Calendar-thematic planning Work on the formation of mathematical concepts in children is carried out during the school year,
Regular swimming lessons have a beneficial effect on the child’s body: they train the musculoskeletal system, strengthen the cardiovascular and
All children love animals. Usually at the age of 6-8 years a child begins to ask his parents
Theatricalization in kindergarten - the goal Theatricalization is understood as one of the types of play activities,
We all come from childhood. Almost everyone listened to bedtime stories and imagined themselves as participants
Sources: 1. https://www. mbdou-teremok. ru/fizkultura/2016-03-24/nestandartnoe-fizkulturnoe-oborudovanie-svoimi-rukami. 2. https://www. maam. ru/detskijsad/prezentacija-ispolzovanie-nestandartnogo-oborudovanija-po-fizicheskomu-vospitaniyu-v-rabote-s-detmi. html. Municipal budget preschool educational
When teachers begin to use innovative technologies in their work, as such are commonly called
You can listen to this article in full on our podcast: We suggest considering measures to ensure
Ecological observations and experiments in preschool educational institutions as a means of environmental education of a child “Ecological observations and
Introduction of technologies to maintain children's health. Kindergarten belongs to the state system of compulsory universal