Thematic planning in the middle group. Topic of the week: “Gifts from old Lesovik” Morning. D.I. “Let’s help Fedora” Task:
Acts on labor protection in kindergartens In order to ensure labor safety, acts are used
Planning work with parents (persons in their stead) Planning work with parents (persons in their stead).”
Summary of an open lesson in a senior speech therapy group on the topic “Bread is the head of everything” Open lesson
Work with parentsconsultation (junior, middle, senior, preparatory groups) on the topic Consultation for parents “Safety
Lapbook on historical local history LAPTOP “OUR LAND DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR” IN 2022
Iris folding - rainbow folding Iris folding originated in Holland. This technique is also called
Objectives: - strengthen the ability to count within 10 (counting forward and backward); - improve