Long-term creative project for the middle group on the topic “Non-traditional drawing techniques”

Notes on drawing with potato stamps in the first junior group “Balloons”

Natalia Lazareva

Notes on drawing with potato stamps in the first junior group “Balloons”

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Summary of direct educational activities

On artistic and aesthetic development

For children of primary preschool age



Author: Lazareva N. A.

Yemanzhelinsk 2017

Teach children the easiest way to get images by making prints with stamps . Continue to introduce primary colors (blue, red)


Developmental: Develop fine motor skills, hand coordination, and sense of color. Strengthen the respiratory muscles.

Educators: Cultivate a caring attitude towards things, a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material: balloons (7 pcs., threads of two colors (red, blue, stamps ( potatoes 3 pcs .)

, gouache paints in two colors (red 6 pcs., blue 6 pcs., sheets of paper
(6 pcs.)

1. Introductory part – 1 minute.

We have guests today, let's welcome them.

Guys, I have a gift for you, and to find out what this gift is, guess the riddle:

I hold him by the leash

Although he is not a puppy at all,

And he got off the leash

And flew away beyond the clouds.

- What is this? (It helps if children find it difficult to answer, shows the ball)

. the balloon is not inflated. Children examine it, highlighting its characteristic features.

2. Main part – 9 minutes:

Teacher: “What color is the ball?”

Teacher: “Look how you can crush it with your hands” (children take turns crushing the ball with their hands, concluding that it is soft, color, size, stretches, wrinkles, nothing can be seen through it).

The teacher offers to inflate the balloon.

I inflated a balloon

A mosquito bit him.

I'll blow up a new balloon.

The fingers are connected in a circle. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through their mouth. Clap your hands and make a circle with your fingers again.

Educator: Guys, do you want me to inflate a balloon for you? (Yes)

Children examine the ball, note what amazing transformations have occurred with the small, thin ball (it has become large and transparent)


Guys, let's play with the ball!

Inflate my balloon!

Stay like this and don't burst!

Look how big the balloon we inflated!

Guys, the ball loves to be thrown up and caught, the ball can jump” (children perform a variety of movements)


Let's draw a lot of balls! Come in and sit down at the tables.

Educator: “Kids really love paints and pencils. We will draw . What? Can you guess?" (Ball)


I invite the children to draw balls and tie them to strings. (If necessary, I help a child who has difficulty completing a task).

I put all the children’s drawings on display, and the children look at their drawings. Guys, what kind of balls did we get? (bright, colorful, what did we use to draw the balls ? ( potato stamps )

- Well done boys! Well done today! For this, our guests give you balloons. (Children name the color of the ball)

. And let's sing a song about balloons.

They gave us balloons and balloons.

Red and blue ones were given to the kids.

We raised the balls above our heads,

Red and blue balls danced!

In this lesson, I set a goal for myself: To teach children the easiest way to obtain images by making prints with potato stamps . Continue to introduce primary colors (blue, red)


I was assigned the following tasks:

Developmental: Develop fine motor skills, hand coordination, and sense of color. Strengthen the respiratory muscles.

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