Main directions of work with parents in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) Consultation on the topic

Main directions of work with parents in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) Consultation on the topic


“The main directions of work with parents in the conditions of implementation

Federal State Educational Standard "DO"

In conditions when the majority of families are concerned with solving problems of economic and sometimes physical survival, the tendency of many parents to withdraw themselves from solving issues of upbringing and personal development of the child has increased. Parents, not having sufficient knowledge of the age and intellectual characteristics of the child’s development, sometimes carry out education blindly. All this, of course, does not bring positive results. And we, teachers, know that everything comes from the family, the main educators of children are parents!

Family and kindergarten are two sources that shape our future generation. Everyone knows that a child’s personality is formed by the age of 7, in kindergarten. Often we, teachers, and the parents of our students do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, patience, even time to hear and understand each other, and all this is reflected in the upbringing of our children. It's no secret that many parents are only interested in food or clean clothes. Many people think that kindergarten is a place where they only look after children while parents are at work. And we, teachers, often experience difficulties in communicating with parents for these reasons.

A preschool institution faces two main questions:

• How to interest parents in working together?

• How to make them participants in the educational process?

After all, a positive result can only be achieved within a single educational space, implying interaction and cooperation between preschool teachers and parents throughout preschool childhood.

Modern families, different in composition, cultural traditions and views on education, have different understandings of the child’s place in the life of society. However, they are all united in wanting the very best for their baby, but, unfortunately, not everyone is ready to respond to the various initiatives of the kindergarten. The task of the teaching staff is to interest parents and involve them in the creation of a unified cultural and educational space “kindergarten-family”.

The concept of modernization of Russian education (reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, Order No. 1155 of October 17, 2013) emphasizes the exclusive role of the family in solving the problems of raising the younger generation. Recognition of the priority of family education requires other forms of interaction between family and kindergarten.

The leading goal of interaction between a kindergarten and a family is to create the necessary conditions for the development of responsible and interdependent relationships with the families of pupils, ensuring the holistic development of the preschooler’s personality and increasing the competence of parents in the field of education.

The same forms of interaction with parents are not effective. Work with parents should have a differentiated approach, taking into account the social status and microclimate of the family, as well as parental requests and the degree of interest of parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution.

Both the teacher and the parent are adults who have their own psychological characteristics, age and individual characteristics, their own life experience and their own vision of problems. As long as an adult has enough knowledge for successful interaction, he has no doubts about this knowledge. There is a saying: “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink” – and so it is with training. An adult learns based on pragmatic motives. New knowledge introduces a person to a different social reality: it gives a new vision of the problem and the world. The task of the teaching staff is to create conditions for fruitful cooperation with parents.

A lot for a child depends on the professional and human relationships of adults in the preschool educational institution: educators, specialists, parents - their relationship to themselves, to each other, to the child. All these adults are directly involved in creating a favorable climate for the child. The interests of the child may suffer if the relationship between kindergarten workers and parents does not work out.

Unfortunately, some teachers assume that it is they who must “explain” to parents how to raise their children, and choose an edifying tone: they do not advise or suggest, but demand; They do not suggest, but instruct. All this puts parents off. But the result is the same - the kindergarten and the parents are raising the child without interacting with each other. And the very forms of work with families do not give the desired results, since they are aimed at interacting with a wide range of parents, with the entire parent group of the group. Under these conditions, it is impossible to recognize the individuality of the family and the child, his problems and successes, to get closer and communicate, to activate and work together.

Analyzing the forms of work with parents, we can roughly formulate

4 main areas of work with parents in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education: educational, information-analytical, visual-information, leisure.

  1. Cognitive direction.

Goal: aimed at familiarizing parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children, developing practical skills in raising children in parents.

This direction includes:

— general, group meetings;

— consultations and individual conversations;

— exhibitions of children's works and crafts made together with parents. By participating in the making of crafts, parents revealed interests and abilities that they themselves were not aware of.

- participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of holidays, entertainment, and leisure activities.

— joint excursions;

— open GCD. Open screenings give parents a lot: they get the opportunity to see their child in a situation different from the family situation, compare his behavior and skills with the behavior and skills of other children, and learn teaching and educational techniques from the teacher.

— joint creation of a subject-development environment;

— a helpline (all parents have the number of the head and teachers).

- morning greetings;

— Mail of trust;

- family projects.

  1. Information and analytical direction.

Goal: aimed at identifying the interests, needs, requests of parents, the level of their pedagogical literacy, establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents and children.

Helps to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family and take into account individual characteristics.

In this direction you can carry out:

— questioning;

— testing.

From the analysis of information about children’s families, it is clear that preschoolers come from families of different social status and have different levels of education. This information was used when planning organizational and pedagogical work with parents to attract parents to assist the institution, to determine the prospects for the development of the kindergarten.

  1. Visual and information direction.

Purpose: makes it possible to convey to parents any information in an accessible form, to tactfully remind them of parental duties and responsibilities. Kindergarten begins with the locker room; it is very important that it is cozy and beautiful, so our parent corners are bright and attractive.

This direction includes:

— parent's corner: including various information.

Practical material is placed on the stand, making it clear what a child does in kindergarten, specific games, tips, tasks.

- regulations;

— announcements and advertisements; - productive activities of children (drawings, crafts);

- mobile folder.

The form of work through parent corners, regulatory documents, notices and advertisements, productive activities, moving folders is traditional, but it is necessary for working with parents, because often the teacher does not have the opportunity to come up and talk with parents on a current topic in raising children. New, beautifully designed information quickly attracts the attention of parents and gives a positive result.

— emotional corner: “Hello, I’m here.”

— photo exhibitions;

- publication of newspapers.

  1. Leisure direction:

Goal: designed to establish warm, trusting relationships, emotional contact between teachers and parents, between parents and children.

This direction is the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to see the problems of their child from the inside, compare him with other children, see difficulties in relationships, see how others do it, i.e. gain experience interacting not only with their child, but also with parent community in general. Holidays should be held not for parents, but with the involvement of parents, so that they know how much trouble and work must be put into preparing any celebration.

Meetings with parents at festive events always mobilize, make our everyday lives brighter, this increases our self-esteem as a teacher, parents gain satisfaction from working together and, accordingly, the authority of the kindergarten grows.

In this area you can organize:

- holidays that can end with tea. Mothers are mainly involved in raising children. They also mostly go to kindergarten.

- entertainment;

— acquaintance with the professions of parents;

— birthday celebrations;

- exhibition of family collection

- stock. Many people have books and toys that their children have “grown out of.” How many educational moments are hidden in this small event! This is a careful attitude towards old things, while children learn not only to accept gifts, but also to give them - this is a lot of work, education of the soul.

- days of good deeds.

The upbringing and development of a child is impossible without the participation of parents. In order for them to become teacher assistants and develop creatively together with children, it is necessary to convince them that they are capable of this, that there is no more exciting and noble thing than learning to understand your child, and having understood him, helping in everything, being patient and delicate and then everything will work out.

Interactions between parents and kindergarten rarely occur immediately. This is a long process, long painstaking work, requiring patient, unwavering pursuit of the chosen goal, and a constant search for new ways of cooperation with parents.


  1. Internet resource -
  2. 555 ideas for involving parents in kindergarten life. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2011
  3. Innovative forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families: parent meetings and conferences, discussions, workshops, round table meetings/ed.-comp. N.M. Sertakova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2015. -2013.

Interaction with family, forms and methods, consultation on the topic

Consultation for educators and teachers

“Interaction with family forms and methods”

Kotunova Irina Pavlovna,

Additional education teacher

Goal: To familiarize teachers with the forms and methods of interaction between preschool education and the family. Objectives:

  1. Consider the tasks and areas of cooperation with the family;
  2. Familiarize teachers with forms of interaction with families.

Unfortunately, it has not always been possible to achieve a harmonious relationship with parents lately. Not all educational institutions build relationships with families at the proper level. Because of this, families are alienated from educational institutions, teachers from the family, and families from the successes and achievements of their child.

Why is it important? Because by combining the efforts of teachers and parents, the child is provided with double protection, emotional comfort, an interesting and meaningful life both in an educational institution and at home

In what direction should the teacher act? It is necessary to identify the needs of parents for pedagogical support, what kind of help they need and in what way, it is necessary to choose forms of interaction with parents, to decide in what direction, to support the family.

Objectives of cooperation with parents:

  1. Establish partnerships with the family of each student.
  2. Join efforts for full development and education.
  3. Create an atmosphere of community of interests, emotional mutual support, mutual interest and mutual insight into each other’s problems.
  4. Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.
  5. Maintain parents' confidence in their own teaching capabilities.

Forms of interaction with family.

— Parent meeting is the main form of work with parents. Conducting meetings in the form of formal reports and didactic conversations has negative consequences. It is necessary to use methods and techniques that activate the attention of tired parents, make it easier to remember the essence of conversations, and create a special mood for a friendly, frank, business-like conversation.

— Visual information. The forms of work on pedagogical education are varied. Visual information in the form of stands and corners is universal and has enormous potential for illuminating the pedagogical process. At the same time, it does not provide for direct contact between the teacher and the parent. Therefore, the form and method of presenting information, as well as its content, is important. The parent needs to be interested in information, and for this the following rules must be followed:

Originality of information presentation. Instead of the usual headings, such as “Advice for Parents,” it is better to write “Secrets of Raising a Child,” “Secrets of Parenting Skills.”

Forms of visual and textual information:

thematic exhibitions dedicated to any topic related to the family,

group exhibitions of children's works (periodically),

personal, individual exhibitions of children's works - a summary for the exhibition is drawn up jointly by the parent and the child,

a gallery of children's works involves an organized visit by parents to the exhibition, on the principle of an excursion led by the children themselves,

gallery of joint family creativity.

— Lecture meetings have recently become an increasingly effective form with parents: “Parent School”, “School of Parental Excellence”, “Parent Faculty”. Why did this form of working with parents arise? The answer is clear: there are faculties that train chemists, engineers, and physicists, but there is no faculty that trains parents. A form such as a “University for Parents” is also possible, which includes several faculties, when classes are held throughout the year in the following areas: “Home Doctor”, “Psychological Consultations”, “Family and Leisure”, etc. Parents choose the direction that suits their needs. them is more interesting and necessary at this stage.

— Oral journal, this form of interaction with parents requires less training from the teacher than “Parent School”; several presenters are involved in this form. Oral journals are always interesting for parents, since within one hour they receive the necessary amount of necessary information from different specialists.

— Gold funds, this form is interesting, but, unfortunately, it is not popular enough, as it requires certain material costs. Within the framework of this form, the following funds can be organized: “Family video library” This includes documentaries about nature, sports, art, children's feature films and animated films that are suitable for watching together by parents and children. The video library can include not only films, but also recordings of children's parties, competitions, fairs, open classes, or simply the life of children in parole.

— Individual consultation, this form is the most common and effective. During individual consultations, parents are more willing and open to talk about the sorrows and concerns that worry them. Consultations can be carried out on the initiative of the teacher (oral invitation at a meeting or by telephone, written invitation) or on the initiative of the parents themselves.

The key to a successful consultation:

  1. Be genuinely interested in parents (ask them questions)
  2. Greet them with joy and enthusiasm, then your attitude will rub off on your parents.
  3. Smile.
  4. Call your parents by their first and patronymic names.
  5. Be a good listener (listening is the success of any consultation)
  6. Take a break.
  7. Make the parent aware of his importance and do it sincerely.
  8. If you are forced to reprimand, start with praise or a compliment.
  9. First talk about your own mistakes, and then about your parents’ mistakes.
  10. Express your approval to your parents for their smallest successes and celebrate their every success.
  11. Do not strive to defend your own position at any cost.
  12. Consider the personal interests of parents.

Using the above forms of work with families allows teachers to effectively interact with parents. Thus, parents gain experience in pedagogical cooperation, both with their own child and with the teaching community as a whole.

Basic forms of interaction with family

Meet the family: — Meetings and acquaintances;

— Visiting families;

— Questionnaire of families.

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process: -Open days;

-Individual and group consultations;

— Parent meetings;

— Design of information stands;

— Organization of exhibitions of children's creativity;

— Inviting parents to children’s concerts and parties;

— Creation of memos, online magazines, correspondence by e-mail.

Parents' education: — Organization of a “school for parents” (lectures, seminars, master classes, creation of a library).
Cooperative activity: — Involving parents in organizing music and poetry evenings, living rooms, competitions;

— Weekend routes (to the theatre, museum, library, etc.).

- Family holidays, walks, excursions, participation in children's research and project activities.

Visual information for parents

Strategic form (multi-year) — Information about the goals and objectives of the development of the kindergarten for the long and medium term;

— About the educational program being implemented;

— About innovative projects of a preschool institution;

— About additional educational services.

Tactical (annual) — Information about teachers and their work schedule (for example, educational psychologist)

- Daily regime;

— Objectives and content of educational work in the group for the year.

Operational — Information about expected or past events in the group (kindergarten, district, city);

— Promotions, competitions, rehearsals, exhibitions, meetings, joint projects.

Interaction between kindergarten and family

The leading goal of interaction between a kindergarten and a family should be to create in the kindergarten the necessary conditions for the development of responsible and interdependent relationships with the families of pupils, ensuring the holistic development of the child’s personality, the competence of his parents, which consists in the ability to resolve different types of socio-pedagogical situations related to raising a child .

In order to educate without disturbing, but affirming the harmonious, holistic development of the child’s personality, parents and educators need to overcome subordination, monologism in relations with each other, and abandon the habit of criticizing each other; We should learn to see each other not as solutions to problems, but as full partners and employees.

In this regard, the main tasks of interaction between the kindergarten and the family are:

*studying the attitude of teachers and parents to various issues of education, training, development of children, conditions for organizing various activities in kindergarten and family;

*introducing teachers and parents to the best experience in raising preschool children in kindergarten and family, revealing the means, forms and methods of developing important integrative qualities of a child (curiosity, emotional responsiveness, ability to build interactions with adults and peers, etc.), as well as acquaintance with difficulties arising in the family and public education of preschool children;

*informing each other about the current tasks of raising and educating children at different age stages of their development and about the possibilities of the kindergarten and family in solving these problems;

*creating conditions in kindergarten for cooperation that is diverse in content and forms, promoting the development of constructive interaction between teachers and parents with children, the emergence of a sense of unity, joy, and pride in the results obtained;

*involving families of students to participate in joint events with teachers organized in the district (city, region);

*encouraging parents for their attentive attitude to the various aspirations and needs of the child and creating the necessary conditions for their satisfaction in the family.

Cooperative activity

Joint activity is considered to be activity that occurs when people unite to achieve common goals.

For a child, the following are of particular value: aspirations to master the body, mental functions, and social ways of interacting with other people; needs for love, approval; the need to retain mastered actions through their regular reproduction, the need to become familiar with the outside world.

For parents, the following are of particular value: the need to be successful in raising a child, to be understood, respected by kindergarten teachers, self-esteem, freedom, self-development, etc.

The following are important for teachers: the need to be successful in the field of professional activities in the upbringing, training and development of children, in personal and professional self-improvement, attention and understanding by parents of students, etc.

Joint activities of raising adults can be organized in a variety of traditional and innovative forms. These could be actions, assemblies, evenings of music and poetry, visits by families to family subscription program events organized by cultural and art institutions, at the request of the kindergarten (p. 290).

a family , is becoming increasingly relevant . One part of the family calendar, developed by teachers taking into account educational work in kindergarten, may include the following information: about the season, as well as seasonal folk holidays and recommendations for their implementation in the family, taking into account the age of the children; about worldwide, all-Russian state, regional, city, district holidays and recommendations for holding them in the family, taking into account the age of the children; about professional holidays celebrated in the family, and recommendations for organizing conversations with children about professions. Aphorisms about education ; recommendations for organizing various activities in the family - family reading, family walks in nature, excursions to museums and exhibitions.

The second part, planned by the family, may contain the following information: about family holidays - birthdays of family members, relatives, family friends, as well as about family outings, trips, family vacations, and the child’s achievements.

The family calendar gives parents and grandparents ideas for future joint activities in the family and kindergarten, aimed at showing attention, sensitivity, generosity towards other people, the ability to notice and admire the beauty of their homeland, the human soul.

The use of these forms of interaction with the family in work makes it possible to successfully implement the basic general education program of preschool education.

Basic forms of interaction with family

Meet the family: — Meetings and acquaintances;

— Visiting families;

— Questionnaire of families.

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process: -Open days;

-Individual and group consultations;

— Parent meetings;

— Design of information stands;

— Organization of exhibitions of children's creativity;

— Inviting parents to children’s concerts and parties;

— Creation of memos, online magazines, correspondence by e-mail.

Parents' education: — Organization of a “school for parents” (lectures, seminars, master classes, creation of a library).
Cooperative activity: — Involving parents in organizing music and poetry evenings, living rooms, competitions;

— Weekend routes (to the theatre, museum, library, etc.).

- Family holidays, walks, excursions, participation in children's research and project activities.

Visual information for parents

Strategic form (multi-year) — Information about the goals and objectives of the development of the kindergarten for the long and medium term;

— About the educational program being implemented;

— About innovative projects of a preschool institution;

— About additional educational services.

Tactical (annual) — Information about teachers and their work schedule (for example, educational psychologist)

- Daily regime;

— Objectives and content of educational work in the group for the year.

Operational — Information about expected or past events in the group (kindergarten, district, city);

— Promotions, competitions, rehearsals, exhibitions, meetings, joint projects.

Interaction between kindergarten and family

The leading goal of interaction between a kindergarten and a family should be to create in the kindergarten the necessary conditions for the development of responsible and interdependent relationships with the families of pupils, ensuring the holistic development of the child’s personality, the competence of his parents, which consists in the ability to resolve different types of socio-pedagogical situations related to raising a child .

In order to educate without disturbing, but affirming the harmonious, holistic development of the child’s personality, parents and educators need to overcome subordination, monologism in relations with each other, and abandon the habit of criticizing each other; We should learn to see each other not as solutions to problems, but as full partners and employees.

In this regard, the main tasks of interaction between the kindergarten and the family are:

*studying the attitude of teachers and parents to various issues of education, training, development of children, conditions for organizing various activities in kindergarten and family;

*introducing teachers and parents to the best experience in raising preschool children in kindergarten and family, revealing the means, forms and methods of developing important integrative qualities of a child (curiosity, emotional responsiveness, ability to build interactions with adults and peers, etc.), as well as acquaintance with difficulties arising in the family and public education of preschool children;

*informing each other about the current tasks of raising and educating children at different age stages of their development and about the possibilities of the kindergarten and family in solving these problems;

*creating conditions in kindergarten for cooperation that is diverse in content and forms, promoting the development of constructive interaction between teachers and parents with children, the emergence of a sense of unity, joy, and pride in the results obtained;

*involving families of students to participate in joint events with teachers organized in the district (city, region);

*encouraging parents for their attentive attitude to the various aspirations and needs of the child and creating the necessary conditions for their satisfaction in the family.

Cooperative activity

Joint activity is considered to be activity that occurs when people unite to achieve common goals.

For a child, the following are of particular value: aspirations to master the body, mental functions, and social ways of interacting with other people; needs for love, approval; the need to retain mastered actions through their regular reproduction, the need to become familiar with the outside world.

For parents, the following are of particular value: the need to be successful in raising a child, to be understood, respected by kindergarten teachers, self-esteem, freedom, self-development, etc.

The following are important for teachers: the need to be successful in the field of professional activities in the upbringing, training and development of children, in personal and professional self-improvement, attention and understanding by parents of students, etc.

Joint activities of raising adults can be organized in a variety of traditional and innovative forms. These could be actions, assemblies, evenings of music and poetry, visits by families to family subscription program events organized by cultural and art institutions, at the request of the kindergarten (p. 290).

a family , is becoming increasingly relevant . One part of the family calendar, developed by teachers taking into account educational work in kindergarten, may include the following information: about the season, as well as seasonal folk holidays and recommendations for their implementation in the family, taking into account the age of the children; about worldwide, all-Russian state, regional, city, district holidays and recommendations for holding them in the family, taking into account the age of the children; about professional holidays celebrated in the family, and recommendations for organizing conversations with children about professions. Aphorisms about education ; recommendations for organizing various activities in the family - family reading, family walks in nature, excursions to museums and exhibitions.

The second part, planned by the family, may contain the following information: about family holidays - birthdays of family members, relatives, family friends, as well as about family outings, trips, family vacations, and the child’s achievements.

The family calendar gives parents and grandparents ideas for future joint activities in the family and kindergarten, aimed at showing attention, sensitivity, generosity towards other people, the ability to notice and admire the beauty of their homeland, the human soul.

The use of these forms of interaction with the family in work makes it possible to successfully implement the basic general education program of preschool education.

Digital library

Social work / Methodology of social work with families / 2.6. Main directions of social work with families

In general, there are three main areas of social work with families: diagnostic, rehabilitation, preventive.


involves collecting and analyzing information about the family and its members, identifying problems. Family diagnosis is a difficult and responsible process that requires a social worker to adhere to the following principles:

1) objectivity;

2) complementarity and verification of the information received;

3) client-centrism (attitude to the problem in accordance with the interests of the client);

4) confidentiality, adequacy of methods and techniques;

5) respect for the client’s right to non-interference in private life and the ability to foresee possible options for his reaction to proposed actions.

Diagnosing a family is a long process that does not allow for ill-conceived conclusions. To diagnose the development of a family situation, work methods such as observation, conversation, questioning, and testing .

Scale, card, projective, associative, and expressive methods
provide sufficient information for decision-making and development of correctional assistance programs The specialist obtains a lot of useful information by using the biographical


relating to the family and its members, their past and present, and ideas about the future.

Based on the diagnostic material obtained, a social map of the family

, which will contain information about its members, their age, education of parents and children, their specialties, place of work of the husband and wife, family income, health, living conditions, and main problems of family relationships. You can also determine which risk group it belongs to. In this map, it is desirable to make a forecast of the economic development of the family, offer an option for assistance (emergency, stabilizing, preventive) and argue for the need for rehabilitation. To draw up a family map, you can use the data contained in the socio-pedagogical passport.

Rehabilitation –

This is a system of measures that allows you to restore lost well-being in family relationships or form new ones. In order to rehabilitate the family and its members, social service institutions for families and children, territorial centers, shelters (shelters), medical-psychological-social and multidisciplinary crisis centers are used in world practice. The content of their activities is to provide various types of assistance to family members or an individual (legal, medical, psychological, social) in order to maintain or increase resources, reorient family members to other values, and change their attitudes.

In such institutions, family members can get advice from specialists, attend group classes, and join one of the rehabilitation programs.

In addition, the rehabilitation work of a social services specialist is carried out using various processes and techniques:

· firstly, these are crisis options for helping the family or its individual members (“helpline”, emergency psychological assistance in a shelter, hospital, visiting the family according to the testimony of a supervisor);

· secondly, assistance in localities where there are no appropriate social services and specialists. In this case, the following can be used: the work of training groups, stress relief techniques, individual and group counseling, and seminars. Mobile teams can ensure the implementation of the program;

· thirdly, patronage (patronage) is carried out. In social work, this term takes on a broader meaning: it is a system of special services for people of certain categories that require special attention at home. Patronage is carried out with the aim of mobilizing external and internal resources.

Patronage is of great importance when a person who has completed a certain rehabilitation program returns to his family. In this case, patronage should begin long before the end of the rehabilitation course in a child care institution or crisis center.

The following stages of patronage are distinguished:

1) preparation
preliminary familiarization with all available information about the family, drawing up questions for an interview, etc.;

2) introductory part
direct acquaintance with family members, information about the purpose of the visits, about possible help;

3) collection and assessment of information
clarification of the composition and living conditions of the family, relationships in it, methods of raising children, financial situation, health status of family members; collecting information about events that are significant for a child or parent (loss of a job, relatives, divorce, etc.); filling out a social card; highlighting problems that the social protection service can solve;

4) conclusion
summarizing for family members (parents) the essence of the problems facing them; joint choice of tactics for further actions; information about the types of assistance that may be offered; communication of detailed addresses of social services;

5) networking

with other specialists working with families (school social educators, child protection inspectors, specialists from education, healthcare, internal affairs departments, etc.);

6) report

a detailed description of the results of the visit in the family examination report; drawing up an individual program for further work with the family.

Depending on the nature of the existing family problems, their complexity, severity or neglect, so-called minimum and maximum programs are implemented at various stages of patronage.

Minimum programs

addressed to situations related to the sudden loss of something very valuable in the family: physical health, relatives and friends, work, apartment and property due to fire, etc.

d. In such cases, the efforts of the social worker are aimed at restoring in a relatively short time the ability of the members of a given family to function optimally despite the presence of objective and often irreversible limitations and losses.

Maximum program

is intended to provide assistance in extreme situations of trouble, if necessary, not only to compensate for what has been lost, but also to achieve a reorientation of life position, to replace or adjust the previous behavioral patterns of family members. Changes, especially large-scale ones, require long-term work with significant efforts, combining the potential of different specialists and services.

In some cases, in addition to the described actions, advisory and psychotherapeutic work with the family or its individual members is required, aimed at the family system as a whole. Various methods of active work can be used, including methods of systemic family therapy.

The methodology of social patronage will be discussed in subsection 3.2.

Patronage can be considered a successful form of not only consolidating what has been achieved during rehabilitation, but also a kind of prevention. Rehabilitation involves three levels of work with the family:

1) individual

(consulting, patronage);

2) group

(training, design);

3) communal

(social events, social creativity, mass holidays).


is a set of preventive measures that contribute to the full functioning of the family and the prevention of possible problems. One of the ways of prevention is the development of special training and educational programs. For example, a study of family problems and family education shows that parents increasingly need the help of specialists in matters of accumulating and mastering the necessary knowledge and skills for regulating relationships, creating conditions that will allow them to sufficiently satisfy physiological, emotional , intellectual needs of the child.

Education programs are based on concepts and models that go beyond simple parenting. They guide adults to expand their independence when solving possible problems in relationships with different people and when choosing behavior in different situations.

Hämäläinen J., for example, suggests using several trial models:

· A. Adler's model is based on a conscious and purposeful change in the behavior of parents and other family members, taking into account the principles of mutual respect, unity, cooperation, and equality. The task is to teach parents to respect the uniqueness of the child, recognize his individuality, ensure the integrity of his personality, and understand the motives of his actions;

· B. Skinner's educational theoretical model proclaims retraining or teaching parents at a rapid pace with positive or negative reinforcement, as well as in the absence of reinforcement. The goal of programs built on the basis of this model is to teach parents the skills to observe, analyze and regulate their child’s behavior;

· T. Gordon’s model of sensory communication orients parents towards dialogical communication and strives to promote the formation of skills, firstly, to actively listen, secondly, to be guided by the “both are right” attitude and, thirdly, to give the child the opportunity to express his own opinion;

· the model of M. James and D. Jongaard is based on transactional analysis, on the recognition of the fact that a person can react and act in different ways: like a child, like a parent, like an adult. The ability to understand this will help family members learn to regulate their relationships through concessions, compromises, and agreements.

Education of parents and other family members as an element of prevention can also take place in the process of trainings that allow them to develop skills in overcoming difficulties, regulating relationships, or teach them the ability to develop similar skills in others. In this case, the trainings are focused on developing the communicative competence of family members, spouses, parents and involve several interrelated stages:

1) prologue;

2) ascent;

3) developing individual tactics and playing them;

4) reflection;

5) aftereffects.

Thus, social work with families includes economic, legal, psychological, social and pedagogical aspects and, therefore, requires a specialist to know the basics of these sciences and mastery of their technologies.

Social protection of the family also has a certain economic content, which the social worker also implements in his practical activities, namely:

· provision of housing assistance and other types of subsidized assistance;

· provision of benefits for payment of transport and utilities;

· provision of medical, legal and social assistance;

· preferential supply of food and essential goods;

· support in the field of educational services, employment, entrepreneurship.

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