Artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children

Aesthetic education of preschoolers is the organization of children’s life activities within the family and preschool educational institutions, which contributes to the child’s formation of knowledge and ideas about beauty, the development of the ability to see beauty in everything that surrounds him.

A person already at an early age begins to see the beauty of toys, music, and notices the bright colors around him. However, the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children cannot be imagined without the comprehensive work of educators and the presence of an educational environment.

In most preschool education programs, aesthetic education is given one of the leading places; the difference lies only in the name of the approach. The importance of this direction can hardly be overestimated. A child deprived of aesthetic development at an older age will have difficulty expressing himself in work that requires a creative, inspired approach.

The famous Russian classic A.P. Chekhov once said: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” This is the result of competent artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children. A child must be able to see, appreciate, create beauty, and also be “beautiful” himself, that is, be a spiritual, humane, moral and harmonious person.

Goals and objectives

The goal of artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers is to instill in the child a culture that consists of a number of components:

  1. Perception is the ability to sense beauty in all its manifestations.
  2. Feelings are the ability to emotionally evaluate beauty.
  3. Needs - the desire to experience aesthetic emotions from the perception of beauty.
  4. Tastes are the ability to analyze beauty, based on developed aesthetic ideals.
  5. Ideals are a personal assessment of the beauty of nature, people, and culture.

The tasks of aesthetic education of preschoolers include:

  • development of a harmonious personality;
  • developing the ability to notice and appreciate the beauty around;
  • assistance in the formation of personal tastes and ideals;
  • creating conditions for the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children.

Achieving a goal is based on certain means and methodological techniques.

Means of aesthetic education:

  • painting, sculpture;
  • theater, cinema;
  • architecture (design, architecture);
  • fiction;
  • TV, press;
  • musical compositions;
  • the world.

Methods of aesthetic education:

  • personal example and experience;
  • colloquial forms;
  • classes within the preschool educational institution;
  • excursions;

The fundamental method is personal example (of a teacher or parent), since it is the adult who lays down the ideals that will subsequently become the basis for the formation of aesthetic feelings.

The aesthetic development of preschoolers is a process that includes not only the work of educators, but also the active participation of parents. This is a continuous activity, the basis of which is primarily set by the family.

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“Model of the educational field of artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children”

The introduction of high technologies, innovations in the development of science, enterprises, government agencies - all this dictates its conditions on the world market. These innovations did not bypass education. In the Russian Federation today there are significant changes in education. These innovations have radically affected the preschool education system. The introduction of the federal state standard for preschool education (hereinafter referred to as FSES DO) was dictated by the times, primarily by the need to prepare children for life using modern technologies. The Federal State Educational Standard for Education gives us clear instructions and guides us in creating favorable and comfortable conditions for the development of children according to their age and individual characteristics. The standard indicates a person-centered approach to children to preserve the self-worth of preschool childhood. The standard clearly shows the requirements for targeting the individual abilities of children when completing the educational program.

Developing subject-spatial educational environment (hereinafter referred to as RPES DO) is part of the educational environment, represented by a specially organized space (rooms, area, etc.), materials, inventory, equipment, for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age period, protection and health promotion, taking into account the characteristics and correction of developmental deficiencies.

Based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, the subject environment must provide and guarantee:

  • protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of the emotional well-being of children, as well as showing respect for their human dignity, their feelings and needs, forming and maintaining positive self-esteem, including when children interact with each other and in team work, confidence in their own capabilities and abilities
  • variability of developmental education, focused on the possibility of children freely choosing materials, types of activities, participants in joint activities and communication, both with children of different ages and with adults, as well as freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts; [5]

If we consider the developing subject-spatial environment in each preschool educational institution, it is clear that it has the properties of an open system and also performs an educational, developmental and educational function. It is also necessary to remember that the RPPS should be:

  • content-rich
  • transformable
  • multifunctional
  • accessible
  • safe.

In fact, in educational institutions I would like to organize methodological work so that every teacher understands the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and can master research activities. They would accept all this naturally, and not as a forced duty. Any leader would like to see his team full of ideas and innovations, aimed at creating a favorite common cause. Only competently organized, methodically structured support for the implementation and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education only helps to ensure education reaches a new qualitative level of its work. Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education dictated the need for a modern approach to methodological work in preschool education. Methodological support is one of the links in the high-quality development of the new generation standard. All these reflections relate to the need to update the content in the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” .

Artistic and aesthetic culture are an integral part of the spiritual image of a person. To ensure the result of the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children, it is necessary to maintain a constant interest in children and captivate them with folk culture, various types and genres of art, the world around them, and support the desire to express their feelings with a vivid vision of an interesting and beautiful world. Artistic and aesthetic development is the most important aspect of raising a child. It helps to enrich the emotional sphere of the individual and influences the knowledge of the moral side of reality.

The Federal State Standard clearly states: “Artistic and aesthetic development presupposes the development of prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world; formation of elementary ideas about types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for characters in works of art; implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.)"

The goal of artistic and aesthetic development and education of preschool children is to introduce them to culture, develop children's creativity, and form elements of an aesthetic attitude towards the world around them. Artistic and aesthetic development is considered as a means of developing expressive speech, artistic taste, poetic and musical ear. Currently, a wider range of problems is being solved in this area. Updating the tasks in this area requires updating the entire approach to education. Pedagogical and methodological work occurs in a continuous process of improving the skills of each teacher.

The standard of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is aimed at ensuring that the child becomes interested in creativity and wants to independently learn and acquire knowledge. The Federal State Educational Standard for Education is aimed at supporting programs for the formation of the child’s personality as a representative of the modern world. To do this, it is necessary not only to improve the teacher himself, but also to improve the objective-spatial environment in which the child will acquire his knowledge.

In order to obtain high-quality educational results in the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children, it is necessary to design an artistic and aesthetic educational space in the group so that it is informationally, technologically and methodologically correct and competent.

In this educational area, both general educational and correctional tasks are solved, the implementation of which activates the development of children’s sensory abilities, sense of rhythm, color, composition; the ability to express one’s creative abilities in artistic images. Namely:

  • development of artistic and aesthetic abilities: development of the child’s creative potential, imaginative and associative thinking, the ability of visual and artistic perception, emotional responsiveness to works of art, artistic and aesthetic ideas
  • formation of artistic and aesthetic experience so that the child can express himself, his emotions and feelings, as well as moods and experiences using accessible means
  • development in a preschooler of the point of view of an active participant, a “creator” of his own works
  • the formation of an aesthetic feeling for the surrounding world
  • formation of elementary ideas about types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore
  • inducing empathy for characters in works of art
  • implementation of independent creative activities of children.

The creation of a subject-spatial environment requires the enrichment of psychological and pedagogical conditions. First of all, it is important to create an environment in accordance with modern recommendations. Organize work within the framework of the artistic and aesthetic field, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children. The life of children in a preschool institution should be rich in music, fine arts, and literature. All this forms a cultural environment. The environment should correspond to the interests of children and stimulate children's creativity.

It is necessary to equip a subject-spatial environment (paints, pencils, plasticine, costume attributes, models of objects and objects of the surrounding world, artistic toys, fun toys, different types of puppet theater, didactic games, illustrated manuals, etc.). The cultural environment should include cultural traditions and children's artistic activities. Introduce children to the cultural heritage, sights, important thematic cultural events in the life of the country, region, city, town. In preschool institutions, it is recommended, if possible, to create material conditions for artistic activities, theatrical activities, and creativity walls. Aesthetics are very important, that is, the interior of a preschool institution must meet basic aesthetic requirements (artistic simplicity, beauty). Children, especially older ones, should participate in creating and changing the environment (turn on lighting, use partitions, children’s drawings can decorate the walls, etc.). [4]

To develop creativity, it is important to create playful problem situations, encourage children to work independently, and develop the ability to apply what they have learned in new conditions, in a free, changeable form.

It is necessary to activate the artistic and aesthetic sensitivity of preschoolers. And for this purpose, works of art of various genres and educational artistic toys should be included in activities that are accessible and attractive to children.

It is very important to respect the results of children’s creativity and to widely include their works in the life of a preschool educational institution. Variability of the content, forms and methods of working with children in different areas of aesthetic education, as well as ensuring continuity in artistic and aesthetic education between all age groups of the kindergarten, as well as between kindergarten and primary school. [3]

Involve parents in work; attend exhibitions, concerts, expositions; if possible, include regional specifics in the program (folk arts and crafts). Create mini-exhibitions yourself with examples of creativity from preschoolers.

At this stage, it is very important to have the necessary supply of artistic and aesthetic impressions, knowledge, and skills that children receive in the process of educational activities.

Principles of teaching staff: enrichment of the sensory sense of experience, cultural enrichment of the content of visual activities in accordance with the knowledge of the characteristics of children of different ages, the principle of aesthetic orientation with universal human values, aestheticization of teaching staff and everyday life in general.

Based on the principles of pedagogical work on the artistic and aesthetic development of children, an individual approach is required, based on respect and attention to the psychological and intellectual characteristics of students. Creating individual conditions for development involves developing an optimal trajectory of a pedagogical strategy for each child, taking into account his natural abilities and inclinations. The unity of the educational and educational process. This principle is of a fundamental developmental nature and ensures the integrity of the ethical, aesthetic and intellectual development of the child’s personality. The deep internal connection of children's creativity with real life determines the diversity of content, techniques and methods of organizing and implementing artistic practice.

Integration of various types of art - promotes a deeper and more holistic knowledge and understanding of phenomena and objects of the surrounding world, versatile perception and harmonious embodiment of children's imagination and fantasy in the child's musical, speech, theatrical and visual activities.

The principle of nationality and cultural conformity helps preschoolers understand the deep genetic connections between the cultural picture of the world and the traditional self-awareness of the people. In addition, it broadens their horizons, enriches the inner world of students with new cognitive facts from the life of other countries and continents, and instills skills of respect for the uniqueness and originality of life and artistic creativity of other peoples. Continuity in artistic and aesthetic education and upbringing of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren.

Means of organizing teaching staff. Organization of daily observations of the phenomena of the surrounding reality and nature in general, for example, thematic walks dedicated to the seasons using musical accompaniment, reproductions of paintings on this topic. Interaction with the world of art, through familiarization and acquaintance with beauty. Material support, of course, also plays an important role in the organization of teaching staff. [1]

It is necessary to be very careful about both the process itself and the result of children's activities. For a preschooler, the creative atmosphere itself and motivation to complete a task are important. It is important to involve children and introduce them to creativity. Use types of artistic and creative activities available for a given age. And of course, the teacher is obliged to actively conduct his teaching activities, introducing new innovations.

The forms of pedagogical work in artistic and aesthetic development are deep and multifaceted. It all depends on how competent and creatively versatile the teacher is. In his activities, he can use not only ordinary activities; here a huge flight of imagination opens up. His work is based on the example of such forms:

  • organization of the holidays “Trinity” , “Ivan Kupala” , “Ural Tales” , “Silver Patterns” , “Christmastide” , “Fun Toys” the purpose of such holidays is to introduce the original origins of Russian culture, to familiarize preschoolers with the traditions and roots of their ancestors.
  • Create all kinds of creative workshops based on interests. For example: “Grandfather Yegor’s Crafts” , where children will get acquainted not only with the products themselves, but also try to create them with their own hands.
  • Exhibitions, creativity weeks, theatrical and literary lounges, music salons in which children will not only receive, but also demonstrate their abilities.
  • The creation of music boxes “The Kingdom of Sounds” , hand-made books “At Lukomorye” , all kinds of “Talent Fairs” , of course, all this contributes to the development of the artistic and aesthetic perception of the child’s personality.
  • Theatrical performances “Visiting a Fairy Tale” , all kinds of games - fun “At the Origins” , the musical game “Merry Notes” - all this allows you to develop and enrich the child. Of particular interest are non-traditional forms of work, such types of applications as:
  • broken mosaic “Kitten”, this method is suitable for conveying the texture of an image (for example, a fluffy kitten)
  • narrow paper skillfully rolled by children's hands in the quilling style “Flower City” is quite a worthy theme for original gifts for parents
  • modular mosaic technique in which an image is created by gluing finely cut paper of the same geometric shapes “Insects” , “Seasons” , “Toy”
  • folding paper in the form of an “accordion”, a type of ribbon applique “Underwater world” , “Chrysanthemums”
  • origami is a type of decorative and applied art with roots in ancient China
  • trimming - a technique using corrugated paper, also interesting for children: “Cherry” , “Sunflowers” , “Cockerel”
  • silhouette applique “My Fairy Tale” , “Animals” , “Winter Motifs” are especially popular with children
  • "Magic thread" technique for working with fabric
  • testoplasty gives children great pleasure “Bagels” , “Medallions” , “Berry panel”
  • “Forest stories” using natural materials will never leave children indifferent
  • “Skillful Sculptor” where children get acquainted with the properties of clay

All this contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, and as V. A. Sukhomlinsky said, “The child’s mind is at the tips of his fingers .

Of course, if the teacher himself has creative potential and is literate, then he will certainly interest you and instill a love for beauty. The soul of a child is a flame that needs to be fed, supported and kindled with new knowledge. So that they protect the heritage of their culture in the future.

When choosing forms of work, you need to be quite clearly guided by the methods. After all, a method translated from Greek is “a path, a way to achieve a goal,” and a teacher is like a ship that accommodates children, trusting and curious explorers of this wonderful world. So what methods does the teacher use:

  • These are methods based on the source of information transmission and the nature of its transmission (visual, verbal and practical)
  • search situation method
  • informative-receptive method (examination of paintings, demonstration of films and presentations, stories of the teacher and children)
  • The reproductive method is aimed at repeated repetition by the child of information or action, for example, based on a teacher’s sample, conversation, compilation of stories based on a subject-schematic model
  • problem method, where the teacher poses a problem to preschoolers and shows or motivates them to solve it.
  • a heuristic method or a partial search method in which the teacher divides the problem task into parts for the children. Using the example of didactic games, modeling, heuristic conversations.
  • research method, this method is precisely aimed at the development of creative activity. Here we can include all kinds of creative exercises, experimentation, and the project method. [2]

Teaching methods differ from each other both in the nature of cognitive activity and in the characteristics of their organization.

What kind of result will we get in the end if our environment is built in such a way as to comply with the new federal standards? As a result, the child acquires the ability to convey impressions using expressive images. Perception and enrichment of sensory experience occurs. We will see in him a manifestation of the activity of perceiving beauty in art and the surrounding reality. He will gain the ability to use all sorts of different technologies and means when transmitting artistic images. The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard gives us the opportunity to take a more comprehensive approach to organizing the spatial environment in a way that clearly prescribes all the requirements for the work of preschool educational institutions as a whole.


  1. Vilenchik S.I. Fine arts in the development of children’s creative activity // Preschool education. - No. 3. - 2015. - pp. 41-43.
  2. Gogoberidze A.G., Solntseva O.V. Preschool pedagogy with the basics of methods and education: A textbook for universities. 2nd ed. Third generation standard / Ed. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2016. – 464 p.
  3. Levina L. E., Kurashinova S. G. Artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children by means of visual activities // Scientific and methodological electronic journal “Concept” . – 2016. – T. 10. – P. 151–155. – URL: http: //e-concept. ru/2016/56838. htm.
  4. Karabanova O. A., Alieva E. F., Rodionova O. R., Rabinovich P. D., Marich E. M. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education. Methodological recommendations for teaching staff of preschool educational organizations and parents of preschool children - M.: Federal Institute for Educational Development. 2014. - 96
  5. Federal State Educational Standard. –
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Aesthetic development in the family

A child's introduction to the world begins with mom and dad. They are the first and main aesthetic ideals.

Family aesthetic education includes:

  1. Personal example of parents. This includes the appearance, clothing, neatness and grooming of adults, as well as the manner of communication and education of parents. A child quickly adopts family criteria for beauty and will have difficulty changing if, for example, he has heard obscene language since childhood or walked around in soiled clothes.
  2. Education of musical taste. It starts from an early age, when my mother sang lullabies and cheerfully told nursery rhymes. As your baby grows, it is important to sing nursery rhymes with him and play classical music at home.
  3. Artistic activity of preschoolers. The most important aspect of aesthetic development both in the family and in preschool educational institutions. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to express his thoughts and emotions on paper, using various techniques (felt-tip pens, paints, pencils), so the baby will become familiar with colors and their combinations, learn to see shape, and evaluate size.
  4. Reading books. Children often ask their mother to read a bedtime story, so they get acquainted with the richness and beauty of the Russian language, learn to use the word as a tool for expressing feelings and emotions.
  5. Conversations. During emotional conversations, the child learns and adopts the experience of his parents, asks questions about the world around him. Time should be set aside for conversations focused on aesthetic development.
  6. Aesthetics of everyday life. It consists of renovating the apartment, design solutions, decorating the living space (paintings, flowers, etc.), cleanliness and order. It is necessary to have an aesthetic development environment.

Features of the development of technical creativity in preschool children

Technical creativity teaches a preschool child not only perseverance and patience, but also helps to develop certain abilities:

  • The ability to find non-standard solutions to the tasks assigned to them and select a means for these solutions.
  • Plan your activities.
  • Compare, find differences and similarities, generalize.
  • Select parts and combine them into a whole.
  • Analyze your actions step by step, draw conclusions, give an account of your actions, assume further options for the development of events, correct shortcomings, identify advantages and use them in the future.

Drawing lessons for the first junior groups

In addition, preschoolers learn to interact with each other, gain experience working in a team, learn to negotiate, look for a way out of the current situation, and develop their imagination.

Note ! The main type of activity of a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard is play, which is inextricably linked with a toy. One follows from the other: a toy gives rise to play activity, and by developing play activity, it attracts new toys. Therefore, it is better to engage in technical creativity with little ones through play. The game helps to captivate the preschooler, interest him and achieve the desired result.

The best option for technical creativity of kids are:

  • magnetic constructors;
  • building kits;
  • various cubes;
  • block constructors;
  • modeling kits;
  • constructors with joint fastening;
  • bolt-on constructors.

Recommendations for teachers and educators

Recommendations for the moral and aesthetic education of preschoolers include a number of methods and principles:

  1. Aesthetics of the environment (live plants, furniture, color scheme for playrooms, cleanliness and order).
  2. Independent artistic activity (classes in free creativity using decorative and applied arts).
  3. Classes with a teacher (development of tastes and ideals under the supervision and sensitive guidance of a mentor).

There are some features of aesthetic education of preschool children in preschool educational institutions. Unlike the home environment, creative activity takes place among peers and under the guidance of a competent mentor. This motivates the child to do everything better so that he is praised and distinguished from the rest. If at home a child often gives up at the first failure, then in kindergarten, looking at the example of other children, he will look for ways to cope with the task. Therefore, creative and aesthetic activities should be carried out precisely in preschool educational institutions.

To do this, the teacher must clearly understand what creativity is and what competencies and skills the child should acquire as a result.

Indicators of creative activity (according to I. Lerner):

  • the ability to use old knowledge in a new situation without outside help;
  • the ability to find and apply new functions of an already known object;
  • the ability to see problems in a standard situation;
  • the ability to combine previously known methods into new ones.

The teacher should encourage the child for showing independence, and in no case scold if the children, for example, start drawing a bouquet instead of one flower. What is important is a relaxed atmosphere and some relaxation of discipline - let the preschoolers talk, go to the window or stand with toys. Then the aesthetic education of preschoolers will be carried out with joy and inspiration for the child.

Examples of activities with preschoolers

Aesthetic education of preschoolers is a process organized by a teacher or parents. They use not only a theoretical basis, but also a practical one. Children are engaged in reading fiction, looking at pictures, and also creating objects of art.

Integrated lesson “Fairytale Bird”

Initially, children are introduced to a work about a fairy-tale bird. You can use fiction about the Firebird. The children are read fairy tales and shown pictures describing a magical creature.

Integrated lesson “Fairytale Bird” (application)

Integrated lesson “Fairytale Bird” (plasticine)

After this, they talk with the children. They ask you to give a description of the bird. Children who find it difficult to make contact are asked leading questions. For example, “What color are her feathers?” After the children appreciate the attractiveness of the character, they are invited to make their own Firebird.

Depending on the age of the children, they are given paints or pencils. You can use plasticine. After the material has been distributed, the children are allowed to use their imagination and make their own crafts.

Application “Decorating dishes”

This activity contributes to the development of the child’s creative abilities and develops his sense of beauty. During the activity, perseverance is developed and accuracy is demonstrated.

The teacher prepares handouts in advance:

  • Templates for mugs and plates – to choose from.
  • Carves patterns or ornaments.
  • Selects demonstration material.

This activity can be added to the cycle about folk art. Before practice, children are told about how in the old days it was customary to paint dishes. What significance was attached to patterns? As an example, photographs of folk art are shown.

After theory, they begin practice. Each child is given a piece of utensils and asked to decorate it based on personal taste.

The activity “Decorating dishes” can also be done with plasticine

Draw children's attention to neatness, conciseness of details, and selected colors. You can correct the child a little during work, offer him parts that match the color. At the end of the lesson, they admire the created creations.

Craft for March 8th “Bouquet for Mom”

This activity is suitable both as a creative master class and as an opportunity to make a craft for a specific holiday. To hold the event you will need preliminary preparation. It is necessary to select the material from which children will create bouquets. These can be buttons, scraps of fabric, colored paper, ribbons.

The easiest way to make a bouquet:

  • Use colored paper clippings.
  • Prepare beautiful templates.

For work, the teacher cuts out beautiful flowers from paper. Be sure to draw the outlines of the plants on a blank sheet of paper so that the child can see where to stick the blank. Before starting practical activities, the teacher tells the children the theoretical foundations. After this he distributes the material.

It is advisable to do finger exercises and then start creating crafts.

Creating a still life

First, children are introduced to this type of art in painting as still life.

Paintings by outstanding artists are on display:

  • “Rowanka”, Mashkov I. I.
  • “Cornflowers”, Levitan I. I.
  • "Base with Fruit", Picasso P.

First, the teacher prepares templates with an empty fruit vase. After the children have become familiar with the still lifes, the teacher shows them a blank sheet. He says that there is not enough fruit in the image, because of this the still life does not work.

Children must add fruit to the template with the vase. Use pencils, paints or wax crayons.

Nature as a means of developing aesthetic tastes

Nature is the most important aesthetic environment. The sooner he becomes acquainted with nature, the deeper the impression it will leave in his heart, predetermining further spiritual development. Everything is important here: walks, getting to know the world of animals and insects, flowers and trees, works of children's writers and poets, art paintings, conversations and activities in the kindergarten.

The child must see by what laws nature develops, how the seasons change, how the weather, plants, and animals change. It is important to point out to the child the beauty of these processes and phenomena and reinforce them in the classroom using a creative task. Preschool children are especially interested in the animal world: pets, wild predators, butterflies and ants.

In the stories of E. Charushin and V. Bianki, in a realistic narrative, animals are presented as people, with their own characters and moods. The children happily listen to such fairy tales, and later draw their heroes, which helps develop the artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers.

It is necessary to organize meetings with animals for children. It could be a zoo, a farm or a circus. It's good if the family has a pet. The same applies to the plant world. The more time a child spends in the eco-environment, the more inspiration he will have for creativity.

The artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children can only be carried out in continuous connection with environmental education. This integration contributes to the child’s development of skills of analysis, synthesis, comparison, development of imagination, positive and moral attitude towards both nature and culture.

Working with parents

Aesthetic and artistic education of preschool children is a complex process that requires interaction between parents and teachers. If they have different methods of influence or legal representatives do not pay enough attention to this area of ​​education, then the child will not receive the necessary knowledge.

Often parents do not understand how to instill aesthetic taste in their children. The teacher must help them understand the essence of the educational process. To do this, you can conduct consultations or master classes.

Creative tasks

Various competitions are often held in preschool institutions. For example, you need to make a birdhouse or make a craft from natural material. To do this, the teacher communicates with parents and explains the goals and objectives of this event.

It is important to convey to adults that they must do any thing together with their children. This will not only improve the climate in the family, but will also develop the child’s creative abilities.

Principles of organizing the competition:

  • The teacher develops a plan. It includes the duration of the event, the rating system, and work requirements.
  • Competently draws up instructions for parents to follow.

No one should be forced to participate. Parents and children themselves must take the initiative. In order for as many families as possible to participate, the teacher must initially interest the children. For example, during a walk, the teacher tells them about birds and what kind of houses they have.

After this, the group shows examples of birdhouses. Then he says that everyone can make such a house themselves. Interested children persuade their parents to participate in the competition.

Master classes

Not all adults have developed creative abilities. Therefore, the teacher conducts a master class on creating some kind of craft at least once a month. It could be a doll made from scraps, an interesting drawing, or a craft made from scrap materials.

The teacher chooses the topic independently, taking into account the age of the children. This is necessary so that parents can incorporate the experience gained into their child’s education at home.


Consultation on the need for aesthetic education should take place regularly. In order to enhance diversified development, teachers introduce parents to exhibitions, concerts, and events held in their locality.

For example, if a local museum is hosting an exhibition of folk art, you can make a bright poster and hang it on the doors of the group. The information sheet indicates the venue, opening hours and other necessary details.

It is necessary to explain to parents that learning should not end after leaving the kindergarten to go home. Consultations are held on various topics. With the arrival of autumn, they help parents teach their children to see the beauty in nature. For example, while going home you can collect a bouquet of yellow leaves,

What it is?

The word “aesthetics” is of ancient Greek origin and means “sensory perception.” And aesthetic education is the development in a child of the ability to perceive, understand, and analyze beauty both in art and in everyday life, as well as the desire to create his own works.

Note that the words “beautiful” and “beautiful” are not synonymous, since the second concerns primarily form, external expression, while beauty can be found even in the most ordinary things, it includes harmony, spirituality, sublimity.

The desire to notice the beauty of the world around us and a love for works of art should be constantly and purposefully cultivated in a child from the first months of his life. It is important not to focus on the development of artistic and musical perception, but to set as a goal the formation of a harmonious personality.

In addition to its direct purpose, aesthetic education of children allows them to develop:

  • thinking;
  • imagination;
  • memory;
  • system of interests;
  • perception;
  • moral qualities;
  • active attitude towards life.

And, of course, the child learns to understand art and strive to create his own works.

At home

From early childhood, children have a certain craving for beauty; they are attracted to brightly decorated toys, shiny and colorful objects. Kids get real pleasure listening to music or rhymes or fairy tales that their mother reads to them. These impulses, while unconscious, gradually become conscious, but only if the parents help the baby develop harmonious taste, creative and artistic abilities, and aesthetic ideas. This is the only way to ensure that the child’s personality is developed and he himself is happy.

In kindergarten

In preschool educational institutions, the work of cultivating the desire for beauty is also of enormous importance. For this, the necessary conditions must be created, certain forms of activities must be carried out - creating crafts, drawing, modeling, listening to classical works of art accessible to children and talking about what they have listened to. Therefore, aesthetic education of preschoolers is a task simultaneously facing parents and educators.

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