Pedagogical project in the senior speech therapy group “Clothing. What? For what? Of what?" Natalya Zhmaeva Pedagogical
I sculpt from plasticine I sculpt from plasticine A ball, a ball and a penguin... But
A walk in the forest (outline) PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSON “A WALK IN THE FOREST” AUTHOR: Peshkov Alexey Gennadievich
Work program of a teacher of additional education in fine art at a preschool educational institution Work program of additional education in artistic and aesthetic
Program on the surrounding world “Green Path” for classes in preparation for school. 1) Purpose:
Galaova Zalina Yurievna Didactic games on the theme “Seasons” Didactic games for the “Pyramid” model
Modeling: “Autumn tree”. (plasticine molding) Modeling: “Autumn tree.” (plasticine molding) Educator: Software
Age category: for children of senior preschool and primary school age (6-8 years). Purpose of the game: