Children's fitness in kindergarten: 55 useful exercises for different ages

Physical development in preschool

Children's fitness is a system of activities aimed at strengthening and maintaining the health of children.

The use of fitness movements in kindergarten not only fuels interest in sports activities and teaches them to enjoy physical activity, but also improves health. Children learn to understand and control their bodies. They develop muscle strength and body plasticity, acquire correct posture and a harmonious physique.

Sports activities in kindergarten not only develop children physically, but also have a beneficial effect on their psychomotor state. Kindergarten children develop harmoniously physically, spiritually and aesthetically.

Fitness goals in kindergarten

Physical activity contributes to the development of many qualities of a child. This includes the development of motor skills, high performance, and successful mastery of new material.

Outdoor games and physical exercise have a beneficial effect on processes such as memory, attention, imagination and thinking. Sport not only develops, but also disciplines and gives self-confidence.

At the same time, physical education can help children of different temperaments:

  • passive guys will be able to open up to new energies, increasing their vitality;
  • hyperactive kindergarteners will learn to harmoniously distribute their energy costs;
  • capricious children will be able to feel the strength of their body and become more resilient.

It is all these problems that fitness for children is designed to solve.

If we take a separate kindergarten, then the main tasks of fitness in a preschool institution are:

  1. Formation and improvement of children’s physical qualities (endurance, coordination, strength, agility, speed)
  2. Prevention of disorders in the musculoskeletal system
  3. Introduction to healthy lifestyle and sports

These tasks are specified based on the age group of the children.

Fitness club program for different age groups

Children's fitness involves achieving different tasks in different kindergarten groups. The main ones are listed in the table.

For whomTasks
For the younger group
  • learn to jump on two legs while moving forward;
  • run continuously for 40 seconds;
  • climb and dismount the ladder of the wall bars;
  • learn to work with the ball;
  • train the skill of stepping over obstacles up to 10 cm high;
  • master running with legs raised high, as well as walking and running in different techniques
For the middle group
  • improve ball control;
  • train maintaining balance in static and motion;
  • learn to ride a two-wheeled bicycle;
  • improve the skill of practicing on the Swedish wall;
  • master different physical movements
For older kindergarteners
  • train the ability to maintain balance, moving from active movements to less active ones;
  • learn to pull yourself up;
  • stimulate interest in sports and healthy lifestyle;
  • improve the plasticity of movements;
  • learn to change into and out of sportswear independently, wash your hands after classes

Important! It is recommended to devote 2-3 times a week to sports activities in kindergarten, one of which would be outside.

How to organize children's outdoor sports activities is shown in the video:


Physical education and sports for children. consultation (senior group)

Consultation for parents.

Physical education and sports for children.

While caring for the full development of a child, adults often pay insufficient attention to his physical fitness, and completely in vain. How quickly and correctly he will develop mentally or creatively also depends on how developed the child is physically. Therefore, it is very important to choose an activity for your child that would help him fully develop in all areas.

Parents often forget about the physical development and sports activities of their children.

Things to consider.

Despite the importance and necessity of sports in a child’s life, there are also risks. First of all, there is a risk of injury. Therefore, it is worth choosing a sports section for a child based on his individual characteristics. For example, a lack of calcium, aggravated by chronic diseases, excludes participation in those sports where there is a high risk of bone injury. Thus, it is better for you to give up wrestling or football in favor of swimming or athletics.

In addition, take into account the child’s personal wishes. Even if you dream of seeing your child as a hockey or figure skating star, and the child himself is only interested in tennis, you don’t need to force him, otherwise you won’t see any special success. The child should do what gives him pleasure.

As in any other activity, the child must have a goal. However, it hardly makes sense to prepare your child for some great achievements if you are only interested in all-round development and you do not see your child’s special abilities in sports. A sufficient result will be high immunity, flexibility, endurance and discipline, which are developed through regular practice of any sport.

What to choose?

There are many sports that would be useful for children. It is believed that the sooner you send your child to the section, the easier he will adapt and the greater success he will achieve.

If your child loves games involving many people and is suitable for health and physical development, then you can introduce him to football, basketball, volleyball or hockey.

If your child has weak muscles, spinal problems and lack of interest in team sports, then swimming will be most beneficial for him. It will help correct scoliosis, shape your figure and calm your nerves.

For children who love animals and are less comfortable with people, the equestrian section is ideal. Communication with these animals has a beneficial effect on the psyche, and regular exercises in the equestrian section have a beneficial effect on all the most important functions of the body. Nowadays, it is in equestrian sections that children, even with serious illnesses, are trained and successfully treated.

If the child’s health allows him to engage in active and strength sports, then an excellent solution would be boxing or wrestling, which are very popular now. Not only boys, but also girls go to these sections, so many children have a chance to learn how to defend themselves from attacks.

The most dangerous sport is athletics. These are constant sprains and dislocations, the risk of developing flat feet, but it is unlikely that any other sport allows you to develop the body so harmoniously. If you are confident in the health and endurance of your child, if his energy requires an outlet, then athletics can captivate him and allow him to achieve significant results.

Sports for children are certainly important. Physical education classes alone, both in kindergarten and at school, are not enough for a child to grow up healthy and strong, but additional classes in any sports section will give the child the opportunity to solve many problems. First of all, the child will learn to coordinate his movements, even mental stress will be easier to bear, his nervous system will be less susceptible to irritation and immune to viruses.

Dear Parents! When choosing sports sections, be guided not by fashion and your own desires, but by the capabilities and desires of your child.

Types of sports elements in kindergarten

Conventionally, the sports load in kindergarten can be divided into the following categories:

  1. General developmental exercises in kindergarten are based on a set of developmental tasks. This may include:
      morning exercises;
  2. breathing practice;
  3. ball exercises;
  4. tasks for different types of motor activity with and without different objects;
  5. movements with a hoop.
  6. Health-improving exercisesAimed at improving and strengthening the body of a preschool child. Here we can highlight:
      elements for the prevention of flat feet;
  7. stretching exercises;
  8. hardening procedures, barefoot physical education;
  9. visiting the swimming pool;
  10. elements to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen.
  11. Dance and sports directionHelps to identify the child’s inclinations for one or another type of sports activity. In kindergarten you can find:
  12. aerobics;
  13. gymnastics
  14. Play activitiesThis includes everything that helps preschoolers develop physically through play:
  15. basketball;
  16. volleyball;
  17. team games;
  18. competitive games.

It is also worth setting aside time for children to independently master sports elements. This usually happens outdoors, on a playground with slides, swings, etc., or indoors, where there is a sports corner with additional hanging equipment.

General developmental exercises in kindergarten

Depending on the goal, you can develop various sets of general developmental exercises for children of different ages. Morning exercises or physical education, breathing practice or elements with a hoop, exercises with balls or other objects. You can come up with your own program for both toddlers and older children.

Physical complex for morning exercises

The following set of exercises can be suggested as morning exercises:

  1. Stretch Children stand in a circle, rise on their toes and stretch upward with straight arms. With an exhalation, the arms return to the starting position through the sides, the soles of the feet fully touch the floor. You can do it on the spot, or you can take a step to the side, moving between the stretches in a circle.
  2. Pendulum You can also form a circle, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on your waist. Do versatile head tilts.
  3. Doll We include the shoulders in the work. To do this, place your arms along your body. Raise your right shoulder first, then your left.
  4. Tumbler We sit on the floor, pull our legs towards ourselves and clasp them with our hands. From this position we do versatile rolls.
  5. Top We stand on our feet, placing them shoulder-width apart. We jump on two legs, alternating jumping with walking. You can alternate elements in a circular motion.

Breathing practice

It is important to teach kindergarteners to do breathing practice. It is necessary after each set of exercises. In addition, this practice is an excellent prevention of diseases of the throat and nose.

To stir up interest, you can give each element a fun name, for example:

  • We blow bubbles - take a deep breath through our nose, puffing out our cheeks, then slowly exhale through our slightly open mouth.
  • Pump - we stand up and put our hands on our belts, inhale and squat a little, and exhale we straighten up. The goal is to gradually make your squats lower and your inhalations and exhalations deeper.
  • Chicken - we stand up and bend down, hanging our arms freely, playing the role of wings, and lowering our head. With an exhalation, we pat ourselves on the knees and say “so-so-so”, with an inhalation we straighten up and raise our arms up.
  • Watch - stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. We swing our straight arms back and forth, while saying “tick-tock.”
  • Trumpeter - sit down and fold your raised hands into a tube. While exhaling slowly we say “p-f-f”.

Movements with the ball

With the ball you can also come up with a huge number of exercises for different kindergarten groups:

  • standing, we take the ball in both hands and lower them down, lifting the ball over our heads while rising on our toes;
  • we transfer the ball from one straight hand to another in the starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, the ball is in one of the hands;
  • we sit on the floor, crossing our legs, placing the ball on the right side of the floor, rolling the ball in front of us in the other direction;
  • we jump on two legs with a ball in our hands;
  • we throw the ball up, throw it from one hand to the other.

A complex of different elements with and without objects

  1. With cubes
      We stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, cubes in hands. We raise our arms up from the sides and knock the cubes against each other.
  2. We sit on the floor, take the cubes in our hands and bend them at the elbows. Raise your legs up and hit the cubes under your knees.
  3. We jump with cubes, spreading our arms in different directions.
  4. With checkboxes
      We stand up, spread our arms with flags to the sides. We make lunges, touching the hand with the flag to the knee of the same leg.
  5. We spread our legs wide, stretch our arms forward with the flags. We turn to one side, moving our hand back and following the flag with our eyes. Repeat with the other hand.
  6. The starting position is the same, we raise our hands with flags up. We bend down, the flags stretch to the floor.
  7. No items
      Feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. We rise on our toes, raising our right arm up. Repeat with the other hand.
  8. We squat down and hug our knees with our hands. We straighten up, standing on our tiptoes and raising our arms up.
  9. We lie on the floor on our backs with straight legs and arms located along the body. We clasp our head with our hands and press it to our knees pulled up to our stomach. We curl up into a ball in this way.

Movements with a hoop

A hoop can also diversify children's fitness, adding interest and benefit to exercise:

  1. We stand up and hold the hoop below. Raise the hoop forward, then up, then forward and down again.
  2. Feet shoulder-width apart, clasp the hoop on the sides and press it to the chest. We turn the body in one direction, extend straight arms in the same direction. Repeat on the other side.
  3. The starting position is the same. We squat, bringing the hoop forward.
  4. Keep the hoop down. We lift it forward and bend over, looking into the hoop. We linger for a few seconds in this position. The back is straight.
  5. We stand near the hoop. We begin to jump around the inventory.

Wellness practice

Health-improving exercises play a huge role in fitness for preschoolers. After all, the groundwork for the rest of your life is laid precisely from childhood. Particular attention here should be paid to exercises that prevent the development of flat feet, stretching and strengthening elements.

Elements that prevent flat feet

The foot is the foundation of the entire body, so flat feet should not be taken lightly. And if we take into account that the formation of the musculoskeletal system occurs over a period of up to 6 years, then it is recommended to prevent flat feet at this age.

We offer the following set of exercises aimed at preventing flat feet:

  1. We sit on a chair, place a massage ball under one foot and roll it back and forth and in a circle. Repeat with the other leg. The back is straight.
  2. We squat in a frog pose, hands on knees, heels together:
      we press our hands on our knees and connect them together;
  3. we rest our hands on the floor behind our backs and, sliding the outside of our feet, bend and straighten our legs;
  4. Raise your legs and start tapping your feet.
  5. We sit on a chair with a straight back, holding its edge with our hands:
      We place our feet one by one on the heels;
  6. we walk on our toes back and forth;
  7. we take a handkerchief and try to grab it with one foot;
  8. transfer the scarf from one foot to the other.
  9. The starting position is the same. Hands on the belt. Draw a circle on the floor with the toe of one foot. Repeat with the other leg.
  10. We sit on the floor, arms supported behind us, legs bent, feet together, back straight. We raise our legs and press our feet into each other.
  11. The starting position is the same. We alternately draw pictures in the air with our toes.

Important! The entire complex is carried out without shoes, additionally providing hardening.

Stretching in kindergarten

Stretching is designed to gently stretch the muscles. In order for the elements to be performed smoothly, without jerks, calm music is used in kindergarten.

The training complex can include the following stretching elements:

  • we stand up, arms along the body, toes in different directions, heels next to each other - we rise onto our toes with straight arms, stretching upward as much as possible;
  • the starting position is the same - when lifting, we stretch our arms in different directions, fixing ourselves in this position;
  • feet parallel, legs at shoulder level - raise our arms and sit down without lifting our feet from the floor;
  • lie on the floor on your stomach, clasp your ankles with your hands, raise your head and raise your shoulders and chest, if possible, raise your stomach;
  • the starting position is the same, arms along the body, legs straight - bend one leg, leaving the foot on the floor, repeat with the other leg.

Elements for strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen

You can strengthen your core muscles in kindergarten using exercise equipment such as a horizontal bar, fitball, health discs, expanders, and abdominal benches.

The following elements perform well:

  • hanging on the horizontal bar - stretches the back, simultaneously strengthening it;
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar and hanging leg raises;
  • passing a fitball while lying on your back from your arms to your legs and vice versa;
  • crunches on a fitball or abdominal bench;
  • gluteal bridge on a fitball and so on.

And if a wall bars with attachments are installed in the kindergarten, then there should be no problems with strengthening training at all. Preschoolers themselves will find activities to their liking, using the hanging equipment to their advantage.

Dance and sports direction

This is probably the most interesting area of ​​fitness in kindergarten. Thus, the following types of activities can be distinguished:

  1. Aerobics Includes all aerobic elements that fill the body with oxygen. Dancing movements, jumping, running - all these cyclical movements stimulate the functioning of the cardiac and respiratory systems and give a great mood.
  2. Rhythmic gymnastics A variation of the usual gymnastics, but with an emphasis on intense motor activity. A wide range of movements helps improve coordination abilities and motor memory.
  3. Logorhythmics A very interesting direction that combines physical elements with the pronunciation of sounds and their derivatives. Here, in addition to physical development, speech development occurs.
  4. Animal aerobics Another type of activity, fun and entertaining, combines aerobics with movements that imitate the behavior of animals.
  5. Step aerobics Rhythmic movements to lively music on step platforms. This is where fine motor skills, balance and physical strength are developed.

Conversation “Summer Sports”

Purpose of the conversation : Formation of children's ideas about summer sports and development of interest in physical education and sports .


1. Introduce children to summer sports , sports equipment , the concepts of athlete and competition .

2. Develop memory, thinking, imagination; develop coherent speech and enrich your vocabulary.

3. To cultivate interest and love for sports , respect for athletes , and a desire to engage in physical education and sports .

Material for the conversation :

Visual and didactic manual “ Types of Sports ” from the “Lessons for the Little Ones” series, ProfPress publishing house.

Visual and didactic aid “ Summer Sports ”. Stories from pictures Publishing house Mosaic synthesis 2016

Sports equipment : racket, ball, jump rope, hoop.


1 Internet resource: – Summer sports .

2. Internet resource: – Consultation – sports for children .

3. N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova “From birth to school” Mosaic synthesis, 2016.

Teacher's speech: Children's answers:

Guys, winter is over and the long-awaited spring has arrived! What time of year will come after spring? Summer!

Guys, do you like summer?

Why do you love summer?


In summer it is warm, you can walk a lot. You can swim and ride a scooter or bicycle.

That's right, in the summer you can walk outside for a long time, ride a bike, swim, sunbathe, play ball, jump rope and play many other interesting games. What do you think, how to call in one word the sports that can be played in the summer? Summer .

Let's look at the pictures and try to find out the main summer sports .

A picture of a cyclist is shown. What do you think the name of this sport ? Cycling . _


This is a “bicycle race” in which athletes compete for speed; whoever reaches the finish line first is the winner. What do you think is the most important thing in this sport ?

Speed, bike, ride a bike fast.

That's right, a bicycle. Why does an athlete need a helmet ? To avoid hitting your head.

Do you love cycling?

What else can you ride in the summer?

Yes! On a scooter, on roller skates!

A card with a tennis player is shown. Guys, do you know what sport ?

A fast ball and two rackets. All strikes are clear and precise.

Play until victory, don’t give in to anyone! Tennis.

This is "tennis". It can be large and tabletop, how do they differ?

Tennis is played on a large court, and table tennis is played at a table.

What do you need to do this sport ? Look what the racket looks like.

Racket, tennis ball, net,

How many people can participate in the game? Can 4 people play at once?

That's right, this game can be played by 4 people.

Yes, you can.

Guys, you are very familiar with this sport , without looking at the picture, guess the riddle:

Everyone kicks the ball with their feet,

Like hammering a nail into a gate,

Everyone shouts with joy: “Goal!”

The ball game is called.


That's right, it's football. What do players need to do to win? Goal!

That's right, goal! Does anyone know what the main rule in football is? Do not touch the ball with your hands!

What other ball sports do you know ?

Cards with volleyball and basketball are shown. Please note that the balls are different. Each game has its own ball; for volleyball you need a light ball to throw over the net, and for basketball you need a bouncy ball.

In basketball, the ball is thrown into a hoop. Basketball. Volleyball.

Why are these games called team games? Many people play - a team.

Let's look at cards with long jump, high jump, running, shot throw, javelin, gymnastics. Guys, these are also summer sports . Please tell me, maybe some of them are familiar to you? Look at how many different implements are used in these sports .

Ribbon, ball, log and parallel bars, rings next to them.

I don’t undertake to list the many shells.

He gives us beauty and plasticity. (gymnastics) Jumping, running, gymnastics.

What is the name of the place where competitions in these sports ? Stadium.

In summer there are many sports that take place on the water: swimming, diving, rowing.

Children, at the end of our conversation , we will play the game: “Imagine a sport .” Remember what sports we talked about , which one you liked best, and try to depict it using the movements that an athlete makes in this sport . Children depict sports that they liked and remember, the rest of the children guess.

Teacher: To become a real athlete , it takes a lot of strength, energy, work and desire. A true athlete acquires many qualities during training: endurance, strength, agility, accuracy, speed, a slender figure, correct posture.

When summer comes, you should not forget about physical exercise, walk more often, play with a ball, ride a scooter and bike, swim, play tag, tennis and badminton.

To be strong and healthy,

must love sports .

Keep busy, don't be lazy,

And make friends with sports .

Conversation “Summer Sports”

Purpose of the conversation : Formation of children's ideas about summer sports and development of interest in physical education and sports .


1. Introduce children to summer sports , sports equipment , the concepts of athlete and competition .

2. Develop memory, thinking, imagination; develop coherent speech and enrich your vocabulary.

3. To cultivate interest and love for sports , respect for athletes , and a desire to engage in physical education and sports .

Material for the conversation :

Visual and didactic manual “ Types of Sports ” from the “Lessons for the Little Ones” series, ProfPress publishing house.

Visual and didactic aid “ Summer Sports ”. Stories from pictures Publishing house Mosaic synthesis 2016

Sports equipment : racket, ball, jump rope, hoop.


1 Internet resource: – Summer sports .

2. Internet resource: – Consultation – sports for children .

3. N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova “From birth to school” Mosaic synthesis, 2016.

Teacher's speech: Children's answers:

Guys, winter is over and the long-awaited spring has arrived! What time of year will come after spring? Summer!

Guys, do you like summer?

Why do you love summer?


In summer it is warm, you can walk a lot. You can swim and ride a scooter or bicycle.

That's right, in the summer you can walk outside for a long time, ride a bike, swim, sunbathe, play ball, jump rope and play many other interesting games. What do you think, how to call in one word the sports that can be played in the summer? Summer .

Let's look at the pictures and try to find out the main summer sports .

A picture of a cyclist is shown. What do you think the name of this sport ? Cycling . _


This is a “bicycle race” in which athletes compete for speed; whoever reaches the finish line first is the winner. What do you think is the most important thing in this sport ?

Speed, bike, ride a bike fast.

That's right, a bicycle. Why does an athlete need a helmet ? To avoid hitting your head.

Do you love cycling?

What else can you ride in the summer?

Yes! On a scooter, on roller skates!

A card with a tennis player is shown. Guys, do you know what sport ?

A fast ball and two rackets. All strikes are clear and precise.

Play until victory, don’t give in to anyone! Tennis.

This is "tennis". It can be large and tabletop, how do they differ?

Tennis is played on a large court, and table tennis is played at a table.

What do you need to do this sport ? Look what the racket looks like.

Racket, tennis ball, net,

How many people can participate in the game? Can 4 people play at once?

That's right, this game can be played by 4 people.

Yes, you can.

Guys, you are very familiar with this sport , without looking at the picture, guess the riddle:

Everyone kicks the ball with their feet,

Like hammering a nail into a gate,

Everyone shouts with joy: “Goal!”

The ball game is called.


That's right, it's football. What do players need to do to win? Goal!

That's right, goal! Does anyone know what the main rule in football is? Do not touch the ball with your hands!

What other ball sports do you know ?

Cards with volleyball and basketball are shown. Please note that the balls are different. Each game has its own ball; for volleyball you need a light ball to throw over the net, and for basketball you need a bouncy ball.

In basketball, the ball is thrown into a hoop. Basketball. Volleyball.

Why are these games called team games? Many people play - a team.

Let's look at cards with long jump, high jump, running, shot throw, javelin, gymnastics. Guys, these are also summer sports . Please tell me, maybe some of them are familiar to you? Look at how many different implements are used in these sports .

Ribbon, ball, log and parallel bars, rings next to them.

I don’t undertake to list the many shells.

He gives us beauty and plasticity. (gymnastics) Jumping, running, gymnastics.

What is the name of the place where competitions in these sports ? Stadium.

In summer there are many sports that take place on the water: swimming, diving, rowing.

Children, at the end of our conversation , we will play the game: “Imagine a sport .” Remember what sports we talked about , which one you liked best, and try to depict it using the movements that an athlete makes in this sport . Children depict sports that they liked and remember, the rest of the children guess.

Teacher: To become a real athlete , it takes a lot of strength, energy, work and desire. A true athlete acquires many qualities during training: endurance, strength, agility, accuracy, speed, a slender figure, correct posture.

When summer comes, you should not forget about physical exercise, walk more often, play with a ball, ride a scooter and bike, swim, play tag, tennis and badminton.

To be strong and healthy,

must love sports .

Keep busy, don't be lazy,

And make friends with sports .

Conversation “Summer Sports”

Purpose of the conversation : Formation of children's ideas about summer sports and development of interest in physical education and sports .


1. Introduce children to summer sports , sports equipment , the concepts of athlete and competition .

2. Develop memory, thinking, imagination; develop coherent speech and enrich your vocabulary.

3. To cultivate interest and love for sports , respect for athletes , and a desire to engage in physical education and sports .

Material for the conversation :

Visual and didactic manual “ Types of Sports ” from the “Lessons for the Little Ones” series, ProfPress publishing house.

Visual and didactic aid “ Summer Sports ”. Stories from pictures Publishing house Mosaic synthesis 2016

Sports equipment : racket, ball, jump rope, hoop.


1 Internet resource: – Summer sports .

2. Internet resource: – Consultation – sports for children .

3. N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova “From birth to school” Mosaic synthesis, 2016.

Teacher's speech: Children's answers:

Guys, winter is over and the long-awaited spring has arrived! What time of year will come after spring? Summer!

Guys, do you like summer?

Why do you love summer?


In summer it is warm, you can walk a lot. You can swim and ride a scooter or bicycle.

That's right, in the summer you can walk outside for a long time, ride a bike, swim, sunbathe, play ball, jump rope and play many other interesting games. What do you think, how to call in one word the sports that can be played in the summer? Summer .

Let's look at the pictures and try to find out the main summer sports .

A picture of a cyclist is shown. What do you think the name of this sport ? Cycling . _


This is a “bicycle race” in which athletes compete for speed; whoever reaches the finish line first is the winner. What do you think is the most important thing in this sport ?

Speed, bike, ride a bike fast.

That's right, a bicycle. Why does an athlete need a helmet ? To avoid hitting your head.

Do you love cycling?

What else can you ride in the summer?

Yes! On a scooter, on roller skates!

A card with a tennis player is shown. Guys, do you know what sport ?

A fast ball and two rackets. All strikes are clear and precise.

Play until victory, don’t give in to anyone! Tennis.

This is "tennis". It can be large and tabletop, how do they differ?

Tennis is played on a large court, and table tennis is played at a table.

What do you need to do this sport ? Look what the racket looks like.

Racket, tennis ball, net,

How many people can participate in the game? Can 4 people play at once?

That's right, this game can be played by 4 people.

Yes, you can.

Guys, you are very familiar with this sport , without looking at the picture, guess the riddle:

Everyone kicks the ball with their feet,

Like hammering a nail into a gate,

Everyone shouts with joy: “Goal!”

The ball game is called.


That's right, it's football. What do players need to do to win? Goal!

That's right, goal! Does anyone know what the main rule in football is? Do not touch the ball with your hands!

What other ball sports do you know ?

Cards with volleyball and basketball are shown. Please note that the balls are different. Each game has its own ball; for volleyball you need a light ball to throw over the net, and for basketball you need a bouncy ball.

In basketball, the ball is thrown into a hoop. Basketball. Volleyball.

Why are these games called team games? Many people play - a team.

Let's look at cards with long jump, high jump, running, shot throw, javelin, gymnastics. Guys, these are also summer sports . Please tell me, maybe some of them are familiar to you? Look at how many different implements are used in these sports .

Ribbon, ball, log and parallel bars, rings next to them.

I don’t undertake to list the many shells.

He gives us beauty and plasticity. (gymnastics) Jumping, running, gymnastics.

What is the name of the place where competitions in these sports ? Stadium.

In summer there are many sports that take place on the water: swimming, diving, rowing.

Children, at the end of our conversation , we will play the game: “Imagine a sport .” Remember what sports we talked about , which one you liked best, and try to depict it using the movements that an athlete makes in this sport . Children depict sports that they liked and remember, the rest of the children guess.

Teacher: To become a real athlete , it takes a lot of strength, energy, work and desire. A true athlete acquires many qualities during training: endurance, strength, agility, accuracy, speed, a slender figure, correct posture.

When summer comes, you should not forget about physical exercise, walk more often, play with a ball, ride a scooter and bike, swim, play tag, tennis and badminton.

To be strong and healthy,

must love sports .

Keep busy, don't be lazy,

And make friends with sports .

Basic rules of fitness in kindergarten

Children's fitness must be divided into age groups. A number of exercises for older preschoolers are not suitable for toddlers. It is also necessary to allocate different times for studying. For example, for younger kindergarteners, training should not last more than 20-25 minutes; in the middle group, training can last half an hour, and in the older group - 35 minutes.

Classes must be conducted under the supervision of a teacher. Before training, it is necessary to check the well-being of the participants and make sure that they have changed into sportswear and shoes.

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Sports games in kindergarten article (middle, senior, preparatory group)

Alekseeva V.G., physical education instructor

GBDOU kindergarten No. 14 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the social and personal development of children in the Krasnoselsky district

St. Petersburg

Sports games in kindergarten

Elements of sports games play a major role in the comprehensive education of preschool children. They are selected taking into account the age, health status, individual inclinations and interests of the child. They use only some elements of sports game technology that are accessible and useful to preschool children. Based on these elements learned by children, games can be organized that are played according to simplified rules.

Sports games strengthen large muscle groups, develop psychophysical qualities: strength, speed, agility, endurance. In sports games, a child’s mental activity and orientation in space increase, intelligence and speed of thinking develop, and awareness of his own actions comes. The child learns to coordinate his actions with the actions of his comrades; he develops restraint, self-control, responsibility, will and determination; His sensorimotor experience is enriched, creativity develops. It is extremely important to take into account the developmental role of joy, strong emotions, and undying interest in the results of the game. A child’s passion for play enhances the physiological state of the body.

Sports exercises replenish and enrich the vocabulary with words such as “racket”, “shuttlecock”, “towns”, “pins”, “bat”, “stick”, “puck”, etc. Sports games relieve nervous tension and help free expression emotions. Mastering the elements of sports games in preschool age forms the basis for further sports activities.

Board games (basketball, volleyball, football, hockey, etc.) help introduce children to the rules of sports games.

The preschool institution always has sports equipment available - skittles, ring throw, grays, badminton, gorodki, volleyball, basketball, hockey. In kindergarten, games are used that give children the opportunity to become familiar with the elements of sports games.

Skittles. Children from the middle group play. For the game, pins of three sizes (large, medium, small) of 6 pieces and 3 balls are used. The task is to knock down the pins with the ball from the stake line at a distance of 1.5 - 3 m. To roll the ball, you need to turn your body half a turn to the right, put your right leg back, and lean forward. Knocked down pins are placed again. The figures in the middle group are created by the teacher, and in the senior and preparatory groups - by the children themselves.

Ring throw. This game is used in older groups. Ring throwers can be tabletop, wall-mounted or floor-mounted. Plot figures are also used as ring throwers (a wooden bird with a tail, Pinocchio with a long nose, etc.). The floor ring thrower is installed on the playground or in the gym. One line is drawn at a distance of 2 m from it and a second line is drawn at a distance of 3 m. The players agree on how many rings each person will throw, then take turns throwing the rings onto the pegs from the first line. Initial position before throwing: the left leg is set back, arms along the body, when aiming, the right hand with the ring is brought forward at waist level; when swinging, it is retracted towards the left hand back; when throwing, the right hand with the ring sweeps forward - down. After the throw, the body straightens. When all the rings have been thrown, they count who threw the most onto the pegs. Then all the children move to the second line and from there they throw rings onto the cones.

Serso. This game is used in older groups. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of 4 - 5 m.

The throw is performed from the starting position: the body is turned half a turn to the left, the left leg is set back, the left and right arms are lowered along the body. The child with his right hand throws the ring from the bottom forward - up so that it is convenient to catch it. Another child is preparing to catch the ring: his left leg is set back, his torso is turned half a turn to the left, his left arm is along his torso, and his right arm is bent in front of his chest.

Training is carried out in the following sequence: rings are thrown and caught by hand; the rings are thrown with a stick and caught with the hand; thrown and caught with a stick. The one who catches the most rings wins.

Badminton. It is recommended to play the game in calm weather on a flat area. Two children stand at a distance of 4 - 5 m from each other. One child throws the shuttlecock, hits it with a racket, pointing it forward (not up) towards the partner. He must take it back. The beating continues until the shuttlecock hits the ground. Badminton can also be played over a net.

To play the game, you need to teach children to hold the racket with their right hand. The racket rests on the base of the palm, the fingers are clenched, and the thumb is slightly extended forward and rests on the handle of the racket.

First, preparatory exercises are carried out with the children: manipulating the racket and juggling the shuttlecock, playing without a net, first with the teacher, and then with each other; playing through the net.

Towns. This game is available to children of the senior and preparatory groups. Before the game, children agree on the number of figures (3 - 4) and their order. Each player receives two bats and throws them one after another, trying to knock the towns out of the square (“city”). At the beginning of the game, the bats are thrown from the horse, and when at least one town is knocked out of the figure, the player throws the bats from the half-horse. After all the towns have been knocked out, a new figure is placed. The order of constructing the figures gradually becomes more complicated.

It is important to teach children how to throw bats correctly. The player stands behind the line, puts his right leg aside and takes a step back with his toe outward, turning his torso half-turn to the right. When swinging, the hand with the bat is pulled back, the weight of the body is transferred to the right leg. The throw is made with a straight arm from the side. In this case, the weight of the body is transferred to the left leg, the body vigorously turns to the left. Throw the bat smoothly, giving it a slow rotational motion.

Volleyball. Children are taught how to pass the ball and serve with two hands. Learning to play volleyball consists of three stages (preparatory, introductory, main). At the preparatory stage, you need to teach the ability to see the ball, quickly react to its flight, and develop coordination of movements. For this purpose, the “Ball School” is used. At the second stage (leading), children are taught to perform exercises with the ball, which are used in volleyball: throw the ball to each other (high, strong) and catch it with both hands, hit the ball with a push of two palms in the right direction. At the main stage, they teach how to throw the ball over the net in compliance with the following rules:

1. Do not hold the ball in your hands, but hit it higher and stronger to throw it over the net.

2. Serve the ball into play not from the corner, but from the field.

Basketball. Children are taught to catch and pass the ball, throw the ball with both hands into the basket, and dribble the ball. In the preparatory period, children 5 years old are taught to hit the ball into the basket from a place with two hands from the chest, throw the ball with the right and left hands. The following exercises are carried out with children 6 years old: passing the ball to each other with both hands from the chest, with one hand from the shoulder; throwing the ball to each other from the chest in motion; catching a ball flying at different heights (at chest level, above the head, on the side, below, near the floor, etc.) and from different sides; throwing the ball into the basket with both hands from behind the head, from the shoulder from different distances (1 - 3 m); dribbling the ball with one hand, passing it from one hand to the other, moving in different directions, stopping and moving again at a signal. During the main period, children learn the rules of playing basketball and play according to simplified rules.

Hockey. In the older group, children master dribbling (rolling) a ball (puck) with a stick on snow, ice (without skates), or grass in a given direction; rolling the puck to each other in pairs, hitting the puck and hitting the goal. In the preparatory group, tasks are given to move the puck with a stick without lifting it from the puck; roll the puck with a stick to each other; hold the puck with your stick; move the puck around and between objects with your stick; shoot the puck into the goal, holding the stick with both hands, right and left; hit the puck into the goal by hitting it from the spot and after dribbling.

Football. At preschool age, children master the elements of playing football. In the senior group, tasks are given: roll the ball with the right and left foot in a given direction; dribble the ball around objects; roll the ball into the goal; hit the ball against the wall several times in a row; pass the ball with one foot to each other in pairs. In the preparatory group, the tasks become more complicated: pass the ball to each other, hitting it with the right and left foot, standing still (distance 3 - 4 m), toss the ball with the foot, catch it with your hands, hit objects with the ball; kick the ball into the goal.

Children should be taught games with elements of sports games gradually, moving from simple to complex. Training should begin with learning common techniques that are similar to a number of games. When learning the basic techniques of sports games, the greatest favorite (especially among boys) is playing gorodki, as well as ball games such as basketball, badminton, and tennis. All sports games, when used wisely, are completely safe for children. The teacher must teach children to follow the basic rules of games. Then the game will be a joy!

“Sports in the life of a preschool child.”

As a result of recent studies, it has been found that adults currently move very little, which negatively affects their health. Moreover, the category of health and a number of diseases that an adult suffers from are a direct result of the magnitude of the child’s movements in preschool age. The more active a preschooler is, the higher his life potential and health will be.

In recent years, there has been a tendency towards a decrease in the physical activity of preschool children. Why is this happening?

“This can be explained by the fact that our children sit for a long time watching TV, as well as when conducting various activities with them, reading books to them, doing manual labor, drawing, modeling, which do not require active movements.

What contributes to decreased physical activity in children?

-Firstly, the processes of normal development are disrupted and secondly, changes in metabolism appear.

Absolutely right, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all types of movements are one of the most important needs of a growing child’s body.

What changes will happen to a child if he moves a lot and plays sports?

— Motor activity tones the central nervous system of children; during movement, nerve cells in all areas of the cerebral cortex are activated, metabolism increases, and the pituitary gland intensifies the release of growth hormone.

Yes, and active muscle work reduces nervous tension and weakens the impact of negative emotions. Insufficient muscle activity slows down the child’s mental development. It’s not for nothing that 2.5 thousand years ago in ancient Hellas the saying was carved on a rock: “If you want to be strong, run, if you want to be beautiful, run, if you want to be smart, run.” In addition to the positive effect it has on the child’s body, regular training allows you to develop discipline, responsibility and regulate the child’s daily routine.

At what age can you start systematic classes with preschoolers not only in physical education, but also in sports (skating, skiing, swimming, etc.)?

You can start from the senior preschool age, more precisely from 5 years old, although skis can be put on children starting from 3 years old, but they should not be taught skiing before 4-5 years old. Only from this age can you start learning to ski. And sports can also be done independently and without a specific desire for outstanding results.

There are certain rules and even requirements when buying skis.

When buying skis, you need to select them strictly according to the child’s height: the fingers of his outstretched hand should effortlessly reach the toe of the ski, and the ski poles should reach the armpits.

-That’s right, many skis for children currently produced are marked with the height for which they are designed. In such cases, fitting is not necessary.

-What can you add about clothes?

For skiing, your child should dress warmly but lightly. The most comfortable overalls are those that do not restrict movement, and mittens on your hands.

What are the features when teaching children to ski?

-In order for the child to get used to skis, before learning to walk on them in the snow, it is advisable to let them walk around the room in them. Here it is useful to master turning on skis on the spot with your child. When training, first of all, you develop the ability to stand on skis correctly, keep your feet parallel, and maintain the same distance between them when moving. First, children learn to ski without poles, mastering the so-called stepping steps and hand movements coordinated with them. Only after mastering such walking can you move on to learning a sliding step and using sticks. The child is taught to take a step with his left foot while simultaneously moving his right hand forward with a stick. The weight of the body is transferred to the left leg, and the left ski glides. Then the right foot also steps and the weight of the body is transferred to it; the left hand with a stick moves forward. The stick is placed in the snow at the level of the toe of the opposite boot. The skier's torso is slightly tilted forward, legs are bent.

-Is it possible to teach a child to slide down a mountain?

You can start teaching him how to descend, but from low, gentle hills. And moreover, when the child masters walking on level ground. When descending, the child slides on both skis at the same time. His legs, slightly bent at the knees, stand side by side. Both hands with sticks are brought forward at the same time, and the child pushes off.

-Is it necessary to teach a child to fall?

It is very important to teach your child to fall correctly (not forward or backward, but on his side) and to rise independently, leaning on his hands. By the age of 4, a trained child is able to put on and take off skis.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that when skiing with children together, a useful technique is towing a child standing on skis by poles or a rope. A child perceives it as an interesting game that imitates a steam locomotive with carriages or a tugboat with a barge.

-And in what weather can you go skiing with children?

In calm weather with frost not exceeding 12-15 °C, 5-6 year old children can ski for 20-30 minutes.

— Ice skating helps increase motor activity and improve coordination in children. What are the features in this direction? First of all, it is advisable not to immediately let the child on the ice, but to teach him to stand and skate on a wooden floor (putting covers on the skates) or asphalt. A good place to start is with double runner skates. And only when the child learns to skate well, you can allow him to try his abilities, first on a well-packed snow path, and then on ice. At first, you have to support the baby when he loses his balance. Without such preliminary training, children initially find it very difficult on the ice, which can discourage them from mastering this type of activity.

— Is it necessary to practice the skater’s pose with children?

When learning to skate, it is necessary to practice a skater's pose in a child: the torso is tilted forward, the arms are bent at the elbow joints and lowered down, the feet are parallel, the distance between them is 10-15 cm, the head is straight.

-How long should a child stay on the skating rink?

When a child has mastered the technique of skating well, you can allow him to skate on them daily for 30-50 minutes in frost no more than 10-12°C and not a strong wind.

-How to choose the right skates?

You should pay attention to how the skates are worn. Their size should correspond to the size of the child’s shoes, the toes should be loose, and the instep of the leg should be pulled tight, then the child will roll easily, pushing off with the entire blade of the skate.

-Skates in winter and roller skates in summer. In the summer, it is useful to master roller skating with your child on a paved area.

What are the features of teaching children to roller skate?

Much is repeated, and first of all, this is the position of the skater and it is the same as when skating on regular skates. The child must alternately push off with one or the other leg, while the arms, bent at the elbow joints, move forward and backward in time with the running steps. The permissible duration of roller skating for a preschooler is up to 30 minutes. Taking short breaks while riding is helpful. Depending on the summer weather conditions, clothing may consist of shorts and a T-shirt or a light cotton ski suit. In spring or fall, you can wear a wool ski suit.

— Training in dancing, figure skating, and rhythmic gymnastics is of great educational and health value. Rhythm and plasticity, as already noted, strengthen willpower and endurance, coordination of movements, and improve the beauty of the human body. But all these classes are conducted outside the home (in sections, swimming pools, clubs, sports fields). And at home every day in the morning you need increased exercise. Children are able to endure significant physical activity in walking, running, playing, etc.

Morning exercises are the most effective way to disperse nighttime sleepiness and lethargy, and prepare the body for daytime wakefulness. Meanwhile, you, dear parents, often don’t find ten minutes to prepare your child for the new day. Out of unreasonable pity, mom wants to let him sleep an extra minute and doesn’t wake him up until breakfast. But the baby needs exercise no less than breakfast.

-What exercises should be included in the complex of morning exercises?

The complex of morning exercises for a five-year-old child should include: breathing exercises (alternate with others), different types of walking, jogging, exercises for the muscles of the upper extremities (imitation of wing movements, throwing a ball from various positions, pushing and pushing up the torso), exercises for the torso ( forward bends, “pump”, circular movements, wrestling), exercises for the lower extremities (long jumps, from the bench, “spring”, squats, leg raises in a lying position, scissors, etc.), exercises for attention and coordination movements, for example the game “Butterfly, Crane and Frog”. The child walks in a circle. At the signal, the “butterfly” waves its arms up and down; at the signal, the “crane” steps with a high lift of its straight leg; at the signal, the “frog” squats, touching the floor with its toes. When playing “Who flies?” at the signal “sparrow, crow, rook” the child waves his arms, imitating a bird; at the signal “cat, dog, hare” he must remain calm. Such games develop attention and composure.

Some of the exercises can be performed from a sitting position or lying on the floor, for which you should prepare a small mat (approximately 60X 150 cm). If the child is unwell, leaving him without movement is absolutely inadvisable. Even with strict bed rest, children's hospitals perform breathing exercises with children. At home, it is reasonable to perform light morning exercises with a sick child from a lying position during bed rest or sitting during simple home rest. During such exercises, the number of exercises and the frequency of their repetition are reduced. Pauses are allowed between exercises so that the child can rest, and the most difficult exercises that require a lot of muscle strength are completely excluded for a while.

At this age, for the first time, it is allowed to introduce elements of competition and competition “for prizes” into children’s games and activities.

Raising a son or daughter beautiful, strong, physically strong is our high duty. And often many of you, following the spirit of the times, try to introduce your children to physical education from an early age. This is very commendable, especially if you yourself do not stand aside. Joint general exercise, a walk, and family outdoor games will make this activity joyful and desirable for children, and will bring young and adult family members closer together.

-How to involve a child in physical education classes and sports?

In order for a child to be attracted to physical education, he must be interested in sports. To do this, you should try to use children’s favorite play movements when practicing. Preschoolers love to hang on a door or a tree, they willingly spin on outstretched arms, swing on a swing, try to balance on a rail, a narrow plank, jump rope, and climb a tree. All this must be taken into account when organizing classes. It is advisable to equip a kind of home stadium for kids. You can nail wooden blocks with cutouts into the doorway and insert a removable crossbar into them. After working out, they took it off and put it in a corner. It’s just as easy to make a gymnastic wall by using an ordinary stepladder. You can hang gymnastic rings, a punching bag and other equipment on the crossbar.

-What other shells can be used?

Ordinary furniture should also be used as equipment for a child’s physical education. For example, many exercises can be done using a chair. Two chairs can serve as parallel bars for a child, and if a stick is placed on their seats, children will be able to pull themselves up while lying down.

— What other sport can be offered to children?

An excellent sport option for hyperactive children is swimming. In addition to the large loads on the body that the aquatic environment creates, these exercises, as measures of hardening the body, have a calming effect on the child’s hyperactive abilities.

Gymnastics is traditionally a sport reserved for girls. The classes carried out allow the child to develop flexibility and special grace of the figure, making it slim and flexible. You can even buy a trampoline and practice on it yourself. However, if you are too keen on gymnastics, you may soon experience pain in the joints, spine, disorders of the musculoskeletal system and have a negative impact on reproductive function.

-Is it possible to take a preschool child with you on a hike?

Of course you can. It is especially pleasant for children to go with their parents to the countryside, to the forest, to the river, even to a nearby park or square. Therefore, it is advisable to go camping on a weekend with children of any age. Only children under the age of three are usually carried on such a hike on their backs, possibly in a special chair. You don't have to travel or walk far. The hike can start near home, but each time you need to go to something new so that the children are interested and the hike is memorable for them.

-How far can a preschooler walk and what can he do, what exercises or games can he offer?

A five-year-old child can already walk 8-10 km during the day. It is only important to ensure that he does not overwork. Signs of overwork include lethargy, general malaise, headache, and pale skin. To avoid overwork, stops must be made every half hour so that the child can jump, run, and frolic.

When hiking, children need to be taught to walk correctly - with a sweeping, springy step with free movement of their arms. If you come across a narrow and shallow ditch on the way, you can jump over it, and if a tree has fallen, you can not only jump over it, but also walk along it. While hiking, it is useful for children to develop throwing skills, for which you can organize throwing cones, sticks, and pebbles at a target. These actions develop the eye, dexterity, and dexterity. Good exercises include climbing trees and slopes. They foster determination. At a rest stop, children can collect brushwood, bring water, and help light a fire. It is necessary to involve not only boys, but also girls in all this. Light scratches or bruises that they may accidentally receive are not a problem. But the child learns dexterity, courage, and begins to feel confident in his abilities. When going on a hike, it is advisable to take iodine, a bandage, and an adhesive plaster with you just in case.

-Is it necessary to follow a regime while hiking?

Compliance with the child’s daily routine is also mandatory during the hike. In summer it is better to go there early. Then the hottest time will be when you are resting in the shade and will coincide with daytime sleep. To make weekend trips a real holiday for children, it is advisable to take their favorite food, juices, and sweet desserts with them. The supply of drink is used carefully so that there is enough for the return journey, since children do not tolerate thirst well.

Thus, to summarize, I would like to say that various sports have a positive effect on the body of a growing child, training and activities for which should be moderate and adequate. The education of the will coincides in all details with the education of health. And this is not surprising, since only a healthy body has the opportunity to strengthen that type of brain activity that doctors call internal inhibition.

Memo “Ten Tips for Parents”

  1. Keep your child interested in sports. Remember: the family largely determines the child’s behavior and attitudes. How you feel about sports is how your child will feel about it.
  1. High self-esteem is one of the powerful incentives for a child to do any work, be it homework or morning exercises. Encourage any achievement of your child and in return you will receive even more effort.
  1. Observe the child’s behavior and condition during physical education. Try to understand and correct the cause of negative reactions. Deep knowledge of your child and his trust will help you with this.
  1. Under no circumstances insist on continuing the lesson if the child does not want it. Find out the reason for the refusal, eliminate it and only then continue the lesson. If this is not done, then the child will develop a persistent aversion to any physical exercise.
  1. Don't scold your child for temporary failures.
  1. It is important to prioritize your exercise choices. Sometimes different children like different exercises.
  1. Don't change your exercise routine too often. If the child likes it, then let him do it for as long as possible.
  1. It is important to maintain physical culture. exercises. Physical education is serious business!
  1. Don't overload your child.
  1. You must follow 3 laws: understanding, love, patience.

Be healthy!

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