Project “Development of children's visual creativity in children of senior preschool age”

The “Colorful World of Creativity” project as a means of artistic and creative development of preschool children

Municipal state preschool educational institution of the Krasnozersky district of the Novosibirsk region Kolybelsky kindergarten

“Colorful World of Creativity”
project on the use of non-traditional visual technologies when working with preschool children

Author: Elena Anatolyevna Belysheva, teacher

Brief summary of the project

The formation of a person’s personality can be effective only if in this process the creative capabilities of a person in various types of activities are updated. The development of the creative potential of an individual should be carried out from early childhood, when a child, under the guidance of an adult, begins to master various types of activities, including artistic ones. Today there is a choice of options for artistic and aesthetic preschool education, and it is determined by the presence of variable, additional, alternative, original program and methodological materials. But the problem of studying and developing children's artistic creative activity (giftedness) using non-traditional techniques of fine art was not posed and was not solved in the theory and practice of our particular preschool institution. That’s why I developed this project, “The Colorful World of Creativity,” to use non-traditional visual technologies when working with preschool children. The main principle of work is the pedagogy of non-violence. The implementation of the project will allow my children to show greater independence, initiative, and imagination; increase the level of emotional well-being of pupils; children will learn to combine unconventional visual technologies to create an unfinished image; will be able to give a motivated assessment of the results of their activities.

Relevance of the project topic

In the history of preschool pedagogy, the problem of creativity has always been one of the most pressing. At all times, creative individuals were needed, because... they determine the progress of humanity. In the process of creativity, the child develops intellectually and emotionally, determines his attitude to life and his place in it. The development of abilities and creativity is a specific feature of a person, which makes it possible not only to use reality, but also to modify it. One of the ways to develop children's creativity is to use non-traditional drawing techniques. Drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Children learn something new and unique for themselves; something is created that did not exist before. Children discover the possibility of using objects they know well as art materials and surprise them with their unpredictability. The introduction of non-traditional techniques develops children's creativity and instills a love of fine arts. The implementation of the “Colorful World of Creativity” project will make it possible to involve various types of children's activities using non-traditional visual technologies. Each technology has its own harmony of color and line; each can serve as both a way to create a separate work and an original part of a masterpiece. Not all children are given the ability to wield a brush or pencil, scissors or plasticine; some find it difficult to express themselves in line; others do not understand and do not accept the variety of colors. Let everyone choose a technology that is close to them in spirit and does not make them suffer when comparing their work with the work of more capable children. Children should be offered rather than imposed; children should be helped rather than forced. And to help a child find himself, it is necessary to offer him as many different ways of self-expression as possible. After all, any non-traditional visual technology gives the child the opportunity to choose, think, search, try, etc. I saw the relevance of the project in the fact that it is visual productive activity using non-traditional visual technologies that is most favorable for the creative development of children’s abilities, because It especially reveals different aspects of the child’s development.

Objective of the project

: Development of elementary visual creativity in preschool children in the process of experimenting with a variety of artistic materials and technologies.

Project objectives:

1. Arouse children’s interest in artistic and creative activities.

2. Help children feel the properties of visual materials, methods of use and their expressive capabilities when creating works.

3. Develop a sense of composition, color perception and hand-eye coordination.

4. Develop creative thinking, imagination, and the ability to realize oneself.

5. To develop practical skills in working with various visual materials.

6. Cultivate accuracy and the ability to work in a team.

Project participants:

group teachers, children and their parents.

Resource support for project implementation:

  • Corner of artistic creativity “Land of Fantasy” in the group in which are placed;
  • reproductions of paintings, postcards, photo albums, sketches and samples of work;
  • paints of various compositions (watercolor, gouache, acrylic), brushes and other visual tools (plain and colored pencils, seals and stamps, stencils, wax crayons, candles, foam rubber, pointed sticks, cotton swabs, cocktail straws, etc.);
  • waste material (woolen threads; pencil shavings, pieces of fabric, cereals, polystyrene foam, postcards, beads, foil, ribbons, braid, etc.); plasticine;
  • a selection of fiction and design of the young artist’s library.
  • development of a long-term plan and a series of games and activities;
  • card index of didactic games and non-traditional drawing methods;
  • computer equipment with a selection of presentations, teaching aids and magazines;
  • cooperation with the village cultural and leisure center and the village library.

Expected results:

for children

  • the level of emotional well-being of pupils will increase;
  • will show greater independence, initiative, and imagination;
  • learn to plan their work and independently choose ways to implement it;
  • will be able to express their attitude to the world around them through visual activities and manual labor;
  • learn to combine non-traditional visual technologies to create a complete image;
  • will be able to give a motivated assessment of the results of their activities;
  • will show a desire to participate in exhibitions within the preschool educational institution, in competitions at different levels.

for teachers

  • will create a system of working with children in visual arts using a variety of artistic materials;
  • pedagogical cooperation in matters of artistic and aesthetic education of children will expand;
  • The level of professional skills of teachers will increase.

for parents

  • will acquire knowledge for the development of children's creativity;
  • will take part in the process of artistic and aesthetic development of the child and activation of his creative potential;
  • learn to organize artistic activities in the family circle;
  • will receive positive emotions from the meeting and joint activities;
  • will show unity, creativity and interest.

Project implementation stages:

Stage I

– Organizational – from May to August 2014.

Stage II

– Diagnostic – from September 1 to September 15, 2014

Stage III

– Practical – from September 16, 2014 until May 1, 2015

Stage IV

– Generalizing – May – June 2015

Organizational stage -
Search, study and processing of information
defining the goals and objectives of the project;

— work with methodological literature on this problem;

— viewing materials on non-traditional imaging techniques;

— creation of a subject-development environment

Diagnostic stage Conducting pedagogical diagnostics of individual development of preschool children
Practical stage -
Working on the project
— implementation of the set goal and objectives using gaming technologies, visual technologies
Generalization stage - registration of results;

-presentation of the project.

determination of the level of artistic and creative activity of preschool children

Project implementation model

Areas of work Contents of the activity Period of execution
1. Working with children 1. Games-activities, didactic and educational games, experiments with various visual materials during the project implementation
2. Diagnostics for the purpose of tracking the results of the artistic and creative development of preschool children. 2 times per year

(September, May)

3. Examination of paintings, images, illustrations, etc. during the project implementation
4. Reading fiction, watching presentations 1-2 times a week
5. Productive activities of children. during the project implementation
6. Participation in exhibitions of children's creativity. during the project implementation
7. Organizing an exhibition in a group. 1 time per month
8. Design of an album of children’s drawings “Beauty is around us” May
2. Cooperation with parents 1. Assistance in equipping and equipping the visual corner in the group with materials. during the project implementation
2. Questioning parents. 1 time per year
3. Joint work of children and parents on the intended topics of the preschool educational institution. during the project implementation
4.Designing a photo album

“Beauty is all around us.”

December 2014
5. Participation in Family Week. May
6. Participation in quizzes and competitions. during the academic year
3. Methodological support 1. Organization of a subject-development environment related to the artistic and aesthetic development of children. during the project implementation
2. A selection of fiction and design of the young artist’s library. October 2014
3. Card index of unconventional drawing methods. May
4. A selection of games with drawings for children. May
5. Notes of games and activities. during the project implementation
6. Entertainment scenarios. during the project implementation
7. Consulting material for teachers. during the project implementation
8. Consultation material for parents. during the project implementation
9. Generalization and dissemination of accumulated material. during the project implementation

Evaluation of project implementation results:

To identify the effectiveness of the project, we will use a map for assessing the individual development of the child of the educational program implemented in the preschool educational institution, slightly modifying it. Pedagogical diagnostics of children's individual development will be carried out at the beginning and at the end of the project. The diagnostic process will use systematic observation of children’s behavior in various types of activities (games, communication with adults and peers, individual conversations using children’s literature, subject and plot pictures, preservation and analysis of children’s creative products, gaming techniques. This will give us the opportunity to obtain reliable data on the accumulated experience of children and draw a conclusion about the success of the work carried out in the development of children. Thus, pedagogical assessment will help build the entire pedagogical process most effectively from the point of view of the development of each child and the entire group of children as a whole. It will also provide the opportunity to creatively approach training and education of preschoolers, new views will appear on the organization of daily activities of teachers with children.

Non-traditional visual techniques help relieve stress and improve the emotional state of children by maintaining a stable interest in a variety of activities, while developing creative abilities, helping to increase self-esteem, and activating the cognitive activity of students. This project makes it possible to make the process of introducing children to the world of art more vibrant, exciting, and meaningful. For teachers, the project is an incentive to increase creativity and the desire for self-development, and for parents, the project provides an opportunity to express themselves together with their children in various competitions and exhibitions. As a result of the participation of children and parents in family creative competitions, the family unites, and the child is almost constantly in the zone of proximal development: what he did today with the help of an adult, he will do the day after tomorrow himself. Thus receiving a powerful impetus for development.

Further development of the project and transfer of experience:

It is planned to expand the list of non-traditional visual technologies used; placement of a table for sand painting in a subject-development environment. The accumulated experience will be disseminated among teachers of preschool educational institutions in the region and on the kindergarten website and Internet sites.

Used Books:

1. Lykova I.A. Fine creativity in kindergarten - M.: ed. "Color World", 2010

2. Lykova I.A. Artistic work in kindergarten School of Design - M.: ed. “Color World”, 2011.N. Davydov “Non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions. Part 1, 2." - M.: "Scriptorium Publishing House 2003", 2008.

3. R.G. Kazakova “Drawing classes with preschoolers: Non-traditional techniques, planning, lesson notes.” - M.: TC Sfera, 2009.

4. Kazakova R.G. “Drawing with preschool children”, M, Sfera, 2007

5. D.N. Koldin "Drawing with children 4-5 years old." - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008.

6. Komarova T.S. “Art activities in kindergarten”, M., 1982.

7. Komarova T.S. Phillips O.Yu. “Aesthetic developmental environment in preschool educational institutions”, Pedagogical Society of Russia, M., 2005.

Visual activities in kindergarten

Visual activities in kindergarten include, directly, classes in drawing, modeling, and appliqué. Visual activities are largely aimed at the artistic and aesthetic development of the child’s personality.

Namely: the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world; formation of elementary ideas about types of art; implementation of independent creative activities of children. But classes in fine art activities in kindergarten are not limited to the educational field alone. Almost every such activity includes social and communicative development.

Visual activities in kindergarten include traditional techniques (drawing, modeling, appliqué, design) and mixed techniques (include non-traditional, original and innovative drawing, appliqué).

The section of the site, visual activities in kindergarten for different groups, contains many interesting publications for educators on various topics:

  • Summary of an integrated lesson in fine arts in kindergarten
  • Summary of an art lesson in kindergarten
  • Contents and methods of work on the formation and correction of spatio-temporal ideas of older preschoolers by means of painting
  • Summary of GCD on non-traditional drawing with preschoolers
  • Master class on drawing (studying various drawing techniques with preschool children)
  • Summary of classes on fine art activities in the senior group of kindergarten. Drawing a self-portrait
  • Summary of GCD for drawing in the first junior group
  • Summary of educational activities in kindergarten for visual activities and sensory development
  • Summary of GCD in the junior drawing group
  • Fine arts lesson notes
  • Summary of a drawing lesson in the 2nd junior group
  • Open lesson on fine arts in the senior group of kindergarten
  • Additional general education program in fine arts in kindergarten for preschoolers
  • Summary of an open lesson on visual arts for children in the preparatory school group
  • Self-analysis of an open lesson on visual arts for children in the preparatory group for school
  • Complex lesson in kindergarten “Binom of fantasy” speech development and drawing
  • Using the TRIZ methodology in developing visual arts skills in preschool children in kindergarten
  • Summary of a lesson on non-traditional teaching techniques in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard in the middle group
  • Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the aesthetic development studio, 2nd year of study
  • Lesson on fine art drawing in 1 ml. group
  • Development of a drawing lesson in kindergarten
  • Development of creative imagination in the visual activities of preschool children
  • Abstract of GCD for drawing in the preparatory group of kindergarten
  • Working curriculum for additional education in kindergarten in visual arts
  • Summary of a lesson on art activities in the first junior group
  • Summary of educational activities on speech development and drawing in the younger group
  • Direct educational activities on drawing in the middle group
  • Use of non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions

Drawing is the art of depicting on a plane, really existing or imaginary objects, indicating their forms with lines and varying degrees of illumination of these forms by covering them more or less strongly with some single-colored substance.

Visual activity of preschoolers plays a key role in the development of a child’s personality, since for a child it is the joy of learning and creativity. A necessary condition for the ability to depict is visual perception of the surrounding world. To sculpt or draw any object, you need to become familiar with it, remember its size, color and shape. In kindergarten, it is solved mainly in older groups. An important learning task is to develop the ability to compose patterns, taking into account rhythm, symmetry, and color. The solution to this problem is related to the peculiarities of the aesthetic development of a preschooler.

Visual activity in this matter is multifaceted. With its help, creative abilities are formed, morality is brought up, the habit of work is instilled, and the functioning of mental functions improves. How visual activity develops in preschool age. The child makes his first attempts at creative images in drawing. Cognitive interest encourages the child to take a pencil or felt-tip pen and move it along a sheet of paper.

Project "We are artists"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 73 "Baby"

Senior group project

"We are artists"

Educator: Pozdeeva K.A.


Explanatory note

In my opinion, visual arts are perhaps the most interesting activity for preschoolers. It allows the child to express his impressions of the world around him in his drawings. At the same time, visual activity is invaluable for the comprehensive development of children, the disclosure and enrichment of their creative abilities. For the timely and full development of a preschooler’s creative abilities, it is necessary to be introduced to visual arts.

Based on my observations of children in drawing classes, I was faced with such a seemingly small problem as uncertainty that they would be able to draw a drawing, and tightness in the choice of visual media. I thought about how you can liberate children, instill in them that very confidence in their skills, make them believe that they can very easily become little artists and create miracles on paper. I settled on an unconventional drawing technique.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.” These words became my goal in working with children - to strive to develop their creative abilities, skills, thinking, and enrich their inner world. Therefore, when organizing visual activities, I use different materials and unconventional drawing techniques.


Many scientists have studied the problem of the development of creativity. Psychologists (L. S. Vygotsky, B. M. Teplov, L. S. Rubinstein) revealed the concept of creative abilities, identified components and stages of their development, examined the relationship between creativity and learning, and indicated the conditions for the development of creativity. Teacher E. A. Flerina was one of the first to define the concept of “children’s artistic creativity.”

There is no need to limit children to pencils, felt-tip pens, or a brush; the child should be given the opportunity to show his talent with the help of other materials that the child decides to use. But do all teachers use this type of children's creativity in their work? Surely, different methods of creating images and finding new variable solutions are not always used when creating children's creative works. Are all children capable of creative thinking and creating unique images? After all, every child is unique and original. How to recognize and unlock a child’s potential? Outwardly the child is very quiet, silent, but internally he is uniquely rich. All children are different. My task, as a teacher, is to unleash the creative potential of the child. In my opinion, we, adults, must provide the child with all available material for children's creative development, enrichment of the inner world, and search for new creative solutions. Only then will our children be confident, comprehensively developed individuals, capable of thinking creatively and meeting the demands of the modern world.

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