Calendar and thematic planning in the senior group for the month of March
Scheduling. March (senior group) Lyubov Aleksandrovna Dmitrieva Calendar planning. March (senior group) Topic:
Calendar plan for educational work in the senior group Topic: “All professions are important, all professions are needed”
Calendar plan “Week of Professions” JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN MONDAY Topic of the week: Week of Professions
Daily planning in the senior group of preschool educational institutions according to the program “From birth to school” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
The goal of the project: to expand children's knowledge about plants, such as flowers, trees, bushes, herbs. exercise
Notes of physical education classes in the early age group. Outline of physical education classes (junior group)
Physical development of young children Movement is the primary stimulus of the child's mind. N.N. Amosov Children
Methods of developing general speech skills article on speech development (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic
Speech formation: stages and recommendations As the child grows and develops, he first pronounces individual
Long-term work plan for social and communicative development in the middle group
Long-term work plan for social and communicative development in the middle group Nina Savelyeva Long-term work plan
Long-term planning of a circle for environmental education of children of middle preschool age “Young ecologists”
Message at the round table meeting “Modern kindergarten, what is it like?” “A modern preschooler, what is he like?”
A modern preschooler on the threshold of school Author: Fomina Tatyana Alevtinovna “To change society, you need to educate
Calendar plan for the thematic week “I am a man in the world” in the middle group
Project “I am a Man!” Project “I am a Man!” Middle group MBDOU d/s "Teremok"
Physical education card file for the preparatory group. Physical education card file (preparatory group) on the topic
Children's physical exercises Physical exercise is a small set of exercises performed in a playful way to relieve muscle
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