Quiz for children of the preparatory group “Birds are our friends” educational and methodological material on the world around us (preparatory group)

Quiz about birds for schoolchildren with answers

1. What bird lives from two to four years: eats, drinks, sleeps and mates on the fly? (Common swift) 2. What birds breed on ice at an average temperature of minus twenty degrees Celsius and a wind speed of twenty-five to seventy-five kilometers per hour? (Penguins) 3. Which bird, when running at full speed, can have each step equal to seven meters? (African ostrich) 4. Which modern bird has the largest wingspan? (The albatross, wandering in the southern seas, has a wingspan of three meters and sixty-three centimeters) 5. Which birds make the longest flights? (Arctic terns breed in the Arctic Circle, fly to Antarctica for the winter, and then return back, making a flight of thirty-five thousand kilometers) 6. Which bird flaps its wings more often than others? (Hummingbird. The usual frequency of strokes is ninety strokes per second, during courtship - two hundred strokes per second) 7. Which birds have each feather equipped with a small muscle that controls its movements: on land the feathers puff up, creating an insulating layer of air, and in water they held tightly to the body like a waterproof barrier? (Penguins have the densest feathers: there are eleven to twelve feathers per square centimeter) 8. Which bird has a beak length of forty-seven centimeters? (In the Australian pelican) 9. What amazing bird, having left the nest, does not return to earth until full maturity, which takes from three to ten years; Does she fly all the time, only occasionally resting on the water? (Sooty Tern) 10. Which birds of prey are the most keen-sighted and are able to spot a pigeon at a distance of eight kilometers? (Peregrine falcons) 11. This little bird is making a nest in a hollow tree. And if someone wants to feast on her chicks, she skillfully imitates a snake - she stretches her neck and hisses. It is for such masterly control of her neck that she got her name. Which? (Whirlytail) 12. Which bird got its name from the large crop that increases the size of its throat? (Dove) 13. The finch is not at all afraid of the cold; it flies in early spring, when there is snow on the fields, and flies away in late autumn. Why was he nicknamed the finch? (It flies away and arrives in cold, “chilly” times) 14. The beak of this bird is bent crosswise, it seems to be compressed, squeezed. This bird got its name from the shape of its instrument-like beak. Which? (Klest. The Russian word “klest” meant “to squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.” The word “pincers” came from this verb) 15. The beak of this bird is huge, like a net. Horseflies, flies, mosquitoes, which so disturb livestock, will not escape this trap. So this bird flies to where there is a lot of livestock and feasts on insects. And people thought that she was flying in to milk the cattle, so they called her... What? (Nightjar) 16. The name of which wading bird comes from an ancient Russian verb meaning “to move slowly”? (“Heron” from the verb “chap” - walk slowly) 17. Which bird’s name indicates that it trembles with one part of its body? (Wagtail) 18. What family of birds does the peacock belong to? (To the chicken family) 19. What bird can swim better than fly and run? (Penguin) 20. Which sacred bird, according to ancient legend, could be reborn from the ashes, why did it become a symbol of immortality? (Phoenix) 21. Which parrot has a crest? (At the cockatoo) 22. What birds’ arrival do we consider the beginning of spring? (Arrival of rooks) 23. Which songbird gets its food by diving into the water under the ice? (Dipper) 24. Which bird hatches its chicks at any time of the year, even in the snow? (Crossbill. Crossbills feed their chicks with pine and spruce seeds) 25. What birds spend the night buried in the snow? (Grouse, partridge, hazel grouse) 26. Which bird has eyes shifted to the back of its head and why? (In the woodcock, because it gets its food by sticking its beak deep into the ground) 27. What flying nocturnal predator appears in our country only in winter? (Polar white owl) 28. Which bird makes a nest out of fish bones? (Kingfisher) 29. Which forest bird is white in winter and piebald in summer? (White partridge) 30. Which birds are the smallest in our country? (Roadroot (wren) and wren. They are almost the same height: smaller than the rocker dragonfly) 31. Which of our forest birds have yellow males and green females? (At the crossbills) 32. Which bird screams like a tattered cat? (Oriole) 33. What bird “barks”? (A male ptarmigan makes a sound similar to a dog barking during the spring in the spring) 34. Name the pink bird that the song says is “a child of the sunset.” (Pink flamingo) 35. Hairy caterpillars are covered with poisonous bristles, and birds avoid touching them. These caterpillars can cause pain even to humans if they get on the skin, eyes, mouth or nose. And only one bird eats them with pleasure without harmful consequences. What kind of bird is this? (Cuckoo) 36. Australian radio begins its broadcasts with very unusual call signs, borrowed from the world of wildlife. Every morning the voice of the kookaburra (or kookaburra) bird is heard on the radio. What is unusual about the calls of this bird? (She laughs loudly and infectiously. This sound is intended to give all waking people a good mood for the whole working day) 37. Which bird is a symbol of pedagogy? (Pelican. It has been noticed that in times of famine, pelicans can selflessly peck meat from their bodies to feed their chicks) 38. Which bird in Rus' symbolizes marital fidelity? (Swan. Since a pair of swans, having met once, live together all their lives) 39. Which bird “guards the family hearth,” serves as a symbol of family well-being and makes sure that more offspring are added to the family? (Stork) 40. What birds mutter in the spring: “I’ll buy a robe, sell a fur coat,” and in the fall: “I’ll sell a robe, buy a fur coat”? (Male black grouse (slashers). These words were chosen in imitation of the spring and autumn muttering of slashers) 41. When they say about a bird: “It flew overseas to die”? (When the hunter “misses” it) 42. Which bird can kill a person with a kick? (Ostrich) 43. Which bird has the longest legs and the longest neck? (A flamingo. It flies, stretched out like an arrow) 44. What birds are there most on the globe? (In first place in number is the order of gallinaceae. In second place are passerines) 45. Which birds walk most of the way from the south? (Crake, marsh hen) 46. What is a “woodpecker’s forge”? (This is the name of a tree into the crack of which a woodpecker puts cones in order to process them with its beak. On the ground under such a “smithy” a whole mountain of torn cones often accumulates) 47. Which bird got its name from the island on which it lives? (Canary from the Canary Islands) 48. The ancient Indians called this bird parapushta, which means “fed by another.” What do we call this bird? (Cuckoo) 49. What kind of bird do Americans not go through a single Thanksgiving day without? (Without turkey) 50. Which bird from the raven family can imitate the voices of other birds? (Jay) 51. This bird became known after the discovery of America, and it is called by the name of an Asian country. What kind of bird is this? (Turkey, turkey) 52. What birds, according to legend, saved the city of Rome? (Geese) 53. What are the names of American ostriches? (Nandu) What about African ones? (Emu) 54. Why did the raven fall into the category of the wicked, according to Christian doctrine? (The Bible says that after the end of the rain, Noah’s ark stopped at Mount Ararat. Noah was the first to release a raven from the ark so that it would fly around the surroundings and find out if there were places where the water had come down. But the raven flew away and did not return, as it was busy searching for corpses) 55. What second bird did Noah send from the ark on reconnaissance? (A dove. He returned with an oil branch in his beak and was counted among the sacred birds) 56. Which birds, according to legend, fed the Babylonian queen Semiramis? (When Semiramis’s mother, the goddess Derketo, refused to raise the girl, she was fed by pigeons, stealing milk from the shepherds) 57. Which artist made the drawing “Dove of Peace” in 1947? (Pablo Picasso) 58. What song about what bird did Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev and his comrades sing in the famous movie? (“Black raven, black raven, why are you crawling over me? You won’t get any prey. Black raven, I’m not yours...”) 59. Who cuckoos at the cuckoos: a male or a female? (Only the male cuckoos) 60. Tradition says that the famous statesman, archon, strategist and commander Themistocles during the war proposed to include bird fighting in the combat training program of young Athenians. Which ones? (Cockfights so that warriors learn from them dedication, perseverance and courage) 61. Which European country bore the name of a cock for a long time? (France was formerly called Gaul from the Latin word "gall" - rooster) 62. What birds were mercilessly exterminated in China in 1959 as crop destroyers? (Sparrows. When these birds were exterminated, the locusts came and ate the entire harvest) 63. What birds do the Chinese specially train to capture fish with their beaks and bring them to the owner? (Baklanov) 64. Why doesn’t a trained cormorant swallow the fish it catches? (They put a special leash around their throat, which prevents them from doing this)

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