Long-term planning “Social and communicative development” in the senior group

Long-term plan for the development of communication skills in children of the senior preparatory group

Long-term work plan for developing the communication skills of older preschool children
September (2019) Work with children Work with parents Work with educators 1 week Game exercise “Let’s get to know each other” Parent meeting “Features of communication among older preschoolers” Discussion “The main difficulties of communication among older preschoolers” Week 2 Game “Greeting” Round table “Problems of communication in the family” Questioning of teachers Week 3 Game “Name yourself” Testing “Communication styles in the family” Seminar “Use of art therapy in correcting children’s communication” Week 4 Game exercise “Complete the sentence” Consultations parents Pedagogical lounge October (2019) Work with children Work with parents Work with educators 1 week Game exercises “Compliments”, “Polite words” Information stand “Rules of communication in the family” Seminar “Creating a speech-related subject-development environment in a group” 2 week Game exercise “Soup” Round table “Culture of communication in the family” Round table on the topic “Rules of Etiquette” Week 3 Game exercise “Good Wizards”, “Secrets of Politeness” Viewing and discussion of KVN films “In the World of Words” Week 4 Game “Magic” chair”, exercise “Magic Algae” Consultations with parents Pedagogical lounge November (2019) Work with children Work with parents Work with teachers 1 week Game exercise “Compote” Drawing competition “My Family” School of a young teacher - analysis of problem situations 2 week Games “Confusion”, “Glue Stream” Pedagogical library for parents Mutual attendance at open classes, events of colleagues Week 3 Games “Breaking Chains”, “Blind Man and the Guide” Round table “Development of children’s communication skills” Communication training “We are together” Week 4 Game “Reel” » Consultations with parents Pedagogical lounge December (2019) Work with children Work with parents Work with teachers 1 week Game “If “yes” - clap, if “no” - stomp” Project “Learning to communicate” Seminar “Problematic situations in communication” 2 week Game exercise “Magic glasses” Watching and discussion of films Business game “Positions in communication” Week 3 Game exercise “Greetings in a circle” Open screening of educational activities for parents Teachers’ council “Formation of a culture of communication in children” Week 4 Game exercise “Magic candies” Consultations with parents Pedagogical living room January (2020) Working with children Working with parents Working with teachers Week 1 Week 2 Game “Drawing in a circle” Watching and discussing films Relaxation exercises Week 3 Game exercise “Show attention to another”, game “Nose to nose” Parent meeting “Preventing conflicts in the family” Round table “Developing empathy in children” Week 4 Game exercise “Guess who it is?” Parent consultations Pedagogical lounge February (2020) Work with children Work with parents Work with teachers 1 week Game exercises “Find out who called”, “Understand me” Game “Field of Miracles” on the topic of communication Seminar “Use of project activities in the development of skills communication in children" Week 2 Game exercise "Multi-colored bouquet" Information stand "Verbal and non-verbal communication" Training "Means of non-verbal communication" Week 3 Game "Sorcerer" Project "Do-it-yourself cartoons" Workshop "Pedagogical situations" Week 4 Games "Lost and Found" , “Encrypted letter” Consultations with parents Pedagogical lounge March (2020) Work with children Work with parents Work with teachers 1 week Psychotude “Magic Flower”, exercise “The Secret of Golden Sand” Information stand “How to make a child a communication genius” Round table at topic “Use of the method of psycho-gymnastics for the development of social and communication skills in children” Week 2 Game exercise “Hot chair” Communication training “Me and my child” Relaxation exercises Week 3 Games “Name-calling”, “Praise” Watching and discussion of films Mutual attendance at open classes , colleagues’ events Week 4 Game exercise “Wonderful buttons” Consultations with parents Teacher’s lounge April (2020) Working with children Working with parents Working with teachers 1 week Game “Broken telephone”, “Say it differently” Open demonstration of educational activities for parents Training communication “Understand me” Week 2 Game exercises “Let’s write a story”, “Making a movie” Joint writing of stories with a child Round table on the topic “Possibilities of fairy tale therapy in the development of children’s communication” Week 3 Games “Control a robot”, “Bring the mask to life” View and discussion videos Mutual attendance at open classes, events of colleagues Week 4 Games “Are you there or not?”, “Grandma Malanya” Consultations with parents Teacher’s lounge with tea drinking May (2020) Working with children Working with parents Working with educators Week 1 Game “Gardeners and Flowers” Video magazine “Children Speak” Business game “The ABC of Emotions” Week 2 Game “Associations” Information stand “Speaking Correctly” Master class on organizing work to develop communication in children Week 3 Game “Gift for Everyone”, sand therapy “Grains of Sand Interaction” Training communication with parents Holiday “The Magical World of Communication” Week 4 Dramatization of open-ended fairy tales Parents’ participation in staging fairy tales, making costumes and decorations Speech at the teachers’ council “Joint forms of cooperation between families and preschool educational institutions”
Download Work plan for developing communication skills in children

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