Card index "Counting tables" for preschool children

Household counting rhymes

Illustration: Ekaterina Denisenko / Lifehacker
One, two, three, four, Let's count the holes in the cheese. If there are many holes in the cheese, then the cheese will be tasty. If there is one hole in it, it means it was delicious yesterday!

High, very high I threw my ball easily. But my ball fell from the sky and rolled into the dark forest. One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look for him.

Lunokhod, Lunokhod It goes forward along the moon. It will take him a long time to walk there. Now you should drive!

The car was driving through the dark forest for some kind of interest. Inte-inte-interest, go out with the letter “es”! The letter “es” didn’t fit - Go out with the letter “a”. The letter "a" is not good - Come out with the letter "sha"!

The sun is in the sky! Salt is on the bread, Cherries are in the garden, And you are in plain sight! No matter how you hide, I will find you, I’m already on my way!

There is a bottle on the window, and there is lemonade in the bottle. Whoever takes the bottle quickly will be happy about the victory.

Once upon a time there was a vest with three loops and two cuffs. If you count them together, Three and two, of course, are five! But do you know what the secret is? The vest has no cuffs!

One, two, three, four, We were sitting in the apartment. They drank tea, ate rolls, and forgot who they were sitting with.

Fat Uncle Robinson was walking through the flea market from his payday, and from his payday at the flea market he bought himself an umbrella. The umbrella is cheap, three rubles, but so healthy, three could hide under it!

The rolls on the stove are hot like fire. A boy came and burned his finger. I went to the market and didn’t tell anyone.

Fairy tales

Illustration: Ekaterina Denisenko / Lifehacker
On the golden porch sat the Tsar, the prince, the King, the prince, the Shoemaker, the tailor... Who will you be? Speak quickly, Do not delay Good and honest people!

The king was sitting on a bench, Counting his pins: “One, two, three...” You will be the queen!

The gnome was looking for gold and lost his cap! He sat down and cried: “What can I do?!” Come out! You should drive!

Old gnomes live under the mountain by the river. They have a bell hanging, a gilded one ringing. Digi-digi-digi-don, get out quickly!

“The giant is sitting in a cave,” all the animals say in the forest. A hungry giant is looking for something suitable for him to eat. The animals hid in the bushes - So you will be water!

Beyond the seas, beyond the mountains, Behind the dense forests On a hillock there is a tower, On the doors there is a lock. Whoever finds the key to the lock will go out of the circle.

A carriage was driving along the old bridge. The bridge collapsed, the carriage went to the bottom. I don’t feel sorry for the carriage, I don’t feel sorry for the bridge, But I feel sorry for the princess and the white horse.

The fishermen brought the skinny pike from the river. The predatory pike is more terrible than the monster Kashchei. We gave her vegetables and thicker fatty cabbage soup. The pike slapped its tail, as if it had cracked a whip, and with such a strong blow it split the table into splinters.

Trynts, bells, bells, the daredevils rang. Digi-digi-digi-don, get out quickly!

The apple was rolling on the dish, I won’t drive.

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