Card index of cognitive and research activities in the senior group Elena Kravchenko Card index of cognitive and research activities in the senior group
A set of physical exercises for preschoolers Advantages of playing sports: during physical exercises in the human body
Tasks of fiction in the middle group Preschool institutions devote a special place to reading fiction.
Creating a presentation for preschool children outline Slide 1 What is a presentation? Presentation -
A quarter of the world's population celebrates one holiday on June 1 - Children's Day. According to
Fine motor skills - what is it and how does it affect the child’s condition? Imagine how
Features of children's design in a preschool institution and its role in raising children Lecture No.
Above the forest Kolobok, Kolobok is a hot side! Riddles about the sun for children 3-4 years old
Competitions We invite you to take part in international competitions on the educational portal Schedule of competitive events
Theoretical aspects of conducting observations in the middle group of a preschool educational institution Observation is the purposeful perception of preschoolers