“Literate pedestrians” Summary of an open lesson on traffic rules in the senior group of kindergarten
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Project “Learning the rules of the road” in the senior group Prepared by teacher Vechkanova Tatyana
Scientific article “Features of economic education of preschool children”
Scientific article “Features of economic education of preschool children” Features of economic education of preschool children Prerequisites for economic education of preschool children
Text of the book “Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten. Lesson Plans"
Training for teachers “Formula of a good mood”
Training for teachers “Formula of a good mood” Training for teachers “Formula of a good mood” Training objectives:
Research project “The Amazing Properties of Water”
Gaseous state of aggregation of water A feature of water is that its molecules are capable of vibration
Card file on experimental activities for the preparatory group card file (preparatory group)
A card file of experiences on a walk at different times of the year Galina Satosova A card file of experiences on a walk
Forms and methods of work to develop a healthy lifestyle in children
Program for developing the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children 4) Personal and professional growth,
Report on the road safety week “I am a pedestrian”
Calendar plan on the topic “Transport” for the week Topic: “Transport” Monday. Morning. 1. Conversation
Card file “Round dance games” card file for speech development (senior group)
Round dance game “Vanya Walks” Progress of the meeting. 1. Opening speech by the teacher. Good evening, dear parents!
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