Lesson summary for the second junior group “Autumn has come to us with rustling leaves”

Integrated lesson in kindergarten on the topic: Autumn. Second junior group

Summary of an integrated lesson in the junior group.
Topic: “Autumn has come to visit us” Program objectives: Educational:
- Enrich and activate children’s vocabulary, support children’s desire to communicate with adults and peers, listen and understand, promote a culture of speech, teach children to answer simple questions, expand their understanding of natural phenomena, to form, on the basis of sensory-emotional impressions, students’ understanding of the aesthetic uniqueness of nature, to develop the ability to work with non-traditional materials, to ensure mastery of non-traditional methods of depiction;
- develop fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of hand movements;
sense of color, shape, size; develop aesthetic perception, speech and thinking; Educational:
to cultivate the ability to creatively respond to manifestations of beauty in nature, to cultivate a caring attitude towards equipment - it is a magician that helps children create miracles;
Materials: Paper leaves of different trees in red, yellow, green, paintings depicting autumn, a basket, a sheet of Whatman paper, gouache paint (red, green, yellow), wet wipes, non-traditional equipment (sponges), a magnetic board, music. Preliminary work: Observing November during walks, looking at autumn leaves, looking at paintings depicting autumn, reading works on autumn themes.
Progress of the lesson:
Teacher: - Guys, we have guests today, let's say hello. (Children greet the guests.) - Now come to me and show me your eyes, how smart and beautiful and kind they are. - Guys, what time of year is it now? (Children's answers.) Let's look at the paintings that are in our group. (Looking at pictures of autumn) - What changes occur in nature in autumn? —What happens to the trees in the fall? — The leaves turn yellow and red and fall off. — How is autumn different from winter or summer? What are her signs? (Children's answers - the leaves turn yellow and fall; it rains, birds fly away to warmer regions, harvests are harvested in the fields, etc.) - Do you like autumn? How? I like to walk on fallen leaves like on a golden carpet. Isn't it true that it is very beautiful in autumn. It’s as if a good wizard painted everything around with bright colors. Now let’s close our eyes and remember how in the morning we saw the leaves fall in the kindergarten area, what the leaves were, what color (Children’s answers.) How beautiful the trees are in their golden and crimson attire! Remember how colorful leaves, quietly spinning, fall to the ground. There are so many of them on the ground, as if everything is covered with a beautiful, bright carpet. (Autumn enters with music). Educator: “Guys, look, someone came to visit us! Let's say hello and meet the new guest! » Autumn: - Hello, guys. I am golden autumn, I heard what you were saying about me, and I wanted to see you all, get to know you and play. I brought you autumn leaves, let's see what color they are (shows the leaves, children's answers, after examining the leaves, scatters them on the carpet). But the wind blew and scattered them all, let's collect them into an autumn bouquet, but we will collect them not just like that, but by color (red, yellow, green) and we will attach them to magnetic boards. The first one has red leaves, the second one has green leaves, the third one has yellow leaves. The didactic game “Colorful leaves” is being played. Well done, guys. We completed my task. – Autumn leaves are so beautiful, but you just feel sorry for them, because they will quickly dry out and lose their beauty. Would I really like to preserve the beauty of autumn leaves? Educator: - We can help you save them. We can draw them. For this we need paints. What color should the paint be in autumn? Autumn: - I forgot what color my leaves are. Children, do you remember what color paints you need to take? (Children answer.) Well done, for helping me, he will remember the autumn colors, you and I will play a little, and at the same time we will rest a little before starting work. Physical education lesson We are autumn leaves. They were sitting on branches, the wind blew and they flew. They flew, flew and landed on the ground. The wind came again and lifted all the leaves, turned them, twisted them and lowered them to the ground. Children perform actions (squat, spin) in accordance with the text. Educator. Before you start work, I ask you very much: prepare your eyes - so that you can carefully see everything that I will show, your ears - so that you can hear everything I say, your mind - so that you can remember everything well that you will need do. Today we will draw a lot of beautiful leaves that, spinning, fall to the ground, creating a multi-colored carpet. To paint, we will need non-standard equipment (a sponge cut in the shape of leaves), on which we must put a little paint on the entire surface of the sponge; to do this, we need to lower the sponge into a container (plate) with paint. Now I can draw the first leaf (draws a leaf using the “stamping” method). I need help. We need to draw a lot of leaves so that we get a real autumn picture. Can you help? The teacher invites each child to choose the color of the leaf and draw it on a piece of Whatman paper.
The most prepared children can work independently.
The teacher and Autumn work with the rest of the children individually. During the drawing process, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the leaves should be placed on the distributed surface of the paper (on tree branches, lying like a carpet on the ground). At the end of the work, the teacher reminds that you need to wipe your hands with a damp cloth. Educator. Look what a wonderful drawing we made! Multi-colored leaves, as if spinning in a dance, fall to the ground. This is how we all together created this autumn picture that will decorate our group. Autumn: -Thank you, children, for your lesson, very interesting, for your effort and knowledge. It's time for me to return to the forest. Educator: Autumn, before you leave, the children want to tell you a poem as a farewell: Leaves are falling, falling - Leaf is falling in our garden... Yellow, red leaves curl and fly in the wind. Autumn: -Thank you, children, you are so great, you know so much. And in gratitude for your efforts, I leave you autumn gifts. Goodbye, see you again. Educator: Well, our lesson guys is over, let's say goodbye to our guests and thank you for their attention. (Children say goodbye to guests).

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Summary of a lesson on speech development for the 2nd junior group. Pleshcheev “Autumn” Summary of OOD in the junior group with presentation. A Journey to the Autumn Forest Notes on social and communicative development in the 2nd junior group on the topic: Autumn Notes on social and communicative development in the 2nd junior group on the topic “Autumn has come to us”

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Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment in the 2nd junior group “Golden Autumn”

(I ask the child to bring pictures, and together we paste them on a large sheet of paper)

(I am attaching images of trees - in bloom, with fruits and without leaves)

- Well done. What trees are there in autumn? (Naked)

Where did their leaves go? (Fell, leaves are falling). What kind of leaves do trees have in autumn? (Beautiful reds and yellows)

Look, what kind of picture do we need?

(I ask the child to bring a picture, we paste it)

“Now let’s imagine that you are no longer children, but autumn leaves.” A light breeze blew, the leaves rustled, they smiled, they rustled happily with each other. And suddenly a strong wind blew and the leaves flew away. They fly easily, beautifully, the breeze plays with them. The leaves are spinning, having fun, dancing their dance, and suddenly they touch the ground and quietly - quietly lie down on the ground.

— Did you like being leaves? (Yes, I liked it). And now you are no longer leaves, but guys again, sit down on the chairs.

(children sit on chairs)

(I attach pictures of birds to the board)

- Guys, there were a lot of birds in the summer, where have they gone now? (Fly away to warmer climes)

- That's right, they flew to warmer climes, to the south. They will be warm there. Look, what kind of bird are we going to stick on?

(I call the child, choose a picture, stick it on)

- Well done. Tell me, have all the birds flown away? (No, not all)

That's right, some birds remain, and we will feed them in the cold weather. Let's find a picture with such a bird and paste it on.

(I call the child and stick together the desired picture)

(attaching pictures of animals)

— Do animals also run away to warmer regions in the fall? (No, they are preparing for winter).

How do they prepare for winter? (The squirrel collects mushrooms and pine cones, the hare changes its gray coat to a white, warm one)

That's right, well done.

(I call the children one by one and paste the selected pictures)

(I am attaching images of children dressed for different seasons)

— Guys, birds fly away in the fall, animals prepare for winter, insulate their holes. How do people escape the cold? (Dress warmly).

What are they wearing? (Warm clothes - jacket, trousers, sweater, hat, mittens, scarf, for feet - shoes or boots)

Look at our guys, which of them do you think we will send out for a walk in the fall?

(select a picture and paste it on a piece of paper)

- What great fellows we are. Now let's look at our picture, do you like it? (Yes, I like it).

What is it about? (children list things about autumn, leaf fall, rain). That's right, it's about autumn. So the first leaf from our book is ready. Do you think the sun will like our picture? (Yes, you will like it).

Summary of the lesson “Golden Autumn” for children of the first junior group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Bellyk kindergarten"

Lesson summary “Golden Autumn”

for children of the first junior group

Educator: N.

Date: September 18

Bellyk village 2018

Theme: “Golden Autumn”

Goals: expand children's understanding of the surrounding nature, seasonal changes in nature, develop artistic perception, attention, help children show creative skills.

Contents of organized activities

  1. Organizing time.

Educator: Guys, what time of year has it come? (children's answers).

  1. Main part.

Educator: Autumn, autumn! Leaf fall - the garden is decorated in yellow. It's getting colder. Flocks of birds fly away to distant lands. The sky is covered with clouds, the whole earth is washed with rain. Golden autumn is coming to visit us, bringing bright gifts to the kids!

The teacher shows a wicker basket with autumn leaves in the basket.

Educator: What gifts did autumn give us? What's in the basket? What color did autumn paint the leaves? (red, yellow).

Educator: Golden autumn came to visit us and brought autumn leaves to all the children! Let's dance with the leaves.

Dance “Autumn Leaves”

Educator: In autumn, clouds often appear in the sky, the sun hides, a cool wind blows, and it rains.

If it suddenly starts to rain, we will hide under an umbrella! Rain, rain, wait, don’t wet our children!

Game "Sun and Rain"

Educator: Well, the rain is over, the clouds have parted, the sun has come out again, now we can play again.

The rain has stopped, the clouds have parted, the guys are in the clearing, holding hands! Let's play fun

The kids hid their hands, let's play hide and seek!

Dance “Where are our hands”

Educator: In the fall, all people harvest fruits and vegetables. What vegetables grew in your garden? (children's answers).

Game "Harvest"

Educator: I hear someone knocking on our door! Isn't there a bear standing there? Let's wave cheerfully to Mishka and say "Hello, Mishka" together! The teacher brings in a Teddy Bear toy and a wicker basket with pine cones. Bear: Hello, guys! I am a cheerful Bear! I found pine cones in the forest, I came to see you in kindergarten! But the problem is that I scattered the pine cones... Can you help me collect them, kids? Game “Collecting cones”

3. Reflection

Educator: Guys, today we learned a lot about autumn. Autumn can be sunny and rainy, and fabulously beautiful. Autumn gives us a rich harvest of vegetables. And what bright red and yellow leaves we can see only in autumn. You can dance with the leaves, or collect them into beautiful bouquets.

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