Card file: Household work in the middle group card file (secondary group) on the topic
Card file: Household work in the middle group card file (middle group) on the topic Card file: Household work in
Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group “Description of a toy”
A collection of didactic games for the development of thinking in preschoolers. Card index on the topic
Thinking is one of the highest forms of human activity, and is also a socially determined, mental process,
Calendar and thematic planning of the work of the “Theater Arts” circle
Lesson on speech development for young children Topic: Sound culture of speech: Sound F
Games for the development of hearing and speech in children of the younger group Card index of games for development
Speech therapy lesson summary Topic: “Proposal. Word".
Speech therapy lesson summary Topic: “Proposal. Word". Speech therapy lesson summary Topic. Offer. Word. Goals: consolidate
Re-enactment of the fairy tale "geese and swans" in the preparatory group
Staging the fairy tale “Geese-Swans” Tatyana Gudkova Staging the fairy tale “Geese-Swans” 1. Continue to develop a sustainable interest in
Methodological seminar “Modern approach to environmental education of preschool children in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard” - presentation
Workshop-workshop for educators “Love for nature” Transcript 1 Workshop-workshop for educators “Love for nature”
Calendar plan for educational work in the senior group Topic: “All professions are important, all professions are needed”
Calendar plan “Week of Professions” JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN MONDAY Topic of the week: Week of Professions
C-12/21/2015-Methodological development - OOD according to the Federal State Educational Standard - in the table. Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (junior group) on the topic
The structure of writing GCD taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard Sinarik Mkrtchyan The structure of writing GCD taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard
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