Summary of GCD using health-saving, gaming technologies Topic: “Visit Doctor Aibolit!”

Program content: clarify and expand children's knowledge about the organs of vision, their structure and functions; develop the ability to select words with opposite meanings (antonyms); develop the ability to answer questions; follow the rules of the game; cultivate goodwill, a desire to take care of your health and the health of your loved ones.

Materials and equipment

: gymnastic bench, arches (3), a schematic image of an eye, a “wonderful bag” with objects (a stick, sand, a toy TV, a stone, a toy knife, a fork, scissors, object pictures depicting cigarettes and tobacco smoke, alcohol); an envelope with a letter, a ball, vitamins (treats); audio recording of the sound of an ambulance, music for visual gymnastics, Dr. Aibolit’s costume, soft toys according to the number of children (one eye of the toy animals is bandaged), box.

Musical director: Guys, guess the riddle!

“He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals.

He is famous, famous.

This is the doctor... (Aibolit.)

The ambulance signal sounds, Doctor Aibolit appears (in the role of Aibolit, a teacher).

Aibolit: I’ll come to Petya, I’ll come to Polya. Hello children! Who is sick with you?

I want to tell you my secret! At night I received a telegram from Hippopotamus (reading).

“Dear doctor, good doctor!

Come quickly!

And save me, dear doctor,

Our poor babies!

We're in trouble! An evil robot has come to us from the planet Razlomay. He gave the residents of our city a large enchanted TV that never turns off, and our kids’ eyes hurt.

Aibolit: Poor things! There's not a minute to waste! Help me, children, defeat the villain! To do this, you need to overcome all the obstacles along the way.

Aibolit: Get ready for the journey, go for your health! Hop on the eagle!

Hold on tight to me! Let's fly! (music plays, the teacher sits on the large cube in front, the children sit on the middle cubes one after another)

Aibolit: The wind is blowing up!

“Wind, wind! You are powerful!

You are driving flocks of clouds..."

Help us find the way to the magical city. Guys, the wind asks you to play his favorite game “Say it the other way around” with him. I will ask you, and you answer, just the other way around.

Aibolit: Are you sad guys?

Children: We are funny guys.

Aibolit: Are you unfriendly guys?

Children: We are friendly guys.

Aibolit: Are you evil...?

Children: We are good guys.

Aibolit: We did it! Hooray! I'm just happy that I met you! Hold on tight. Let's go for landing. I think I see the lights of a big city. We have arrived. (Pointer showing lights, schematic representation of an eye.)

Aibolit: Look into each other's eyes! What color are they? What are eyes for? (Children's answers.)

In the center of the eye is a black pupil. The eyes are very delicate and therefore need protection. Each eye has guards - eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes. We have them not only for beauty, but to protect our eyes from dust, dirt, wind, and smoke. To preserve your eyes and vision, you need to take care of them - wash your face in the mornings and evenings.

Aibolit: And now it’s time to hit the road, friends!

Get ready for the journey, go for your health!

“And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper. And the mountains go under the very clouds! And how much snow there is! Get on your skis! And here is the path (children walk along the gymnastics bench) Be careful! Don't fall into a snowdrift! Ahead is a gate-tunnel-entrance to the street of animals. (children crawl under the arches and overcome the tunnel) Guys, in order to save the animals, we need to teach them to take care of their eyes and vision.

Game "Dangerous Objects".

Aibolit: Dangerous objects for the eyes are hidden in a wonderful bag. (Children with their eyes closed take one object out of the bag and answer: stick,

sand (hourglass), toy TV, piercing object, stone, pictures of cigarettes, alcohol.) Great, friends! Great start.

The way is open! (children crawl under the arches and overcome the tunnel) Where are the kids? Let's look for them!

Aibolit: Look how big the snowdrift is! Oh, where are you hiding, poor things? (Children find the animals and pick them up. Aibolit instills magic drops for the kids.)

Aibolit. And now it’s time for us to do gymnastics, friends! Our eyes, like us, need gymnastics. Let's teach the animals! (Children perform eye exercises together with the teacher to calm melodic music, sitting on the carpet.)

Aibolit. How cleverly you do it! I knew you could do it!

And the evil transforming robot is secretly watching us. He is angry and wants to stop us from saving sick babies. To defeat him, you must pass one more test. Let's play! You need to answer the questions correctly. The game is called “What is good and what is bad.” If it’s good, everyone clap your hands together. And if it's bad, shake your head! Ready? Repeat the magic spell after me!

- You roll, magic ball,

— Quickly, quickly, hands over.

- Who has a magic ball?

“He’ll tell us now.”

- One two Three! Speak!

Is playing with a stick good or bad for the eyes? (Children perform appropriate actions according to the rules of the game.)

Cover yourself with sand...?

Walk and play ball...?

Watch TV for a long time...?

Ride a bike…?

How long does it take to play computer games?

Read a book and look at the pictures...?

Run and play with a knife, play with scissors, throw stones?

Is washing, bathing and swimming good or bad?

Do exercises, drink milk, eat vegetables and fruits...?

Aibolit. Guys, I'm just happy that I managed to cure sick animals! But I couldn't have done it without you! Thank you for your good deeds! I have a surprise for you! (Treats the children with vitamins.)

Abstract of the educational activity on the topic: “Aibolit visiting children” in the middle group.

Program objectives: Educational area “Health” Continue work to strengthen the health of children, strengthen the body and improve its functions. Teach to monitor posture in all types of activities. To cultivate beauty, grace, expressiveness of movements. Educational area “Cognition” Introduce children to vegetables and fruits that are good for health. Educational area “Communication” Develop the ability to use nouns with a general meaning (apple, pear, plum - fruit; tomato, cucumber, potato - vegetable). Develop speech, memory, thinking. Activate the dictionary. Materials for the lesson: Doctor Aibolit - a toy, a truck - a toy, d/games “Wonderful bag”, “Collect fruits from parts”, dummies of vegetables and fruits, treats for children, images of fruits for drawing. Progress of the lesson: part 1. Children sit on chairs. Educator: Guys, guess the riddle: “He treats small children, He treats birds and animals, And now the Good Doctor is hurrying to us... (Aibolit) - You guessed the riddle correctly. I hear someone is in a hurry to visit us. A car drives in with Doctor Aibolit sitting in it: - Hello, guys. - Hello, Doctor Aibolit. - How are you doing? Are you sick? Let me look at you. Everyone has rosy cheeks, cheerful eyes, beautiful smiles. - Guys, today is a holiday - Health Day. I came to visit you to find out if you like sports and what you do to be healthy. — Do you exercise in the morning? (Yes) Come out here. A physical session is being held. 1. Let’s stand together one after another, remember how a goose walks (in a half-squat) 2. In the clearing under the flowers, moths are whirling, so we too will begin to whirl, and are agile and light (we spin, waving our arms) 3. A stork walks through the swamp, and he is looking for frogs, turns right, left, one tilt and two tilts (tilts) 4. The bunnies are jumping on the lawn, across the bridge and into the woods, we will jump like bunnies, straight, sideways, diagonally (jumps) Aibolit: Well done, I see that you don’t forget to do exercises in the morning. - I brought you a “Wonderful Bag”, and what lies there - guess the riddles: 1. A bush grew green and thick in the garden bed, Dig a little, under the bush... (potatoes) 2. How I put on a hundred shirts, crunched in my teeth (cabbage ) 3. The grandfather sits wearing a hundred fur coats; whoever undresses him sheds tears. (onion) 4. A good green sweet thing is lying on the bed... (cucumber) 5. Round, rosy, juicy and sweet, fragrant, big, what is it? (apple) Doctor Aibolit: I see that you recognized and guessed vegetables and fruits, they are good for health. Vegetables can be eaten both raw and boiled. Vegetables are healthier in their raw form and can be used to prepare various salads. Boiled vegetables are also tasty, but not as healthy. And fruits strengthen the body, they also contain a lot of vitamins. - Tell me, guys, before eating vegetables and fruits, what should you do? That's right, they definitely need to be washed. Educator: Now let’s play the game “Find out by taste.” Children try pieces of fruits and vegetables and recognize their taste (beets, carrots, apples, bananas) Educator: Now let’s move. Game “Do as I do” (imitation of movements for girls: skating, jumping rope; for boys: skiing, exercise with dumbbells) Doctor Aibolit: Guys, it’s time for me to go to other guys. Don't get sick, exercise, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, be healthy and strong. Goodbye. Part 2. Drawing healthy fruits (using stencils), colored pencils. Bottom line: What do you need to do to be healthy? The lesson is over.

Summary of GCD: “Aibolit visiting children” in the middle group. (download in WORD format)

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