Material for the traffic rules corner; methodological development (middle group) on the topic


Studying traffic rules (traffic rules) is part of the compulsory school curriculum, and according to modern requirements, specialized classes must be equipped in Russian schools. This will help to achieve greater interest among students in the subject and competent behavior of children on the road.

When equipping classrooms, you need to pay attention to the clarity and attractiveness of demonstration materials in the eyes of children. Together with classic teaching aids, it is necessary to use equipment that helps students develop practical skills in correct behavior on the road to guarantee their safety as road users.

These requirements for educational materials, technical equipment and furniture are specified in SanPiN (“Requirements for the conditions for organizing training”) and Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Master class on making a poster “Road Rules”

Olya Kovrova
Master class on making a poster “Road Rules”

Making a posterRoad Rules ”.

The poster can be made together with children of the senior and preparatory groups. It's fun and educational for children.

For this we need:

1. coloring pages with traffic rules for children

2. colored pencils, wax crayons

Before starting work, we will have a conversation with the children about the rules of the road (where can you cross the road ? What is a zebra? etc.). Let's discuss what signs mean what and what color should be painted.

Let's get started:

Children color coloring pages with colored pencils or wax crayons.

We assemble the finished drawings into a poster and glue them with PVA glue.

Our poster is ready !

Using this principle, you can make other posters , for example, March 8, February 23, Teacher's Day and others.

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Information corner on traffic rules and DDTT prevention in educational institutions

Svetlana Morozova

Information corner on traffic rules and DDTT prevention in educational institutions

«Information corner on traffic rules and DDTT prevention in educational institutions»

Childhood is considered to be the most serene period in a person’s life. But today the world of a child, especially one living in the city, is far from a fairy tale: crowds of people, streams of cars. Therefore, he simply needs to know the rules of the road.

It is impossible to instill the skills of safe behavior on the road only by talking about them. A child should be taught traffic rules from the moment he begins to walk independently, and compliance with them should be demonstrated primarily by example.

It is in kindergarten that the child’s preparation for a lifelong profession

a participant in the movement, a pedestrian, because now the foundation of life principles is being laid in him.

Goal: To develop skills for safe behavior on the roads in preschool children through familiarization with the rules of the road.

Tasks of the traffic rules corner :

1. Educational: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the operation of traffic lights and road signs; generalize knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the road; expand children's knowledge about types of transport.

2.Developing: to develop the skill of orienting by traffic lights; develop attention; improve coordination of movements; develop speech and activate children's vocabulary.

3. Educational: to cultivate a sense of empathy, the ability to apply road safety rules; instill in children a culture of street behavior.

Introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road and instilling safe behavior in children on city streets are among the most important tasks of a preschool educational institution. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to create conditions for the formation of stable skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads in preschoolers and their parents. In our kindergarten and in my group, good conditions have been created for the implementation of these tasks. The subject-development environment for familiarization with traffic rules includes:

• visual and illustrative material (illustrations: transport, traffic lights, road signs; story pictures with problematic road situations);

• printed board games (cut-out pictures, puzzles, games with rules - “walkers”

, lotto, dominoes, etc.);

• tabletop crossroads (small road signs, various toy modes of transport, toys - traffic lights, figures of people);

• attributes for role-playing games with a road theme (baton, whistle, caps, road signs, traffic light model)


• children's fiction by topic;

• methodological manuals for teaching children traffic rules;

The function of the corner is to explain in a playful way the rules of behavior on the roadway and pedestrian area. The corner has everything necessary for children to learn the rules of the road: a model of the roadway, which helps preschoolers learn the rules of the road; layout of a traffic light, cars.

With the help of our corner, children will develop knowledge about the street and other related concepts, as well as knowledge of the rules of behavior on city roads, in public transport , and will be instilled with the desire to follow these rules themselves and involve their parents in this.

Heavy traffic on the road is a sign of modern social life . And children are unwittingly involved in this process, because they simply need to comprehend the basics of road literacy at an early preschool age. The development center in the group will make an important contribution to this activity. Kids will be able to practically try on the role of a driver and a pedestrian, look at instructive pictures, and play with interesting aids. My task as a teacher is to make the traffic rules area bright and colorful, accessible to children. And then they will want to spend more free time there.

This is how we ended up with a corner according to the traffic rules!

Master class “Do-it-yourself traffic rules layout”

Olga Pavlova

Master class “Do-it-yourself traffic rules layout”

Children really enjoy crossing the road at the pedestrian crossing. Kids carefully follow traffic lights. And to teach them the rules of the road, I made a mock-up of an intersection with cars, houses and a traffic light. There is also a crossing with a train and a barrier. The children play with the model with great interest and already know well how and where to cross the road .

In order to make a layout , we will need a board, gray self-adhesive paper, green velvet paper, brown paper, white paper tape, scissors, glue, a simple pencil, and a ruler.

We cover the board with self-adhesive gray paper.

Use a simple pencil to mark the intersection, cut out rectangles from green velvet paper and paste them along the edges of the board. Then we use white paper tape to make curbs and road .

Using white tape I make a zebra and sleepers. I cut out two strips of brown paper and glue on the rails.

Then I make houses. For this we will need boxes, colored paper, glue, scissors, and a pencil.

We cover the boxes with paper of different colors. The result was bright, colorful houses.

I also cut out squares from colored paper and glue windows and doors onto the houses.

A barrier can block the road for both cars and trains.

You can make a bus stop.

The layout is ready.

Thank you for your attention!

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Summary of a lesson on traffic rules “The ABCs of traffic, or Journey to the Sunny City” Purpose of the lesson: Continue to introduce the rules of the road, learn how to practically apply them in various situations. Develop thinking.

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Requirements for furniture in the traffic regulations office

First of all, the traffic rules office should contain pieces of furniture typical of ordinary classrooms. There is a separate table and chair for the teacher. Desks and chairs are installed for students for 35 people. It is mandatory to have a study board, cabinets and cabinets for storing educational, methodological and reference literature.

When decorating a classroom, it is necessary to leave space for displays on traffic rules. If space allows, then a separate area is organized for interactive training and visual demonstrations of traffic situations.

Road signs


Children must know the correct places to cross the roadway. Although the Pedestrian Crossing sign is blue, we will also need a white cardboard sheet for it. Blue with a triangular window at the top of the sheet is glued onto white cardboard. From black paper we cut out the figure of a pedestrian and a “zebra”.

We use the complicated version for role-playing games. We do it according to the following scheme.

Crafts using reflective elements are impressive. Stickers, tapes, iron-on transfers - quite a huge range.

Adhesive-based tapes are very good. They are cut into geometric shapes of the required sizes.

After we stick it, the upper part of the protective film is removed. Now the craft will glow in the dark.

Intersection model

The main task facing teachers, parents and educators in teaching traffic rules is to create the skill of safe behavior in the road infrastructure. To do this, we use crafts on the topic “Transition”. This is a traffic light, a pedestrian crossing and a themed road sign.

You can make a model of an intersection on the territory of a school, yard or kindergarten. We are looking for a flat, straight surface (so that water does not accumulate in puddles there). Using a tape measure and chalk, we mark the places where traffic lights are installed and where the pedestrian crossing intersects with the improvised roadway. Using a meter and chalk we draw a pedestrian crossing. Then, using acrylic paint, we draw curbs and a pedestrian crossing from top to bottom. We remember that there should be a traffic light at each corner of the intersection.

Educational, methodological, demonstration materials for the traffic rules class

Modern educational materials on traffic rules have gone far beyond the scope of demonstration posters and reference guides in our usual sense. Conventionally, teaching aids can be divided into several large groups:

  • Printed manuals - posters, tables, pedestrian ABCs, reference books, manuals devoted to various aspects of traffic rules.
  • Educational games – board and interactive varieties that make it easier to memorize road signs and traffic rules. With their help, you can simulate various situations and learn from them how to behave correctly on the road.
  • Educational stands and thematic magnets - multimedia and paper kits, electrified stands, backlit boards, panoramas for visual demonstration and modeling.
  • Plot-role attributes - road markings for creating a training road in the classroom, models of road signs, vests with road signs.
  • Demonstration equipment – ​​training traffic lights, traffic cones, traffic controller uniform and equipment.
  • Karting equipment.

It is the presence of the described educational materials that allows you to design a traffic rules class for comfortable training of children: to allocate zones in it dedicated to rules, signs, emergency situations, modeling, and so on. So, at each lesson, to reinforce the material, you can organize a game with models of cars and houses, using signs and shapes. This approach easily involves children in learning and guarantees consistently high interest in the subject.

In you will find all the necessary equipment with which you can competently arrange a traffic rules class of any size. We will help you choose the right set of materials that will meet the requirements of SanPiN, budget, school and modern curriculum.

Traffic lights

There is more than one method for making traffic lights. The simplest one is made from plastic bottles. Take a 2-liter dark bottle. Two or three (depending on which traffic light we need - for pedestrians or drivers) windows are cut into it.

We install light bulbs opposite the windows. They are connected to batteries and equipped with power buttons. Then we close the windows with colored glass (red, yellow and green, respectively). You can use color film for this. The button puts the traffic light into working condition and lights the signal necessary to perform a certain action.

The traffic light can be installed on a tube that is dug into the ground or is portable.

Mini city

A mini model of the city can be made by parents with a child. Or it can be used as project work in the elementary grades of school or the senior group of kindergarten. Take the lid from the box. The larger and wider it is, the better.

Master class on creating a microdistrict

To test your knowledge of traffic rules, you can create a portable game.

Requirements for technical equipment for traffic regulations class

In recent years, an interactive approach to learning has been gaining popularity in education. Therefore, it is recommended to equip traffic rules classes with:

  • interactive whiteboard;
  • projector;
  • computer/laptop;
  • TV.

The presence of special equipment allows you to demonstrate presentations, educational films and cartoons, and conduct special games on traffic rules. This also makes it possible to quickly update teaching aids and reduce the physical volume of reference books, posters and manuals in the classroom.

Recent studies show that showing films and organizing interactive games cause increased interest in the subject among schoolchildren. They participate more willingly in lessons, remember information better, and apply it more successfully in practice.

Wall newspaper

This is an incomparable visual aid. It is issued together with children at school by the teacher who supervises work on traffic rules. To keep information up to date, it is recommended to release it once every two weeks. Here you can create various sections, reflecting information about traffic rules competitions and the work of the team of Young Traffic Inspectors. You can place a certain historical educational program on traffic rules.

The history of flicker, traffic lights and road signs will certainly attract the attention of many. Young intellectuals may be interested in a crossword puzzle or a chain word on traffic rules. Photos of non-standard road signs from other countries will inspire you to become more familiar with your own. The main thing is to involve children in learning and observing the Rules of the Road. And for this, all means are good!

Master class on making wall newspapers. It can be stationary with changing sections or completely changing. Let's consider the stationary option.

Such a wall newspaper can always be easily updated. And if it is published on a schedule by a changing editorial board, then readers will never get tired of it with its sameness. And if you hold a competition of similar wall newspapers between classes at school, then the work on studying traffic rules will be in full swing all year, which will affect the reduction in accident rates. After all, where traffic rules are taught in this way, children get into fewer accidents! Making traffic lights, signs, and wall newspapers can be combined with learning poems, songs, reading stories, and watching cartoons on traffic rules. This way information is remembered much faster and better.


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