lesson notes "in the preparatory group" Traveling around the country Economics" Lesson notes on financial literacy
Asks children to be careful, attentive and to carry out all actions according to instructions - Our Way
“Feeding Katya’s doll” Purpose: To consolidate children’s knowledge about tableware, to activate children’s speech, to cultivate culture
Lesson on plot drawing Educator: Children, let us also become artists. Let's
Individual approach to raising and teaching a child in a kindergarten Involving parents and others
1. September 2. Autumn is on the doorstep 3. On the great path 4. Spider 5. Time
NOD "Rainbow" for children of the preparatory group Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center
Summary of an open lesson on FEMP in the first junior group “Geometric Figures” The teacher suggests circling
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Possibilities of quest games in the environmental education of children of senior preschool age Anna Valerievna Shapirova,