MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Modified program “Ball School” (6 – 7 years old) Educational area: physical development.
Notes on the development of speech "City - Village" Notes on the development of speech "City"
Target. Introduce children to the formation of the number 9 and practice counting within
Notes of an open lesson for the senior group in mathematics “Travels through fairy tales” Nina Doronina Notes of an open lesson
Notes on drawing in a senior speech therapy group Topic: “Self-portrait” Program content: Teach children to draw a self-portrait,
Summary of the choreography lesson “Movement is Life” (integration of educational areas: “Physical Education”, “Health”, “Music”) for
Summary of an educational lesson in the preparatory group on the topic “History of the car” Program content: 1. Consolidate
Self-education plan Topic: “Development of coherent speech in preschool children; (senior group) Transcript 1
Consultation for parents “Safety of a preschooler” Brief description of the document: CONSULTATION FOR PARENTS “SAFETY OF A PRESCHOOLER” Consultation
Lexical topic Autumn teacher-speech therapist Recommendations for parents on the lexical topic “Autumn” can be posted in