12 finger games for the youngest. Simple and fun

Finger games for children 2 - 3 years old + Video (Part 1)

If you follow blog updates, you know that Taisiya and I are big fans of gesture and finger games. We started before we were a year old with stomps, slams and everyone’s favorite “ladushkas”, but now we have grown to more complex finger figures like squirrels and dogs. I consider finger gymnastics to be a simple and at the same time very useful tool for child development. It improves your mood, develops your memory, and your imagination. Well, the main thing (which is why finger games were invented) is that fine motor skills are developed. I think it’s no secret to anyone now that the level of development of fine motor skills is directly related to the baby’s speech.

A complete collection of exercises for finger gymnastics, divided by age, can be found in this section, and today I want to publish the rhymes that we played starting from 2 years old . This time I decided to try to change the usual article format by adding a video to the poems. Perhaps someone will find this option more convenient. Taisiya gladly agreed to help me in this endeavor. Only in the video, of course, she is no longer 2 years old, but 3.9

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