MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group using ICT “Mushrooms”
Pedagogical project on the topic: “Mathematics is interesting” February 12, 2018 International and All-Russian
Summary of educational activities for speech development. Topic: “Sports and athletes.” Summary of educational activities for speech development.
Long-term work plan for the regional component in kindergarten. Senior group Long-term work plan
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Master class on the topic: “It all starts from childhood...” on moral and patriotic education 1 slide.
Health-saving activities of preschool educational institutions teachers We offer creative development for health conservation in preschool educational institutions. This material may
Cognitive development at an early age By the beginning of early childhood, the child begins to perceive the properties of others
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Prepared by teacher: Okorokova E.V. MDOUd,/s. No. 8, Kropotkin-2009 TOPIC: “Numbers from 1 to
Subject-based developmental environment as a means of developing oral speech in preschoolers. Subject-based development environment as a means of oral language development