A story about migratory birds for children (how they live, description)

Let's start a story about migratory birds

A modern child who grew up in an urbanized society and has reached preschool age should already know not only the objects around him, but also the living nature of his native land. It’s just quite difficult to tell a child about something he hasn’t seen himself. That is why it is worth carefully preparing for a story about migratory birds. First of all, you need to find thematic pictures with names and images of not only migratory birds, but also wintering ones, search the Internet for the sounds they make and their singing.

Try to collect representatives of migratory birds on one piece of paper, and wintering birds on the other, only each image must be labeled.

For example, migratory ones include:

  • finch,
  • wagtail,
  • song thrush,
  • redstart,
  • Chiffchaff,
  • swallow,
  • forest pipit,
  • robin,
  • lapwing,
  • lark,
  • oriole.

And for winterers:

  • sparrows,
  • crow,
  • tits,
  • bullfinches,
  • pigeons,
  • owls,
  • woodpeckers,
  • fourty.

Visualization will allow children not only to replenish their vocabulary with new names for wildlife, but also to relate what they hear to specific images.

To consolidate knowledge, you can make an additional Whatman paper with images of birds, where migratory and wintering birds will be collected together for children. After the baby gets acquainted with all the flyers, let him tell you what each of them is called, which birds fly south, which ones remain for the winter. It is even more convenient and interesting to complete this task using a large magnetic board.

Conduct the conversation as a dialogue. For example, ask: “Is the tit a migratory bird or not? Where and when did you see her? Remember together what birds you have seen before, and why some are difficult to see during the day.


The eagle owl is the largest bird among the owls, its height is 0.6–0.8 m, its wingspan is up to 1.9 m. It is distributed throughout Eurasia, except the far north. Hunts by planning. It is a wintering sedentary species.

The plumage is motley, brown tones, loose, absorbs the sounds of flight. There are feathers sticking out on the head, like “ears”. The paws are completely covered with feathers, the claws are large. Amber eyes stand out on the facial disc. During courtship, partners call each other loudly, forming permanent pairs.

Thanks to the special structure of the spine, the eagle owl's head can even turn backwards.

Hunts in the evening all night. It feeds on rodents, hares, birds, frogs, and fish.

Nests are located on the ground, in the roots of trees, among brushwood. The female incubates, the male feeds her and the chicks. The chicks are covered with down and blind. At 2 months they begin to fly, at 3–4 months they leave their parents.

Rice. 3. Eagle owl.

Why do birds fly to warmer climes?

It will be interesting for children to learn the reasons for the departure of birds. Tell us that the birds that live in the field, in swamps and ponds, fly away for the winter, because the reservoirs freeze, and they cannot find food, because they cannot get frogs and fish; also in the field, all rodents hide deep in burrows The birds that live in the forest can no longer find insects in winter, which fall into deep sleep or die in the cold season.

Tell your child interesting facts about birds. For example, that they fly south for the winter, lining up in certain figures.

Birds can line up:

  • straight front,
  • crowded flock,
  • joint,
  • wedge

The flight of birds in a wedge or other shape is of particular importance. The wedge is built according to the principle: the strong and adults fly first, followed by the youngest and weakest. The leader of the group shows the way and, cutting through the air, helps the weak in flight.

Sometimes there are several leaders in a pack. They fly first in line so as not to get exhausted and go off course. Those who close the wedge constantly make sounds, encouraging the leaders and confirming their presence.

Find and show pictures of birds flying to children, even better if it is a video. It is well known that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

Flying birds - video

You can tell an older child that migratory birds fly away not only during the onset of cold weather, but also in the middle of summer, that each species of the bird family behaves differently before flying.

Birds learn about the onset of cold weather and the need to fly away not from the newspaper or news; their instinct is more accurate in forecasts than the media. They always know exactly when to start preparing for a long flight, sometimes they even do test flights. The body of birds is also preparing for long routes. He begins to rebuild so that the bird is ready for difficult times.

Bird theme - the world around us, grade 1

Birds belong to the animal world and live absolutely all over the planet. They have the ability to fly, with a few exceptions (except for penguins and ostriches), and some also swim (seagulls, swans, etc.). Waterfowl row well in the water due to webbed feet. Birds occupy an important part in the natural chain, some of them feed on mice and other small animals, thereby reducing their populations, destroying pests and spreading seeds, which, falling to the ground, germinate.

what kind of bird is an eagle: a bird of prey eagle

There are predators among the birds; they hunt for small rodents and other small birds.

For example: an eagle has sharp claws in order not only to catch prey, but also to hold it well. Among the eagles there are lovers of eating snakes. At night, another bird of prey, the owl, hunts hares and mice.

what birds are insectivores

Most birds love to feast on insects and are classified as insectivores.

For example: swallows feed on mosquitoes and midges; the approach of rain clouds can be determined by the height of their flight. Since insects fly low above the ground before bad weather, swallows also fly lower to the ground when hunting for them. When autumn comes, the insects hide and the swallows have nothing to eat, so they break away from their habitable places and fly away to where the climate is milder.

bird swallow description

Migratory birds are those birds that, with the onset of cold weather, fly to other places where it is warm and there is plenty of food.

For example: in the fall, swallows, cuckoos, and starlings leave us. blackbirds, cranes, storks and many others. The first to start are the birds, whose diet consists of insects.

rook bird description

Migratory birds must be resilient and strong to travel long distances. some fly for several days without rest. It should be noted that birds gather in flocks and migrate together, led by a leader in the form of a wedge.

what birds are nomadic

Wintering species include those that do not leave their native places all year round. Among them there are nomads; in search of food, they can fly from one place to another, but within their own region.

For example: crow, tit, pigeon, nuthatch, owl, sparrow, tit, pika, crossbill, etc.

Birds need the care of people, especially those that remain for the winter; they need to be fed, feeders hung and birdhouses made.

What else is important for children to know about birds?

Include information about migratory birds and how they live in your message. Birdhouses, nests made of twigs in trees, made of clay and twigs under the roofs of residential buildings, as well as cages - all these are the apartments of birds. During your walks you can see these houses - don’t miss the opportunity to show them to your child. In addition, it will be interesting for the young naturalist not only to see, but also to make a birdhouse himself.

You can celebrate Bird Day with your children, which takes place on April 1st. Read more about this day below.

Have a picnic in nature, take the prepared birdhouses with you and hang them on the trees. Tell us which birds can choose this house for themselves and their chicks. Among them there may be not only starlings, but also sparrows, tits, and other flyers for which the size of the house will suit. Perhaps the next time you visit this place together, the voices of birds will already be heard there.

Video lesson “Migratory birds for children”


The bluethroat is a sparrow-sized bird with a blue spot on its chest with a bright red edging. It is observed throughout Russia. Settles along rivers in bushes. It makes nests from blades of grass on the ground, in piles of branches. The eggs are incubated by the female and the chicks are fed by both parents. After 2 weeks, the babies leave the nest and are fed by their parents for another week.

It feeds on insects and larvae, which it collects on the ground or tree branches. In autumn, berries are added to the menu.

At the end of summer, bluethroats fly singly to Africa and South Asia.

Rice. 2. Bluethroat.

All about migratory birds for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren in games and tasks

For your activities and lessons, you can prepare a variety of hands-on activities for children that will give them a basic introduction to birds and help develop their hand motor skills and communication skills. By using small prizes for those who do well and for competition winners, you can encourage children to try their best to solve problems.

Poems and stories for children about migratory birds

Now you can find many books with fairy tales, poems, and riddles about migratory birds.

Here is a small list of children's writers and poets who wrote about flyers:

  • Mikhail Prishvin,
  • Korney Chukovsky,
  • Vitaly Bianki,
  • Dmitry Kedrin,
  • Apollon Maikov,
  • Boris Pasternak,
  • Ivan Turgenev.

The child will be interested in listening to or reading interesting poems and stories about birds after a brief acquaintance with birds. Learn a poem with your child. This will help him not only improve his memory, but also remember your story for a long time.

Games and tasks

Quiet games with a bird theme

  1. There are many bird coloring pages online that can be printed on a regular printer. Children can color them with paints, pencils or felt-tip pens of different colors, depending on the type of bird.
  2. You can also use puzzles depicting birds with details of both small and large sizes.
  3. You can try organizing a competition for the best drawing. After printing out images of several types of birds, place them on the tables. Children will need to use these pictures as references to draw the birds themselves on a separate sheet of paper. Award prizes for the best, most creative, and most realistic drawing.

Games to develop attention

  1. Use the popular game “Memory”, making it yourself, for the development and education of children. For this game you need to print several types of birds on small cards: 2 images of each species. To make cards more durable, laminate them. Place the cards on the surface with the images facing down. Have the children come up and take turns turning over two cards. The child who finds the most pairs of identical birds will win.
  2. For another attention game, place pictures of birds on the board and ask children to look closely at them. Then the children will have to close their eyes (for example, turn away or, if they are sitting at tables, lower their heads onto its surface, after folding their hands), and at this time you will remove one of the pictures from the board. When they look at the board again, the first one to realize which bird is missing (flying away) will receive a small prize.

Feeding the birds

  1. Children, together with their parents, can make bird feeders, which they will then hang outside the window of their group or class. This will give you the opportunity to observe different birds flying to the feeder.
  2. Each child can make a feeder on their own, or you can break them up into groups. Place the pine cone on a piece of wax paper and have the kids coat it with the nut butter using a knife or spoon. Using another spoon, sprinkle birdseed over the peanut butter pine cone. You can also use nuts or sunflower seeds. Instead of a cone, you can use, for example, a large soft pretzel or a stale piece of white bread. Also coat it with peanut butter and sprinkle with food.

Bird theme - the world around us, grade 2

migratory birds list for children

what kind of bird is the cuckoo

bluethroat bird

sedentary and nomadic birds

eagle owl bird photo

Which birds arrive from the south first?

The very first to return from warm regions are rooks and starlings; these birds are the heralds of the onset of spring and warmth. At the end of March, wagtails, tits and ducks appear on the streets and in the forests.

Below you will find pictures of migratory birds for children with names.

The last to return from the south are seagulls, ducks, geese, and cranes. This is due to the fact that they eat numerous insects, small larvae, and feed on fruits and berries that are not yet found in early spring.

Birds around the world grade 4

bird species examples

Bird species

why do birds fly south in autumn

what do birds eat in summer

which bird arrives first, which bird flies last

how birds navigate in flight

countries for migratory birds

what birds winter in Russia

Birds around the world 3rd grade

what migratory birds are in Russia: central Russia

what birds winter in Russia: central Russia

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