Lesson outline on the topic: “Journey to the forest” for senior preschool age
Lesson summary “Forest is our wealth.” Senior group Summary of an open lesson in the senior group
children play mind games
Intellectual game "Literature" for children of senior preschool age
What educational games do children need? A specific type of educational game for a child cannot be
Lesson summary “Travel along an ecological trail”
Summary of a lesson on ecology in kindergarten in the senior group “What is changing in the forest”
Traditions and customs of the Kazakh people
Open lesson “Traditions and customs of the Russian people”
Kazakh traditions for children The people of Kazakhstan honor the traditions and customs of their ancestors like no other.
Technological map of the integrated lesson “Matryoshka”
Toolkit. Technological map of classes for the preschool education program STATE BUDGETARY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION
Speech development at 5-6 years old: norms, symptoms of impairment, correction
An important indicator of the intelligence of a preschooler is the development of speech at the age of 5-6 years. At this age the child knows
DIY plasticine helicopters for children
We make a helicopter from plasticine: military, cute for children and fireman
Children and especially boys really like flying machines. In these lessons children will learn easily
Summary of the open integrated lesson “Mom - Tuchka and children - Droplets”
LiveInternetLiveInternet “Magic clouds” for preschool children. Description of material: the manual was produced for the purpose of development
How to draw a bird with pencil and paints - detailed and step-by-step master classes for children and beginning artists
Representatives of the bird world are found in nature in amazing diversity, they symbolize the sky, freedom, life
Federal State Educational Standard Abstract OOD Construction “Building a fence” (junior preschool age)
Federal State Educational Standards Abstract of OOD Design “Building a fence” (junior preschool age) OOD on design in the second
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