Physical education classes. Lesson notes for the preparatory group

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

Summary of an online lesson in physical education for children of senior preschool age “In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians” MUNICIPAL BUDGET PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION No. 28 KINDERGARTEN “MATRYOSHKA”

OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES WITH SENIOR GROUP STUDENTS Topic “In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians”
Completed by: instructor for FC MBDOU 28

Summary of a physical education lesson in a preparatory group with elements of hatha yoga “Travel around the globe” “Competition.
Lesson summary » Synopsis of a physical education lesson in a preparatory group with elements of hatha yoga “Travel around the globe”
Goal: Creating a social situation for the development of children in the process of cognitive and play activity
“Travel around the globe”

Outline of physical education classes in the open air for children in the preparatory group for school

Appendix No. 1. Outline of physical education classes in the open air for children in the preparatory group for school

The venue is a sports ground.

Number of children -16 (8 boys and 8 girls)

Children's clothing and footwear - tracksuit, T-shirt, flannel shirt with long sleeves, tights, woolen hat with cotton lining, woolen socks, sneakers, mittens.

Physical education equipment - 3 hoops, 4 gymnastic benches, 3-4 bags with three potatoes (balls), flags.

Lesson objectives:

  • To increase children's interest in physical education, to develop endurance during high physical activity .
  • Practice walking on a narrow rail of a gymnastic bench, crawling on all fours under arches or in tunnels cut into snow banks.
  • Cultivate endurance, develop agility, speed, endurance , memory, attention.

I. Introductory part

Walking in a column. Walking with clear turns at corners. Slow running.

On one side of the site you run, raising your knees high, on the other - with an extended step. Then they jump on one leg.

II. Main part:

General development exercises:

"Warming up in the cold"

IP: arms to the sides, palms forward. 1 - cross your arms over your chest, clap your palms on your shoulder blades - exhale; 2 - I.p.

Draw the children’s attention to deep and quick inhalation and slow exhalation in “portions.”

10-12 times at a fast pace.

"Clap Over Your Head"

I.p.: O.s. 1 - right hand to the side; 2 - left hand to the side; 3 —

hands up; 4 - through the sides down. 3-4 times.

"Chopping wood"

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, palms together. 1 - arms up, bend over - inhale; 2 - bend forward, exhale with your hands between your legs. 8-10 times.

Side bends.

I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right, left hand behind the head; 2 - I.p.; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. 8 times.


IP: legs together. Hands behind head. 1 - sit down. Arching your back and spreading your elbows to the sides; 2 - I.p. 10-12 times.


I.p.: hands on the belt. 4 hops on the right leg, 4 on the left, 4 on both legs. 4 times.

Basic movements

Run at medium speed (1 min. 40 sec./). Slow running. Fast run. (30-40 sec.). At the teacher’s command, children alternate types of running.

Walking on the narrow slats of a gymnastic bench.

Children, one after another (in a stream), walk along the narrow slats of the gymnastic bench. For 1-2 laps, children hold their arms to the sides. Then again on the belt. 4-5 laps.

Run at medium speed. 1 min. 40 sec.


Crawl. Children crawl in a stream on all fours under arches (in snow tunnels), run to the log and walk along it. They climb through one of the hoops and return to the arcs again. 2-3 laps.

Relay game “Planting potatoes”

Children are divided into 3-4 teams. Which stand in columns near the line. At a distance of 15-20 m from the line opposite each team there are 3 small circles. In the hands of the children standing in front of the column are bags with three potatoes (balls).

At the teacher’s signal, the first in the columns run to the holes, “plant” a potato in each hole and return, passing the bag to the next child. The team that finishes the exercise first wins. 3-4 times.

III. Final part

Slow running.


Breathing exercises.

See: Ways to increase motor activity of 6-7 year old children in physical education classes (Diploma work).

Progress of the game:

One driver is selected ( “artist”

The remaining players stand in a circle , choosing the colored sector of the parachute. Players , holding the loops of the parachute, walk in a circle, saying the words:
We are colored pencils,

All the guys are daring

Yellow, red, blue,

Choose any one for yourself!”

After these words, the guys stop, and the driver names the color sector. All players who stand under the named sector begin to run around the parachute to the music together with the driver.

When given a signal (turning off the music or blowing a whistle),
players to occupy as quickly as possible . If the driver ( “artist”
) takes the free seat faster, he becomes
a player , and the eliminated Irok becomes the driver (“artist”).
Rules of the game: players than color sectors. If there are very few players, you can exclude one or two sectors.

Game "Salute"

Purpose of the game:

1. Develop children's coordination abilities and spatial orientation .

2. foster a sense of camaraderie and achieve coordinated actions during the game.

Summary of the physical education lesson “Winter” (for children of senior preschool age)

Prepared by physical education instructor Olga Vladimirovna Filatova


  • Instill a love for physical education
  • Create a joyful mood and positive emotions



  • Cultivate friendly relationships between children in physical education and recreational activities


  • Strengthen ball rolling skills
  • Develop balance when walking on limited surfaces
  • Enrich children's motor experience


  • Develop physical qualities: agility, speed, voluntary attention


  • Create conditions to satisfy children’s natural needs for movement and play

Equipment: gymnastic benches - 2 pcs., medicine balls - 4-5 pcs., large rubber balls - 2 pcs., skittles according to the number of children.



I dusted the paths, decorated the windows, gave joy to the children, and gave them a sledding ride.

Children, what do you think this is? That's right, winter! What can you do in winter?

Children: - Sledding, skating, skiing, playing snowballs.


And today I invite you to go to the winter forest.

Children line up in a column one at a time and walk in a circle.


Like a little white snow fell on thin ice Ah, winter, winter, snow-white winter has come!

(Walking in circles)

Like a little white snow fell on thin ice so as not to trample it, you have to stand on your toes!

(Walking on tiptoes, hands on belt)

There is not enough snow. Under the snow the ice glistens timidly. We will glide on the ice deftly and skillfully!

(Walking at a side step, hands on the belt)

It has started snowing. Everyone is very happy about the snow. Let's run to catch snowflakes. Let's run to catch fluffs.

(Easy running in a circle)

Formation scattered around the hall. 2. MAIN PART

1) Outdoor switchgear

1. “Herringbone”

Spun the Christmas tree Winter snowstorms Dressed each needle in silver

IP - main stand. Execution: on the count of 1 - arms through the sides up, on the count of 2 - in an i.p. Repeat 8-10 times.

2. "Blizzard"

An angry blizzard makes noise and howls, fluffy shawls are torn from the trees

I.P. – main stand. Execution: count 1 - arms to the sides; on the count of 2-3 – tilt to the right and left. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. "Snow"

A white swarm curled and curled, sat on the ground, became a mountain

I.P. - kneeling, arms forward and down. Execution: on a count of 1-2 – arms up, reach for your hands, bend your back, on a count of 3-4 – in an i.p. Repeat 8-10 times.

4. "Green needles"

What grows on the Christmas tree? Green needles!

I.P. - sit on your heels, hands down. Execution: on a count of 1-2 - kneel, arms up - to the sides, on a count of 3-4 - in an i.p. Repeat 8-10 times.

5. "Sledge"

They stood all summer, waited for winter, waited for the season, and rushed down the mountain

IP - lying on your stomach, arms extended forward and upward, legs slightly raised. Execution: count 1-4 – swing back and forth; on the count of 5-8 - in IP. Repeat 6-8 times.

6. “Let’s warm ourselves up”

We'll warm up a little, we'll jump along the path

I.P. – legs together, hands on the belt. Execution: on the count of 1 - 8 - jumping legs apart (arms to the sides), legs together (hands on the belt), on the count 9 - 16 - walking in place. Repeat 3 times.

Children are formed into two teams.


1. Instructor:

Where there is a lot of snow You can’t walk or drive There’s white snow in a field A snowstorm has blown overnight There’s a huge hump of snow It’s called “Snowdrift”!

You and I will now step over these snowdrifts.

“Through the snowdrifts” - balance: walking sideways on a gymnastic bench, stepping over medicine balls (the number of balls depends on the length of the bench), successively through each one (two additional steps, on the third - stepping over the ball). Hands on your waist or behind your head.

2. Instructor:

He appeared in the yard in the cold December, Clumsy and funny, standing by the skating rink with a broom, Our friend the snowman is used to the winter wind!

Our next task is to roll a snowball for the snowman!

“Rolling the ball in a straight line”: there is a pin in a column at a distance of 4 meters from the first child. Pushing the ball with your fingers (hands like a scoop), without letting it go far from you, roll it to the pin, take the ball in your hands, straighten up, raise the sword up - show everyone what kind of ball you rolled. After holding the ball close to you, run to the child standing first in the column, pass the ball to him and stand at the end of the column.

3. Instructor:

In order to heat the oven in frosty weather, we must chop them up and put them in a woodpile in the hallway or in the barn! What is this?

Children: Firewood!

Instructor: Our task is to quickly move the firewood so that we can light the stove and keep warm.

“Whoever moves the object faster” - there is a hoop near the child standing first in the column. There are pins in the hoop according to the number of children. At a distance of 4-5 meters there is another hoop. The child standing first in the column takes one pin from the hoop, runs to another hoop and puts the pin there. He runs to his column and passes the baton to the next child with a tap on the shoulder. He also takes one pin, runs with it to another hoop, puts the pin in the hoop, and so on, until the children transfer all the “firewood” pins from one hoop to another.

4. Game exercise “Take a friend for a sled ride.”

The first two children from each team, standing one behind the other, put on the hoop, holding it with their hands on both sides. The task is to quickly walk to a landmark located at a distance of 4 meters, go around it, return to your team and pass the hoop to the next pair of children.

Outdoor game "Bear"

Like snow, snow on a hill (Children stand in a circle, in the center of which the “bear” sleeps, slowly raise their arms up) And under the hill there is snow, snow (Squat down, lowering their arms) And snow, snow on the Christmas tree (Stand up, raising their arms up) And under the tree there is snow, snow (They squat, lowering their hands) Quiet, quiet... Don't make noise! (at the last words the “bear” wakes up and rushes to catch the children)


1) Logori exercise

The sled rolled down (Children rotate their arms in front of them) Hold on tight, my friend! (They clasp their arms around their shoulders) Sit down, don’t fall (They threaten with their finger) There’s a groove in front (They stretch both arms in front of them) You have to drive carefully, (They threaten with your finger) Otherwise you might crash! (Lean forward) (O. Vysotskaya) 2) Stretching on the ground with elements of finger gymnastics “Winter” (I.P. - children sit on the mat, legs apart)

Winter has come (Three palms against each other) Brought frost (We massage the shoulders and forearms with our fingers) Winter has come (Three palms against each other) The nose is freezing (We massage the tip of the nose with our palm) Snow (Tilt towards the right leg, right hand on the belt, left at the top) Snowdrifts (Tilt towards the left leg, left hand on the belt, right hand at the top) Ice (With the body tilted forward, the palms “roll” forward) Everyone is on the street forward! (We straighten the body and clap our hands) We’ll put on warm pants (Run our hands over our legs from the socks to the hips - “putting on pants”) A hat, fur coat, felt boots (Run our palms over the head, over the arms, clap the legs) Warm our hands in mittens (Circular move the palms of one hand around the other palm) And tie scarves (Palms are placed on top of each other at the base of the neck) Call it the winter month! (Clap our hands) December! January! February! (We hit the knees with the fist, the edge of the palm and the palm of the hand)

List of used literature:

  1. Kopylova S.F. Physical education classes with elements of logorhythmics - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.- 81s
  2. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten. Preparatory group for school.-M. : Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014.- 112 p.
  3. Podolskaya E.N. Unusual physical education activities for preschoolers. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. – 167 p.
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