Card index of didactic games on the formation (clarification, activation) of vocabulary (on the topics “Cookware”, “Wintering Birds”)

Didactic game "Dishes"

Didactic game “Number. Sign. Subject" on the lexical topic "Utensils"

The game is intended for children aged 4-6 years with severe speech impairments, as well as for children of preschool and primary school age to develop the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.
Didactic game “Number. Sign. Subject" can be used both in individual and subgroup lessons with children.


This set of games will help an adult teach a child:
  • agree nouns with numerals and adjectives in gender, number, case;
  • select qualitative, relative, possessive adjectives for nouns;
  • use ordinal numbers in speech, coordinate them with nouns and adjectives in gender, number, case;
  • activate mental activity, associative thinking;
  • make comparative sentences with the conjunction “a”.

Material for the game:

cards with game tasks in two subjects of the same lexical group; playing field and cut cards for independent selection and compilation of a plot series; sets of numbers.

Game description:

Game with ready-made models : each table contains tasks for two subjects of the same lexical group for a larger educational load. At the beginning of the game, the child needs to be clearly shown how associations can be used to indicate the characteristics of objects. For example, how can you depict a bitter taste, show the hardness, softness, juiciness of vegetables, color and shape.

Below are ready-made game cards:

  • one porcelain deep plate;
  • three shiny metal pans;
  • two tall shiny glasses;
  • five wooden large spoons;
  • four sharp metal knives;
  • six red plastic bowls;
  • one yellow birch bark bread box;
  • seven porcelain birch bark cups.

The game requires compliance with the following steps:

  1. Name a word denoting a number (what number? - four).
  2. Name the word denoting the object (what is it? - knife).
  3. Agree the noun with the numeral in gender (how many knives? - four knives).
  4. Name the words denoting the attribute of an object, coordinate them with numerals and nouns in gender, number (four knives (which ones?) - metal, sharp).
  5. Agree the numeral with the adjectives and nouns in gender and number. (Say in a complete sentence, starting with the number. – Four sharp metal knives.)
  6. Using the same principle, consider another object of the lexical group - a bowl.
  7. Make comparative sentences with the conjunction “a”. (There are four knives, and six bowls. The knife is metal, and the bowl is plastic, etc.)

Game with cut cards : played on the same principle as with ready-made models. Only here the child takes an active position and is given more independence.

First, you should invite the child to choose an item on a lexical topic and place it in a sector with an asterisk, then a number (place in the first sector) and select adjectives in the form of picture symbols (place in the longest sector of the playing field). The symbol pictures are first reviewed and what they mean is explained.

To better understand the progress of the game with cut cards, a sample is provided below.

Using the didactic game “Number. Sign. Subject" children will quickly master the skills of agreeing adjectives, nouns and numerals in gender, number, case; will learn to select adjectives for nouns and develop their associative thinking.

The development of associative thinking has a positive effect on the process of memorizing and reproducing necessary information.

On our website you can find other educational games from the “Number” series. Sign. Item". To do this, follow the highlighted link .

We wish everyone success.

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