Additional general developmental program for a circle for children of senior preschool age “Young Artists”

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

Additional education program for children of senior preschool age in Lego construction “Cogs and Pins” Explanatory note We live in an era of modernization and computerization of society, in which modern children, already at preschool age, give preference not to soft and didactic toys, but to all kinds of gadgets, robots and transformers . However, over the years...

Art activities group in the senior group “Young Talents” of the MDOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 222”

Long-term plan for additional educational activities in art activities in the senior group
“Young Talents”
Teachers: Lysova E.V.
Saratov 2022 October 1. “Leaves on the window”
. To develop compositional skills and feeling...

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