Aesthetic education: concept, tasks, ways of implementation

Aesthetic education (EA) is an integral part of the formation, development and formation of personality. From the first years of life, a child begins to study art, beauty, virtue, the diversity of the surrounding world, society, therefore, it is at this age that a teacher must be able to competently organize the process of learning about the artistic sphere.

Clear objectives are set for each age group. The training program is developed on the basis of scientific data, focusing on a variety of art forms, taking into account modification and progression of each of them. New skills are taught in stages, with gradually increasing demands on students' knowledge.

The earlier the aesthetic effect is reproduced, the greater the chances of its effectiveness. The formation of an artistic culture of personality in preschoolers is effectively carried out during play activities. Children begin to actively imitate the standards of cultural communication, as well as behavior in society, and their perception and acceptance of the world around them consistently develops.

Apart from this, they have a great desire to observe and create art/beauty, which is otherwise called creative energy. Thanks to this phenomenon, special attention is paid to the problem of updating aesthetic education. After all, only culturally enriched and purposeful people are able to make a contribution to the development of world art.

The cultural integrity of the individual becomes the main factor for awakening the desire to transform, decorate, modernize the natural and objective environment, nature, society, since closeness to life is a paramount circumstance for a harmonious life.

Goals of aesthetic education

The main goal is the formation of an individual’s aesthetic culture. An aesthetically educated child develops virtuous, moral, and spiritual values; His knowledge about nature, society, and the essence of the world expands.

Various artistic activities develop character traits such as attentiveness, perseverance, and discipline. Therefore, the goals of EV should also include:

  • the formation of a holistic personality capable of openly expressing one’s thoughts, speaking out, expressing oneself, sympathizing and empathizing in various life situations;
  • the development of a highly moral, harmonized, multifaceted person, distinguished by his uniqueness from other individuals.

Musical education of a child

During the period of artistic education, the following aesthetic components are formed, necessary for the generality and quality of the process:

  • Perception is the ability to identify aesthetic features in everyday, cultural and social life. Subsequently, what is perceived is assessed by the individual according to personal criteria formed as a result of receiving emotional and intellectual experience.
  • Feelings are the manifestation of emotions that arise as a result of interaction with another person, art, environment or society. Such feelings can cause pleasure, joy, inspiration, sadness or disgust. They are associated with more complex intellectual and emotional processes, and are also distinguished by their depth, variety, and complexity. But despite this, such persistent emotions are always in harmony with the mind.
  • Interest is a person’s desire for new knowledge. The main criterion of aesthetic interest is whether an individual has favorite works of art, writers, composers; books that he often rereads; the presence of purposefulness in choosing the genre of music and literature.


Let's consider the means that parents can use to introduce their baby to the world of beauty. There are quite a lot of them:

  • fine arts (sculpture, painting);
  • dramaturgy;
  • architecture;
  • literature;
  • music;
  • TV;
  • nature;

Since teaching a child to notice and appreciate beauty is very difficult, you should use all available means.

Room decoration

For the little ones it is important to create a harmonious environment in the room:

  1. Create harmony and comfort in your baby's room.
  2. It is preferable to use light colors in the design.
  3. The space should not only be ergonomic, but thoughtful.

The room should be beautifully arranged with toys, interesting reproductions should be hung, and it should be kept clean and tidy. Flowering plants placed in a harmonious composition and a decorated aquarium with fish will also help you achieve your goal. All decorative elements must be combined with each other, forming a single ensemble.

For children of primary preschool age, you can choose a painting depicting an animal, a familiar fairy-tale character, or a “delicious” still life. Older children will like the landscape, so it is better to use reproductions of Savrasov, Serov, Shishkin, Levitan. To prevent the child from losing interest, the paintings should be changed periodically, while telling the child information about the work itself and its author.

In addition, the children's room can be decorated with folk crafts, Dymkovo toys, and Khokhloma crafts. Of course, you shouldn’t place expensive collectibles on the table of a young prankster, but something inexpensive made of ceramics can become a worthy decoration.


From an early age, parents need to instill in their child that trees and flowers, sunset and sunrise, clouds in the sky and waves in the river are beautiful, they need to be taught to enjoy this beauty. To do this, you should introduce children to works about nature that are accessible to them, spend time in the fresh air, talk, answer questions, and set your own example.


A lot can be used to educate children aesthetically. So, in any city there are beautiful streets, architectural buildings, museums, and exhibitions are held. Preschoolers enjoy learning something new by visiting such places. Walking around the city, you can introduce your child to the main attractions, paying attention to their sophistication and harmony.

If there are no museums in the city, reproductions and virtual excursions, which can be viewed via the Internet, will help introduce your child to works of art. It is necessary to include outstanding musical works for the little ones, talk about what they listened to, find out what thoughts and emotions were evoked by the music of Beethoven or Mozart, Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov.

And, of course, we should not forget about literary works. Preschoolers can understand Pushkin's fairy tales, especially if they look at high-quality color illustrations. You should also introduce them to the poems of Marshak, Barto, and the stories of Prishvin and Zhidkov.

It is important for parents to remember that not every child will become an artist or musician, but everyone should be able to feel the beautiful and receive special pleasure from it. Therefore, you should not just ask your child to draw something or make a craft or appliqué, but also pay attention to already created objects of spiritual value.


When carrying out the tasks of aesthetic education of children, you should introduce them to the benefits of work, tell them that there are a large number of professions, each of which is important.

Objectives of aesthetic education

The implementation of the previously listed goals is not possible without a clear formulation and implementation of a number of pedagogical tasks. They, in turn, are divided into two categories:

The first group is aimed at developing an aesthetic attitude in children. In this case, the following tasks must be performed:

  • formation of the sensory side of personality;
  • developing the ability to see beauty and uniqueness in people, objects, nature, art, society;
  • acquaintance with the basic standards, individual cultural qualities and manifestations of personality, as well as the gradual introduction of new terminology into the student’s colloquial vocabulary;
  • understanding the essence of beauty;
  • education in students of unique features, ideas, reasoning, concepts that play an explanatory role in understanding all aesthetic components;
  • emotional development – ​​the ability to give an adequate reaction (joy, laughter, disappointment, agreement, etc.) in any situation.

Musical education in kindergarten

The second group - pedagogical tasks are to encourage children to perform artistic and aesthetic activities, to develop and acquire certain skills and abilities. Various methods are used to introduce schoolchildren and preschoolers to art/culture (for example, drawing, modeling, singing, dancing, reading poetry). In addition, a desire is formed to bring and apply the acquired skills in real life.

What is ↑

The word “aesthetics” translated from ancient Greek means “sensory perception” and is the doctrine of the external form and internal content of beauty in nature, social life, and the inner world of man.

Aesthetic education is the development in a person of the ability to perceive, appreciate, analyze and create beauty in everyday life and art.

Here it should be clarified that the concept of “beautiful” in the context of the artistic formation of personality does not coincide with the meaning of the words “beauty, beautiful.” The latter is rather a description of the external form, which depends on a specific historical era and may change.

“Beautiful” is independent of time and includes such concepts as harmony, humanism, perfection, sublimity, spirituality.

Contents of aesthetic education

The content of electronic learning includes the formation of skills, tastes, needs, interests, standards and assessments. As a result of a joint form of artistic activity, children gain new knowledge that helps them understand the essence and diversity of the world around them.

They learn to distinguish between good and bad, ugly and beautiful, good and evil, comic and tragic. Against the background of the acquired information, the concept of aesthetic culture comes as the most multifaceted, sublime area.

Preschoolers get acquainted with art from the first years of life, through arts and crafts architecture, sculpture, painting, and folk art. In kindergarten, children begin to actively engage in independent artistic activities - they draw, sculpt from plasticine, cut out crafts, sing, dance.

The teacher must provide the necessary conditions for comfortable and effective completion of tasks, provide support, and give students the right direction. A correct program, which includes a variety of forms of EV, guarantees the fulfillment of all functions and the comprehensive aesthetic development of the personality of a child of preschool and school age.

Under the clear guidance of a teacher or adult, children must understand the main criteria that serve as an assessment in the distinction between bad/good, sublime/ordinary, beautiful/ugly, in order to then apply the experience gained in later life.

Tips and tricks for parents

It is important to carry out aesthetic education of the child by all available means, creating a harmonious environment for him, giving him the opportunity to independently engage in artistic creativity in the chosen direction. Parents need to talk with the baby and give answers to all the questions he has. And classes with a teacher will help develop taste.

When choosing forms of work, you should focus on the age of the baby:

  • Visiting the theater is permissible from 1.5 years of age; the repertoire of puppet theaters includes short-lasting productions that will not have time to tire the baby.
  • You can talk about paintings, musical works, and talk about their authors from the age of 3–4; children already understand a lot and will definitely listen with interest and ask questions.
  • At 4–5 years old you can visit an exhibition, including a library one.
  • At 5-6 years old - go to the Philharmonic or ballet.

Giving a child the opportunity to create is another method of aesthetic education, and he can choose the type of activity to his liking. Some people like to draw pictures in the sand, while others like to write short congratulatory poems for mom or dad. Parents should not limit creative impulses, but give their child the freedom to choose and realize their own ideas.

Do not underestimate the importance of aesthetic education for preschoolers; it will help to spiritually enrich the child’s personality, make him developed, rich, able to feel subtly and receive aesthetic pleasure.

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