Essays About the Seasons Autumn Late Autumn Late autumn is a sad and sad time.
Play in preschool age Consultation for teachers. — presentation Play in preschool age Consultation
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Krivosheeva Irina Vladimirovna MADOU “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 15 p. Kabansk"
Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the middle group “Our Street”. Goal: To form the concept of “street”,
Extracurricular activity “Tolerance is the path to peace” Extracurricular activity “Tolerance is the path to peace”
Plan of events for the celebration of “Tolerance Week” in the preparatory group Goal: To educate children
Nursery rhymes for children. Falling asleep with nursery rhymes In addition to lullabies, folklore has many nursery rhymes to
Preview: Goal: to cultivate in children love for the Motherland, hometown; cause in children
Summary of a lesson on decorative drawing In the preparatory group, standard long-term planning provides for one
Progress of the lesson: Feed me gasoline, Give me rubber for my hooves, And then, raising the dust, -