What are the benefits of using non-traditional techniques? This is interesting. From an early age, kids try to reflect their
Dramatization of the safety tale "Kolobok" Video Elena Kuznetsova Dramatization of the safety tale "Kolobok" Video
Leave your comment Rosobrnadzor: almost half of teachers do not reach the basic level of training Time
Seminar progress 1. Theoretical part. Preschool age is the foundation of the child’s overall development, the starting period
Presentation “System of work on traffic rules” presentation Slide 1 Construction of a system of work for studying traffic rules by preschoolers
Program content: Deepen children's understanding of seasonal changes in plant life; Clarify ideas about
Work plan for self-education of a preschool teacher in the senior group Work plan for teacher self-education
“Development of speech of children in the younger group using finger games and non-traditional technologies” “Development
Week "International Women's Day" Goal: Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of family and love
Methodical instructions. Game situation "The Three Little Pigs". Game situation "The Three Little Pigs". Part I. The teacher sings a song