Presentation on the topic “AUTUMN is a wonderful time” Slide No. 2 Slide description: Purpose: to enrich
Presentation "History of a preschool educational institution" Irina Gerasimova Presentation "History of a preschool educational institution" MBDOU "Children's
Presentation “Getting to know the theater” presentation for a lesson (senior group) on the topic Conversation for a virtual trip
Project in the preparatory group “My city in which I live” Project type: creative, long-term,
Abstract of the NOD for the NGO “Cognitive Development” “Travel to the Native Village” Is it good in your native land?
Victoria Lysova Card index of didactic games using applications for preschool children Junior group “Vesely”
GCD summary for speech development in the middle group “Red spring with flowers” GCD summary for
Parents are the main teachers of safe behavior on the road for their children. Happy new beginning.
“Formation of the foundations of life safety among pupils” “The most precious thing a person has is life” N. A.
Equipment for classes in kindergarten: tape recorder, audio cassettes, children's musical instruments, conductor doll,