, he just snorted and sneezed. His left eye has already opened, and he seems to be winking with it all the time. We were at several more Christmas trees: at my mother’s service and at my father’s club - the biggest one was there. But the best is ours.

Today we are going to another Christmas tree: to Uncle Petya’s car trust.

There, they say, the whole tree is hung with small cars. The real Santa Claus gives them to all children. This Santa Claus is also a driver and gives the kids rides in a transparent bus.


Option 2

The four seasons are very unusual seasons that are considered special. In spring, the region of real natural elements awakens, in summer everything is fragrant, the exquisite autumn season inspires, and winter frost pacifies. Natural states at any time of the year are unusually attractive, like a heroine from a fairy tale who tries on different outfits on herself.

No matter what happens outside, no matter what the weather is today, maybe chilly, slushy or sultry, it will always convey the emotions and colors of its season. You can always look out the window with a positive attitude, despite the rain or falling damp snow, you can be joyful and treat with love and gratitude the right that nature gives us, alternating with the seasons.

Manifestation of spring

In the first steps of spring, nature begins to awaken from its long winter sleep. Every day it becomes warmer, the leaves open, and everything begins to turn green, and in the thicket of the forest it is already possible to see animals and distinguish the playful singing of birds. The snowball is getting smaller and smaller, but it’s still quite cloudy.

The main sign of the arrival of real spring is the appearance of the first spring flowers. The weather is warmer, the days are sunny, and drizzling rain waters the budding trees. The time of early May thunderstorms is approaching, which tell us that a joyful summer has arrived.

Wonderful summer

Summer fields and plains look like a fragrant tablecloth of plants, and forests play with riotous colors. There is a summer mood all around. The heat and sultry sun make everyone look for shade. Only the coolness of the summer rain will allow you to see the true beauty of nature - the rainbow. Already at the end of summer, the leaves begin to turn yellow, which tells us about the coming autumn.

Autumn frowns

Autumn is considered a stormy time, and many people do not want to get out of the house so as not to get wet in the pouring rain. At this time the weather is very changeable. One day the warm sun makes you happy, and after a short time impenetrable clouds appear in the sky. Rain.

Harsh winter

Winter is considered by many to be the real snow queen. She brings a lot of joy with her snow-white blanket. There are strict rules of winter that are important not to forget about. Gloomy short days give way to long cold nights. All nature is in deep winter hibernation.

But don’t forget that every season is beautiful and amazing!

Tales of Suteev. Seasons

July. We're in the forest

A lot of mushrooms and berries suddenly appeared in our forest, and we went to collect them.

Vanya kept laughing and said that picking mushrooms was very simple, and he collected all the mushrooms that he came across. But he came across all sorts of toadstools and fly agarics, and he couldn’t find any good mushrooms at all. Vanya didn’t pick raspberries either - he ate everything, straight from the bushes.

And I looked for mushrooms, as my grandmother taught me: I looked under the Christmas trees - porcini mushrooms and saffron milk caps grow there. I looked for red boletus in the grass under small aspens, and boletus - right in the clearings.

Soon I collected a whole basket of mushrooms. Usik met a frog in the forest: at first he was scared, then nothing, and the frog at first nothing, then he got scared and galloped away.

There was a whole story with Chapka: she found two porcini mushrooms, barked, and the mushrooms suddenly ran into the forest! Chapka is behind them, and we are behind Chapka! When we caught up with the mushrooms, we saw a hedgehog: he had pricked two porcini mushrooms on his back and was taking them home to his hedgehogs.

We left the hedgehog with mushrooms untouched and went home. On the way, I asked Vanya a riddle that I had come up with myself:

Standing in a red hat

On one leg

It's not going anywhere.

Who it?

And Vanya says: “It’s you. “You got one foot wet and you’re afraid to go home.”

I told him: “How stupid you are! It's a mushroom! But he didn't agree. And by this time we had already arrived home.



Masha forgot to say that the Snow Maiden also gave us skates and we have already learned how to skate.

They made a skating rink in our yard: they cleared the snow in the middle of the yard and kept watering it with water. The water froze and it became a skating rink. We ride there every day. I've already learned how to skate: today I only fell five times. But Masha is a much worse skater: although she only fell three times, she broke her nose, but I didn’t.

Usik also fell three times because Masha was holding him in her arms: he still doesn’t walk well and that’s why he rides with Masha.

Mom was still angry that we came all covered in snow and with bruises, but dad wasn’t angry and said that we need to play sports, and we did it all day long.

And Chapka made us laugh a lot. She can’t skate, and so that she wouldn’t be bored, we sculpted a big white dog out of the snow and named her Snowflake, but stupid Chapka is afraid of her, growls all the time and doesn’t want to be friends with Snowflake.


about nature in different seasons

A selection of poems and stories by Russian classic writers - Fet, Tyutchev, Ushinsky, Blok, Pleshcheev, Maikov, Tolstoy, Grekov, Nekrasov, Pushkin, Yesenin, Drozhzhin.

A. A. Fet - Fish

Warm in the sun. Spring takes its rights; In some places the depth of the river is clear, grass is visible at the bottom.

The cold stream is clear, I follow the float, - I see a naughty fish, Playing with a worm.

A bluish back, Itself like silver, Eyes like two Burmite grains1, A crimson feather.

It walks without faltering under water. It's time! Worm in mouth. Alas, a brilliant stripe slipped into the darkness.

But again the wicked eye flashed not far away... Wait, maybe this time you'll hang on a hook!

1. Burmite grains are large pearls.

F. I. Tyutchev - “It’s not for nothing that winter is angry...”

It’s not for nothing that winter gets angry, its time has passed - Spring and the window is knocking and drives you out of the yard.

And everything began to fuss, Everything bores the winter out, - And the larks in the sky Already started ringing the bell.

Winter is still busy and grumbling about spring. She laughs in her eyes and only makes more noise...

The evil witch went mad and grabbed the snow and let it run away into the beautiful child...

Spring and grief are not enough: I washed my face in the snow; And she only became blusher, in defiance of the enemy.

2. Everything forces winter out, forces winter to go away, forces it - forces it.

K. D. Ushinsky - Swallow

In the fall, the boy wanted to destroy the swallow’s nest stuck under the roof, in which the owners were no longer there: sensing the approach of cold weather, they flew away.

“Don’t destroy the nest,” the father said to the boy, “in the spring the swallow will fly again, and she will be pleased to find her former house.”

The boy obeyed his father.

Winter passed, and at the end of April a pair of sharp-winged, beautiful birds, cheerful and chirping, flew in and began to fly around the old nest.

Work began to boil; swallows carried clay and silt from a nearby stream in their noses! and soon the nest, which had deteriorated a little over the winter, was redecorated. Then the swallows began to carry either fluff, feathers, or a stalk of moss into the nest.

A few more days passed, and the boy noticed that only one swallow was flying out of the nest, and the other remained in it constantly.

“Apparently, she put on the testicles and is now sitting on them,” the boy thought.

In fact, after three weeks, tiny heads began to peek out of the nest. How glad the boy was now that he had not ruined the nest!

Sitting on the porch, he spent hours watching how caring birds flew through the air and caught flies, mosquitoes and midges. How quickly they scurried back and forth, how tirelessly they obtained food for their children!

A. A. Blok - In the meadow

The forests in the distance are more visible, the blue skies. The stripe is more noticeable and black on the arable land, And children's voices are louder Above the meadow.

Spring is passing by, but where is she? Chu, a clear voice is heard. Isn't this spring? No, it’s loud, subtle, a wave is murmuring in the stream...

A. N. Pleshcheev - Bird

Why, my singing bird, my playful bird, did you fly so early to our distant lands?

The clouds obscured the sun, the sky was completely obscured; And the dry and yellow reeds The wind bends to the ground.

Here comes the rain, look, It’s pouring out like a bucket, It’s boring, it’s cold, it’s like it’s not spring time!

K. D. Ushinsky - Wind and Sun

One day the Sun and the angry North Wind started a dispute about which of them was stronger. They argued for a long time and finally decided to measure their strength against the traveler, who at that very time was riding on horseback along the high road.

“Look,” said the Wind, “how I’ll fly at him: I’ll instantly tear off his cloak.”

He said and started blowing as hard as he could.

But the more the Wind tried, the tighter the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak: he grumbled about the bad weather, but rode further and further. The wind became angry, fierce, and showered the poor traveler with rain and snow. Cursing the Wind, the traveler put his cloak into the sleeves and tied it with a belt. At this point the Wind himself became convinced that he could not pull off his cloak.

The sun, seeing the powerlessness of its rival, smiled, looked out from behind the clouds, warmed and dried the earth, and at the same time the poor half-frozen traveler. Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he perked up, blessed the Sun, took off his cloak, rolled it up and tied it to the saddle.

“You see,” the meek Sun then said to the angry Wind, “you can do much more with affection and kindness than with anger.”

A. I. Maikov - Summer rain

“Gold, gold is falling from the sky!” - Children scream and run after the rain... Come on, children, we will collect it, Only we will collect it with golden grain In barns full of fragrant bread!

K. D. Ushinsky - Cabbage butterfly

The boy caught a white butterfly in the garden and brought it to his father.

“This is a nasty butterfly,” said the father, “if there are too many of them, our cabbage will disappear.”

- Is this butterfly so greedy? - asks the boy.

“Not the butterfly itself, but its caterpillar,” answered the father. “This butterfly will lay tiny eggs, and worms will crawl out of the eggs: they are called caterpillars.”

The caterpillar is very gluttonous: all it does is eat and grow. When she grows up, she will become a pupa. The pupa does not eat, does not drink, lies motionless, and then a butterfly, just like this one, will fly out of it. This is how every butterfly turns: from an egg into a caterpillar, from a caterpillar into a pupa, from a pupa into a butterfly, and the butterfly lays eggs and freezes somewhere on a leaf.

A.K. Tolstoy - “Where the vines bend over the pool...”

Where the vines bend over the pool, Where the summer sun bakes, Dragonflies fly and dance, A cheerful round dance takes place.

“Child, come closer to us, We will teach you to fly, Child, come, come, Before your mother wakes up!

The blades of grass are fluttering under us, We feel so good and warm, Our backs are turquoise, And our wings are like glass!

We know so many songs, We love you so much for a long time! Look how sloping the shore is, what a sandy bottom!..”

L. N. Tolstoy - What kind of dew happens on the grass

When you go into the forest on a sunny morning in summer, you can see diamonds in the fields and grass. All these diamonds sparkle and shimmer in the sun in different colors - yellow, red, and blue. When you come closer and see what it is, you will see that these are drops of dew collected in triangular leaves of grass and glistening in the sun.

The inside of the leaf of this grass is shaggy and fluffy, like velvet. And the drops roll on the leaf and do not wet it.

When you carelessly pick a leaf with a dewdrop, the droplet will roll off like a light ball, and you will not see how it slips past the stem. It happened that you would pick such a cup, slowly bring it to your mouth and drink the dewdrop, and this dewdrop seemed tastier than any drink.

I. P. Grekov - In the summer

The cherries and plums have turned red, the golden rye has poured, And like the sea the cornfields are agitated, And you can’t walk in the grass in the meadows.

The sun walks high above the arch of the scorching heavens, the linden tree smells like honey, and the forest full of darkness rustles...

3. Niva - a field cultivated for sowing

N. A. Nekrasov - “Glorious Autumn!..”

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous Air invigorates tired forces; The ice, which has not strengthened, lies on the icy river, Like melting sugar; Near the forest, as if in a soft bed, you can sleep - peace and space! - The leaves have not yet had time to fade, They are yellow and fresh, like a carpet. Glorious autumn! Frosty nights, Clear, quiet days... There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi, And moss swamps, and stumps - Everything is fine under the moonlight, I recognize my native Rus' everywhere...

A. A. Fet - Autumn

The swallows disappeared, And yesterday the dawn All the rooks flew Yes, like a net they flashed

Over there over that mountain. In the evening everyone sleeps, It’s dark outside. The dry leaf falls

At night the wind gets angry and knocks on the window. It would be better if there was snow and a blizzard, glad to meet you with your breasts!

As if out of fright, the Cranes, screaming, fly to the south. You will go out - involuntarily

It’s hard - at least cry! You look - across the field Tumbleweed4 Jumps like a ball.

4. Tumbleweed is a steppe plant. In autumn, the wind tears a dried tumbleweed from the stem, round like a ball, and rolls it across the fields.

L. N. Tolstoy - Swans

The swans flew in a herd from the cold side to the warm lands. They flew across the sea. They flew day and night, and another day and another night they flew, without resting, over the water. There was a full month in the sky, and the swans saw blue water far below them. All the swans were exhausted, flapping their wings; but they did not stop and flew on. Old, strong swans flew in front, and those who were younger and weaker flew behind. One young swan flew behind everyone. His strength weakened. He flapped his wings and could not fly any further. Then he, spreading his wings, went down. He descended closer and closer to the water; and his comrades further and further became whiter in the monthly light. The swan landed on the water and folded its wings. The sea rose beneath him and rocked him. A flock of swans was barely visible as a white line in the light sky. And in the silence you could barely hear the sound of their wings ringing. When they were completely out of sight, the swan bent its neck back and closed its eyes. He did not move, and only the sea, rising and falling in a wide strip, lifted and lowered him. Before dawn, a light breeze began to sway the sea. And the water splashed into the white chest of the swan.

The swan opened his eyes. The dawn reddened in the east, and the moon and stars became paler. The swan sighed, stretched out its neck and flapped its wings, rose up and flew, clinging to the water with its wings. He rose higher and higher and flew alone above the secret, stirring waves.

A. S. Pushkin - “The sky was already breathing in autumn...”

The sky was already breathing in autumn, the sun was shining less often, the day was getting shorter, the mysterious canopy of the forests was revealed with a sad noise, fog was settling on the fields, a caravan of noisy geese was stretching to the south: a rather boring time was approaching; It was already November outside the yard.

A. S. Pushkin - “Here is the north, the clouds are catching up...”

Here the north, driving up the clouds, breathed, howled - and here comes the sorceress winter herself.

She came and fell apart; Hanged in clumps on the branches of oak trees; Lay down in wavy carpets Among the fields, around the hills; The river with the motionless river was leveled with a plump veil, the frost flashed. And we are glad for the pranks of Mother Winter.

N. A. Nekrasov - Frost the Voivode

It is not the wind that rages over the forest, It is not the streams that run from the mountains, It is not the frost-voivode who patrols his domain.

He looks to see if the blizzards have covered the forest paths well, and are there any cracks or crevices, and is there any bare ground?

Are the tops of the pines fluffy, Are the patterns on the oaks beautiful? And are the ice floes firmly bound in the great and small waters?

He walks, walks through the trees, crackles on frozen water, and the bright sun plays

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