Project on the topic: “Space” for children 4-5 years old (middle group)

Educational zone "Secrets of Space"

Participants of the exhibition-competition:

The team of the Isetsky kindergarten “Sun”

branch of MADOU "Isetsky kindergarten "Ivushka"

head of the automotive team:

senior teacher Pakhomova Elena Nikolaevna

Age category – middle and senior preschool age

Purpose of the manual: Formation of elementary ideas about outer space among preschoolers.

Objectives of the manual:


  1. Motivate preschoolers to use different sources of information
  2. To form and enrich knowledge about the Universe.


  1. Develop children's cognitive interests about the solar system.
  2. Expand children's knowledge about space explorers
  3. Activate the dictionary on the topic “Space”.


  1. Foster a sense of pride in your homeland.
  2. Foster love for your planet.

Principles of constructing a subject-development environment

The educational environment created by the hands of kindergarten teachers meets modern requirements for constructing a teaching and learning environment.

1) Saturation of the environment - corresponds to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program. In the middle group, children are introduced to the topic “Cosmonautics Day. Starships"; in the senior group – we are working on the topic “Cosmonautics Day. Cosmonauts"; in the preparatory group - “Cosmonautics Day. There are distant planets in space orbits"

The educational space is equipped with teaching and educational means (Zones “Constellations”, “Solar System”, “Space Conquerors”, busy boards, “Starships”). It provides:

-game, cognitive, research and creative activity of all pupils, experimenting with materials available to children (balloons);

- motor activity, participation in outdoor games and competitions, because located in a wide corridor where you can gather children and have educational conversations and sports games; To conduct “Fun Starts” you can go to the gym located next to the “Secrets of Space” zone.

- emotional well-being of children in interaction with the subject-spatial environment - children are happy to examine and engage in the created educational environment;

- the opportunity for children to express themselves - during organized conversations with children, they share their existing knowledge about space, which they received from cartoons, books, TV shows and the Internet.

2) Transformability and multifunctionality - the created educational zone assumes the possibility of changing the posted materials depending on the educational situation, on the changing interests and capabilities of children.

For example, when children remember the placed constellations well, it will be possible to design others; You can place the zodiac constellations according to the seasons. The free area in the educational zone can be changed using the “Space Experiments” laptop, soft modules can be used to create a rocket or labyrinths on other planets.

3) Variability of the educational zone:

— the presence of various zones for children’s education (didactic games, constructing from flat geometric shapes, experimenting with balls), children can choose the game they like, using busy boards to study a rocket, a spacesuit, the solar system;

— Used integration of educational areas in working with children

Cognitive development:

  • enriching and expanding children's knowledge about space, namely, cosmonauts, coherence, accuracy in their work;
  • familiarization with the names of tools and equipment necessary for work at the cosmodrome;
  • Organize educational projects, examining images of planets, constellations, a model of the solar system, illustrations and books on the topic “Cosmos”, observing the sky, stars during the dark, the Moon during a walk: new moon, month, half moon, full moon; experiment with a globe and a lamp “Day and Night”.

Speech development:

  • the ability to communicate in business and play with the teacher and peers, the desire to participate in joint collective activities;
  • the use of dialogic speech, the ability to develop dialogue in various cognitive situations; the ability to share your own experience gained previously;
  • Carrying out joint activities with children “Conquest of Space”, memorizing poems about space, guessing riddles, writing stories on the topic “Space Stories”

Artistic and aesthetic development:

  • formation and activation in children of manifestations of an aesthetic attitude towards the world around them in various situations, towards different objects, celestial phenomena;
  • development of children's creative abilities in free and organized artistic activities.
  • Organization of creative drawing “Aliens, what are they like?”, “Cosmonauts”, “Cosmonaut Training”, “Northern Lights”, application “Starry Sky”, “Rocket”, modeling “Rocket”, “Alien”

Social and communicative development:

  • Encourage children to develop role-playing and didactic games on the topic “Space”;
  • To develop the social and personal qualities of each child: communication, independence, observation, skills of basic self-control and self-regulation of their actions.
  • Conducting thematic conversations and educational activities “Let’s help the inhabitants of a sad planet”, “What will happen to our planet if ...”, communicative games, intellectual game “Journey to distant planets”

Physical development:

  • harmonious physical development of children;
  • physical activity;
  • physical qualities in children: general endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, spatial orientation.
  • Conducting outdoor games, thematic physical education classes “Training future cosmonauts”, entertainment “The Road to Space”.

4) Availability of use of the educational zone:

- because the educational zone is located in the corridor, then children have free access, including the opportunity for parents to study with their children, examine materials, draw and sculpt;

- serviceability and safety of materials and equipment - all materials used in the lapbook or on the wall are completely laminated, so they can be used for a long time, teachers and parents can take cards to groups / home for free organization of children's activities.

5) Safety All materials used in the educational environment are of good quality and correspond to the age capabilities of the children. The placed business boards have certificates of quality and safety of their use; The educational area is located in a room well lit with artificial light.

Description of the practice of working with children in an organized space

The educational zone was created to organize educational activities for children of middle and senior preschool age.

The educational zone “Secrets of Space” consists of 3 development centers - decoration on the wall, laptop “SOYUZ Rocket” and Celestial Space.

Educational zone "Secrets of Space"

The development zone decorated on the wall consists of 4 centers:

1 center – Set of business boards “Space Wonders” - consists of “Rocket”, “Cosmonaut”, “Solar System” and “Satellite”. For working with each busy board, kindergarten teachers have developed methodological recommendations.

The multi-colored doors, clasps and various labyrinths used in business boards help children develop fine motor skills, teach them to think logically and develop cognitive skills.

Kindergarten teachers made models of a rocket and an astronaut, with a hole for the face. Parents will be happy to take photos of their children.

2 - helps educators tell and children get to know the first space explorers Belka and Strelka, as well as pilot-cosmonauts who made landmark flights in the history of astronautics: Yuri Gagarin - the first pilot-cosmonaut; German Titov is the second cosmonaut pilot, he flew into space 4 months later in August; Valentina Tereshkova - the world's first female cosmonaut; Georgy Grechko - flew into space 3 times; Alexey Leonov - the first cosmonaut to walk into outer space; Svetlana Savitskaya is the first female cosmonaut to go into outer space.

3 - 9 planets, arranged in a row, in accordance with their location in the solar system.

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun and moves across the sky faster than other planets;

Venus is the second planet farthest from the Sun in the solar system; it is very similar to Earth, so it is considered Earth’s sister.

Earth is the third most distant planet from the Sun in the Solar System. The densest, largest among the terrestrial planets.

Mars is the fourth farthest from the Sun and is often called the “red planet” due to the reddish hue of its surface. If the wind blows on it, a storm will begin that can last for several months.

These 4 planets belong to the terrestrial group because they have a solid surface.

The next 4 planets are classified as giant planets.

What does the word giant mean? But, they consist of gas. Do you think it’s possible to walk on them since they are made of gas? These are the planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

Pluto is the farthest planet from the sun, it is called a dwarf planet, it is very cold on it. Why do you think? The average temperature there is 229 degrees, but here in Siberia, when it’s cold, the temperature only drops to -45 degrees.

In this area, the children and I will play educational games.

— “Find out the planet by description”

Didactic task: teach to perceive descriptions by ear

Game task: guess which planet we are talking about.

— “Put an animal on the planet”

Didactic task: determine the first sound of a word; name representatives of the animal world using a given sound; develop phrasal speech.

Game task: I propose the game “Place an animal on the planet.” Whoever has the ball left at the end of the words determines what letter the planet begins with and remembers the animals that begin with this letter: Mars - I will put a mouse and a bear on Mars, Saturn - a dog, etc.

4 - In this zone, children will get acquainted with the celestial universe and learn about the many different constellations in it.

At stage 1, the most famous constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia, Cygnus, and Pisces are placed.

Over time, the constellations will change to others, for example, to constellations according to the signs of the zodiac.

In this area, the children and I will play educational games.

- “My Constellation”

Didactic task: to introduce children to constellations, their names, shapes. Develop abstract thinking.

Game task: I have prepared diagrams of the constellations for you. First, look at the map diagram, then use a marker to draw constellations on your diagrams.

For each described zone, kindergarten teachers plan to carry out project activities in April.

Lapbook “Soyuz Rocket”. The laptop is a folding folder made in the shape of a rocket. There are 2 portholes on the side walls. The laptop can be transferred to groups to play games, look at photos and get acquainted with various additional information on the topic “Space”:

- photographs of astronauts in orbit and in the spacecraft,

— riddles and poems about space objects,

— didactic game “Find the Alien Rocket” — Aliens have come to us

What rocket did you board on?

Look carefully

And find that rocket.

Didactic task: reinforce geometric shapes with children.

Game task: Carefully look at the pictures of aliens and determine which rocket each alien arrived on.

— didactic game “Dinosaurs” — The dinosaur got lost

He was left all alone

Where did he live, find the planet

After all, he has no friends.

Didactic task: to reinforce with children the colors and concepts of big, medium, small.

Game task: Guys, you have large, medium and small dinosaurs. Place large dinosaurs on a large planet, medium ones on a medium planet, and small ones on a small planet.

— didactic game “Choose a spacesuit by size” — For astronauts for flight

Everyone needs a spacesuit

Well, take a quick look

And pick up a spacesuit.

Didactic task: to reinforce with children the concepts of tall-short/big-small.

Game task: In order for an astronaut to go into outer space, he needs a spacesuit. There are three astronauts in front of you. Show the highest, the lowest. Let's select the right size suits for them.

— didactic game “Find identical rockets” —

Two rockets, two sisters

There are similarities.....

Find the difference.

Didactic task: teach children to find pictures that are similar to each other.

Game task: Look how many rockets have come to us, let's look at them and find the same rockets.

— board game educational lotto “Solar System” -

Here's the lotto in front of me

"Solar system"

Line up the planets

It won't be a problem.

Didactic task: teach children to recognize and name planets from pictures. Complication: give a brief description of the planets

Game task: I suggest playing lotto. I will name and show a picture of the planet, and you carefully examine it and look for it, if you have it, then tell me, and I will give you the card.

— didactic game “Put out the rocket” —

Me and my action figure friends

Let's build a rocket

It's a pity we can't fly

There is no fuel.

Didactic task: to develop imagination and creativity in children; fix geometric shapes and colors.

Game task: Belka and Strelka are getting ready to fly again, but their rocket is already quite old, let’s build them a new rocket.

— “Draw a rocket” —

And over the rainbow there's a rocket

Soared to the skies

I'm the same rocket

I'll draw it myself.

Didactic task: learn in stages, using step-by-step instructions to draw a rocket.

Game task: If you want to learn how to draw different rockets, then take in this pocket a card with the rocket you like. Look at the numbers and draw, starting with number 1.

— “Make a rocket” —

I will mold it from plasticine -

An astronaut, and then

I'll fly with him on a rocket

Straight into the sky - High!

Didactic task: teach step by step, using a model, to sculpt a rocket.

Game task: Aliens came to visit us - on a flying saucer. They are very interested in seeing our rockets, but we have a very long way to go to the cosmodrome. Let's make rockets. To make it correctly, you can take a card and, starting with number 1, build a rocket step by step.

- “Launch the rocket” -

Using countdown

Send the rocket into flight.

Didactic task: teach preschoolers to count backwards.

Game task: To send a rocket into flight, a countdown is carried out at the space test site - this is when the numbers are called in reverse, from 10 to 1. Let's try.

“Heavenly Space” - The upper part of the zone /suspended ceiling/ is decorated with light blue fabric /sky/, against its background there are space rockets made by preschoolers together with their parents.

Working with children in this zone, you can practice counting and comparison skills.

Conclusion: The created educational environment awakens activity in children, gives them the opportunity to carry out various types of activities, get joy from them, and, at the same time, the environment, when necessary, provides an opportunity to rest, relax, enriches them with new impressions and knowledge, and encourages them to active creative activity and promotes intellectual development.

Video with a fragment of a pedagogical event with children:

Joint educational work with children in the educational zone “Secrets of Space”

Presenter - voice-over

- Children standing in the Space zone - a poem dedicated to the anniversary sounds in the background - the camera slowly films the entire wall

Today is not an easy day, everyone in the world knows this. For the first time, a brave man from Earth flew into space.

Today is a holiday for astronauts! – Congratulations on this day. Gagarin discovered it for us. Much has been said about him.

Presenter : 60 years ago, on April 12, 1961, the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin ascended into space - in 2 weeks, we will celebrate the anniversary. Guys, I suggest you go on a trip today. Look around and try to guess what trip? (cosmic)

Why do you think people fly into space?

What do astronauts do on a spaceship? The astronauts are working. Before a flight into space, scientists give the astronauts tasks. The astronauts carry them out, conduct experiments, record everything, and when they return to Earth, the records are passed on to scientists.

To go on a space journey, astronauts prepare for a very long time.

1 – Guess the riddle…. She spread her scarlet tail,

Flew off into a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary... (rocket).

What is a rocket for? Our missiles are ready.

2 – Do you know that astronauts wear special clothes, what is it called? - Space suit. Consider it, it is needed to go into outer space. Do you know that the spacesuit is very heavy on the ground, it weighs 150 kg, it protects astronauts from high temperatures and overloads. We put on our spacesuits. We have everything ready, take your seats on the space rocket, get ready for the rocket launch!

Children: Get ready!

Presenter: Fasten your seat belts!

Children: Fasten your seat belts! (Imitate movement.)

Presenter: Connect contacts!

Children: There are contacts! (Clap your hands 1 time.)

Presenter: Start the engines!

Children: Let's start the engines! (Imitate movement.)

Host: Are you ready to start?

Children: Ready! (They stand still.)

Presenter: Start the countdown... 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 - start! - using a pointer to show numbers on a laptop - mysterious music.

Presenter: - 10 seconds - normal flight, 30 seconds - normal flight, 3 minutes - normal flight. Congratulations - we are in outer space. In a space rocket, people cannot walk, they fly.

Children imitate weightlessness.

- Do you know why a rocket takes off? (Children's assumptions).

- Let's see how this happens. (Sasha Blow up the balloon and release it).

- Why did the ball fly away? (Children: he is pushed by air).

— Conclusion: this is how the rocket is pushed by force and lifts it into space.

Space is the infinite space that surrounds our Earth and everything that exists in space is called the Universe.

Look out the window, that's what the window in the rocket is called. In the celestial universe we fly through the star constellations - Ursa Major, Pisces, Cassiopeia, Ursa Minor.

Congratulations, you and I have completed one revolution around the earth. And now you and I are flying through our solar system. Our sun has its own family. Count how many planets are there in the solar system? – 9. What planets do you know?

Now I will tell you about each planet.

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun and moves across the sky faster than other planets

Venus is the second planet farthest from the Sun in the solar system; it is very similar to Earth, so it is considered a sister.

Earth is the third most distant planet from the Sun in the Solar System. The densest, largest among the terrestrial planets.

Mars is the 4th farthest from the Sun and is often called the “red planet” because of the reddish tint of the surface. If the wind blows on it, a storm will begin that can last for several months. These 4 planets belong to the terrestrial group because they have a solid surface.

The following 4 planets are considered giant planets, what does the word giant mean? – huge, big / but they consist of gas. Do you think it’s possible to walk on them since they are made of gas? - No

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Pluto is the farthest planet from the sun, it is called a dwarf planet, it is very cold on it. Why do you think? The average temperature at which is 229 degrees.

Our ship has completed 2 orbits around the globe.

On the third orbit, we will meet our cosmonauts.

Please tell me, do you know who was the first to go into space? – (hint – it wasn’t a person) of course, these are dogs – Belka and Strelka.

April 12, 1961 is the day of the flight of the world's first cosmonaut, Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin. This day became a great national holiday. This year marks the 60th anniversary of this significant day.

The second cosmonaut is German Titov, he flew into space 4 months after Yuri Gagarin.

And this is Valentina Tereshkova - she is the first female cosmonaut.

Georgy Grechko - made 3 flights into space.

Svetlana Savitskaya is the first woman to perform a spacewalk.

We have completed 3 orbits around the Earth, it’s time for us to return home. Where will we fly? To the ground.

Educator: Prepare for landing!

Children: Get ready! (Children stand up.)

Educator: Turn down the engines!

Children: Turn down the engines!

Educator: Disconnect contacts!

Children: There are disconnect contacts! (Clap your hands.)

Educator: Unfasten your seat belts!

Children: Unfasten your seat belts! (Imitate movement.)

Educator: we begin the countdown for landing....

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 - Five, four, three, two, one! (Children clap their hands.)

Educator: The flight is over!

Our space flight is over. Each of you can now become an astronaut and fly to planets that we could not reach today.

Dear competitors and guests! From April 12 to April 14, 2022, online voting took place for the audience award at the regional methodological exhibition-competition “Modern educational environment of kindergarten.” Voting results >>>.

The winners of the Grand Prix, I, II, III prizes were determined by a professional jury based on the sum of points received. All competition participants who did not take prizes are awarded participant diplomas. Read more >>>

Summing up the results and announcing the winners of the competition will take place on the Internet platform “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region” on April 19, 2022:

The time and place of awarding the winners of the exhibition-competition will be announced additionally by the organizer of the event.


Paper crafts for Cosmonautics Day

Although paper crafts are simple , working on them is no less fun. Let me introduce you to this option.

How to do it:

  • Cut out stars, a round planet and 2 rockets from paper. There are 2 pieces for each model to give the structure strength and small volume.
  • Please note that the rockets and planet have their own decoration. You don't have to stick to exactly the same design. You can decorate your rockets in your own way.
  • 2 parts of the mini-structure are fixed to the bamboo stick on its two sides.
  • Now we need a bucket (can be from popcorn or ice cream.
  • Using polyurethane foam we will fix our cosmic “landscape”.

I give you the templates. You can print the templates for coloring or circle them on the screen, or you can print ready-made, colored ones. Don't forget that you need to print in 2 copies.

star template with face simple star with rim yellow sparkling star

five-pointed star star for coloring

rocket and stars for coloring

rocket with astronauts, stars, planets rocket ready red

rocket ready for printing rocket template blue

rocket template green

rocket template 3 rockets

bright rocket

boy on a rocket - coloring page rocket template - coloring page

astronaut - applique rocket - applique

finished rocket rocket template - coloring book

You can use colored or white paper so that the child himself can draw portholes and stick his photo in them, as if he is now rushing to the stars!

By the way, the stars can be made voluminous, as we did earlier in the link.

Space structures made of plasticine

See what original shaker jars you can make, the so-called snow globe (follow the link for our detailed master class). Remember in American movies they give one like this on holidays. You shake it and snow slowly swirls in it, in our case sparkling stars.

  • From plasticine or polymer clay (this option is more reliable) we make planets of different colors and sizes.
  • Using a glue gun and wire or fishing line (but then they will dangle when you shake the ball), we attach the planets to the lid of the jar.
  • Fill the jar with a mixture of glycerin and water in equal proportions. Glycerin can be purchased at a pharmacy. The more glycerin, the slower the glitter settles and the longer it swirls and sparkles.
  • Add sparkles - “star dust”.
  • Screw on the lid and turn the jar over.

With this jar it's easy to make a meteor shower!

Making from cardboard

Have you ever been given gifts in very cute little boxes? These could be cakes, cups, books. And now the time has come to pack these gifts. We will make a robot out of cardboard boxes.

How we will make:

  • Our robot is made of metal. We will show this now: we wrap the boxes with foil.
  • We cut toilet paper rolls to size: one piece for the neck, two pieces for the legs.
  • We glue or paint the blanks.
  • We fold the paper with a spring; see how to do this in the video. You need 2 of these parts. These are hands.
  • We cover the edges of the “hand” with foil.
  • We paste over a larger box with small parts - circles, rectangles, as if these were buttons on the robot’s body. We make holes.
  • Draw a smile on the head and glue button eyes.
  • We assemble the structure.

The final touch will be the wire antennas. Here they are made with a heart. You can twist small loops or glue stars. More options:

For different ages

It is advisable to choose which craft should be made, taking into account the age of the child. Of course, moms and dads will still have to help their child, but this should be his victory. Achievements are difficult to share among everyone, just like success, praise, and good grades.

Preschoolers can create figurines, paintings, and soft toys. It is worth paying attention to photo frames, greeting cards, stained glass, and Christmas tree decorations. But decorating covers for books and notebooks will not be interesting for children at this age, since reading and writing skills have not yet been developed or honed. Primary school students will like this idea more.

Crafts made from wood, wire, matches - “aerobatics”, an interesting task for children studying in the 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th grade.

Robot alien

Do-it-yourself space-themed crafts don’t necessarily mean rockets or planets. You can build a real alien robot. For this you will need:

  • Two small boxes, one larger, the other smaller;
  • Foil;
  • Three rolls of toilet paper or towels;
  • Colored paper and cardboard;
  • Decor for decoration.

  1. Both boxes should be wrapped in foil so that there are no bare parts left;
  2. Toilet paper rolls need to be painted in a suitable color or covered with paper. Two of them remain the same size, a part needs to be cut off from the third to make a neck;
  3. For the arms you need to cut out two strips and fold them with a spring. Colored paper or cardboard is suitable for this;
  4. Attach foil palms to the tips of your hands;
  5. Make eyes and a mouth on a small box, stick buttons on a large box, you can design a display, in general, create a robot’s body;
  6. Now all that remains is to assemble the robot. The head should be crowned with horns-antennas. To do this, you can take a spring or make them from foil.

What can be made from Lego

Lego sets contain a surprising number of tips for the creative development of little ones. You can also use individual characters from the set. For example, let's send Lego heroes to a distant planet.

Author of the idea

A space tray or a sensory box or an anti-stress sandbox that all children will immediately want to play with, your craft will definitely become the most popular and win the competition!

  • We color the sand or sugar using simple paint or chalk ground into flour. You can add sparkles, crumble activated carbon (for black inclusions), because this is space! It would be cool to take kinetic sand with glitter or plain sand.

We color with liquid food coloring. This is the easiest way - just drip and mix. You can get different colors quickly and easily. By the way, the sand on our planet can be made colored.

  • Let's take any box and fill it with this sand. This is an alien planet or just space in which planets and the sun will be located.

You can make black or blue sand. Place stones with planets, lego astronauts, ships. The circles in which the planets move can be indicated by sand of a contrasting color. Then it will also be a training box. So the solar system is ready.

  • You can build mountains or scatter stones, or build any three-dimensional structures. Draw or stick paper planets on the stones and cover the top with PVA glue or clear varnish so that the paper does not lose its appearance. And here are the templates:

planets for coloring

solar system for stone placement idea

planets for cutting planets for cutting

planets for cutting

  • And now we send our space travelers to explore this planet. You can take small spaceships, minirobots and more.

For example, here are the mini-robots that Olezhka gave me for my birthday; a little later I’ll post a video on our channel of how I made Valli and Eva:

Interestingly, such a tray can easily be supplemented or even changed if desired.

Kirigami postcard

One of the directions of origami is kirigami. This technique is needed to create very beautiful cards. Scissors are permitted.

Multidimensionality is easier to convey than it seems. There is no need to learn the rules for the placement of light and shadow on the canvas. If a child loves to draw and has artistic abilities, he himself will be able to develop them in the future, and kirigami will be an ideal start to work, a springboard for further improvement.

For production you will need:

  • templates;
  • paper;
  • scissors.

The template indicates where the pattern will fold. They are arranged in such a way that the craft ends up being voluminous when the postcard is opened. When closed, the sheets fold neatly on their own. Ready-made templates can be downloaded online or purchased. You can draw them yourself. Video, master class will help you master the basic rules.

Crafts from waste material

Here's a robot made from bottles . It looks very complicated, as if everything was created somewhere out there, by designers at a large factory. And no one will guess that it is homemade!

Now let's take a closer look at the robot:

  • The frame consists of a durable bottle. Its bottom is at the bottom, and its neck is at the top.
  • Several rows of corks are attached to the sides of the bottle.
  • The head and legs are also made of corks of different sizes. To make the legs and arms movable, we thread a wire through the plugs. Holes can be made with a drill or a hot screwdriver. Dad will help.

And again! It is not important to adhere to the same order of cork combinations. Your robot has the right to be different and unique. The important point is the combination of one or two colors. Then the installation will look like a single structure.

And from disks you can make windows in a spaceship or flying saucers themselves, if you glue a ball of foil and a couple of antennas. And if you add covers, bolts, and paint everything with silver spray, you get a space station or satellite.


If you are looking for how to make a space-themed craft, but don’t want to spend a lot of time and materials, then this option is for you. This craft will not take much time, and it is also quite easy to assemble.

And you need a minimum of materials for it:
  • Cardboard base tube,
  • Glue,
  • Scissors,
  • Paints
  • Colored paper.

You can use several rolls of toilet paper or paper towels as a base. You need to focus on the size of the rocket.

  1. You can take one small bushing, then the craft will turn out to be small.
  2. At one end the sleeve is cut lengthwise into four parts. The cuts should be small, just to form a tapered end.
  3. After they are assembled together to form a cone, you need to secure them with glue.
  4. Now we need to do the base. You can skip this step, which will make your task easier, because the bushing is already quite stable.
  5. But with a base the craft will be more interesting. So, you need to make four cuts in exactly the same way at an equal distance from each other at the other end.
  6. From cardboard or paper, build a part in the form of a cross about three centimeters high. Then insert this part into the slots of the rocket.

The craft is almost finished. All that remains is to paint it or paste it with colored paper.

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