Making plasticine cars: instructions with photos for children and beginners

Learning how to make a car out of plasticine will be interesting not only for boys, but also for girls. While working, children will be able to better understand how transport works and will be able to collect for themselves a collection of “real” cars or characters from their favorite cartoons. And even adults will enjoy assembling very realistic models and miniatures - it’s painstaking work, but the result is worth the effort, and besides, ready-made crafts can be used to decorate the interior or given to friends who are car enthusiasts.

  • Step-by-step instructions with pictures on how to make a simple car from plasticine for children and beginners
  • Video master classes on sculpting lightweight plasticine cars
  • Plasticine crafts: cars
  • A simple machine for little ones
  • How to make a police car from plasticine
  • Little racing car
  • A simple car for the little ones
  • Racing Nissan GT-R
  • Fire truck made of plasticine: photo examples
  • BMW passenger car and other model models
  • Mercedes-Benz G-550
  • BMW
  • Nissan Silvia
  • Complex realistic Alfa Romeo model
  • Photo examples of other machines
  • Miracle of the machine and Flash from plasticine

Step-by-step instructions with pictures on how to make a simple car from plasticine for children and beginners

Children in the middle group of kindergarten or a little older can handle sculpting a car.

Let’s sculpt a plasticine car with children step by step:

  1. Cut the block into two unequal parts and form the body.
  2. Make niches for the wheels with a stack.
  3. Roll four balls and decorate tires.

  4. Draw pictures on the rims and design the wheel arches.
  5. Glue bumpers, mirrors, glass, headlights, license plates and door handles.
  6. Draw a line of doors using a stack.

Video master classes on sculpting lightweight plasticine cars

Plasticine crafts: cars

Plasticine cars that will be interesting to assemble for both children and adults.

A simple machine for little ones

A simple machine made of plasticine for children 3-4 years old, which consists of a minimum of parts.

If you install wire wheel axles in light plasticine cars, you will get real toys that can be rolled around.

How to make a police car from plasticine

A simple step-by-step master class on sculpting a police car from air plasticine.

A craft made from ordinary material with more complex details.

Using the same principle, you can make other simple cars from plasticine with your own hands, changing their design and equipment.

Complex plasticine police car.

Little racing car

Models of racing cars made of plasticine for toddlers and older children.

A simple car for the little ones

How to make a light car:

  1. Form a cylinder of bright color and give it the shape of a body.
  2. Roll out a thick black plate and cut out two pairs of circles with bottle caps: a larger one and a smaller one.
  3. Make small holes in the center of the tires using a toothpick and install the wheels in place.
  4. Glue two white stripes of the same width along the edges of the body and place a black ball between them - the racer’s helmet.
  5. Add a face to the pilot and attach a number plate to the hood.
  6. Form a number from a thin sausage; if desired, you can apply additional tuning to the body using a toothpick.

The rear wheels of a racing car are driven, so they must be larger.

Racing Nissan GT-R

In order not to make a mistake with the size when creating a realistic model, it is worth trying to make an exact copy of an ordinary toy.

As a base for the craft, you can use a matchbox covered with plasticine; this will help save material and reduce the weight of the figurine.

Fire truck made of plasticine: photo examples

A simple option with large details that even a small child can repeat.

If it is difficult for your child to roll up a thin fire truck hose from plasticine, you can use a thick cord instead.

Cartoon fire truck.

A simpler option for younger children.

Plasticineography and sausage applique.

A craft made from mastic that can be repeated using regular plasticine.

To ensure that the surface of the parts is smooth, it is smoothed with fingers dipped in cold water.

BMW passenger car and other model models

Simple car crafts made from plasticine for children, as well as very realistic models for older children or adults. Ready-made cars will be useful for games, collections, or as a gift to a friend or dad.

Passenger vehicles can be sculpted not only from ordinary plasticine, but also from sculptural plasticine, and finished models can be painted with gouache.

Mercedes-Benz G-550

A realistic model that will be interesting to replicate even for adults.

How to make a car from plasticine:

  1. Form a body from two blocks placed on top of each other.
  2. Use a stack or the back of the handle to make recesses for the tires.
  3. Install wheels.
  4. Add wheel arches and form the hood.
  5. Glue the bumpers and decorate the wheels.

  6. Add headlights, grille, number and logo.
  7. Design brake lights and muffler.
  8. Glue the glass.
  9. Carefully draw all the important elements in a stack.


Miniature collectible BMW model.

How to make a craft:

  1. Form the basic shape of the body and glue the wheels.
  2. Install the bumpers and use a stack to work out the body parts.
  3. Add colored elements.
  4. Draw the lines of the body and the pattern on the rims.

A very small BMW figurine. To prevent the craft from becoming dusty and losing its shape, it can be coated with varnish.

It’s better to start sculpting small plasticine cars with simple-shaped models - it’s easier to guess the proportions.

Nissan Silvia

Even a child from the senior group of kindergarten can handle such a plasticine figurine if adults help him.

To make a plasticine car, just follow the step-by-step photos, paying special attention to the accuracy of the lines and proportions.

Small plasticine cars do not take up much space, so you can collect a large collection of different models.

Nissan Skyline

Complex realistic Alfa Romeo model

In order for the car to turn out to be an exact copy of the real one, it is necessary to carefully reproduce all the details, checking the photo of the real car. Body stickers can be printed and cut out, or you can use ready-made ones from a regular toy.

Summary of a modeling lesson on the topic: “Bus”

Eresek tobyndagy uyimdastyrylgan oku kyzmetіnіn abstracts

Summary of organized educational activities in the senior group

Event description/Date:


Bilim take salas/Educational area:




Overall/Cross-cutting theme:

" Transport"




Tarbielik – educational:

Foster a caring attitude towards birds, a love for wildlife and a desire to care for birds; accuracy and attentiveness.

Damytushylyk – developing:

develop in children creative abilities, a sense of beauty, the ability to understand and appreciate the beauty and richness of the world around them.

Oqytu – educational:

continue to teach children to carefully glue parts, use glue and a brush; fix the names of geometric shapes;

Pedagogical technology/Pedagogical technologies:

health-saving, gaming

Resurstarmen kamatamasyz etu/Resource support:


kus – bird – bird

Uyimdastyrylgan oku kyzmetinin Barysy

Progress of organized educational activities

Ұyimdastyrushylyk kezeni/Organizational point:

As you know, in winter there is a lot of snow, it lies on the ground, trees, roofs of houses and it is very difficult for birds to find food under the snow. Winter is terrible for birds not because of cold, but because of hunger. Feeders need to be filled every day. After all, if a bird is full, then it is warm under its down and feathers.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that today the Wise Owl came to visit us, he will tell us riddles about his friends, and you will try to guess them.

Red-breasted, black-winged, loves to peck grains. With the first snow on the mountain ash, He will appear again. Apples on the branches in winter! Collect them quickly! And suddenly the apples flew up, After all, this is... (Bullfinches)

With a yellow breast at the window Quickly collects crumbs Guess what kind of bird it is? It's called... (Tit)

Negіzi bolіmі/Main part:

Conducts a conversation:

-Well done! Meet the bullfinch. Show illustrations. The bullfinch got its name because it flies to us along with the snow and lives all winter. The bullfinch is a beautiful, calm bird. Look carefully and remember what it looks like. The top of its head, wings and tail are black. And the chest, belly and cheeks are red. The bullfinch's beak is short and thick.

The tit is a small bird. A characteristic feature of the tit is its bright plumage. The head, throat and chest of this bird are black, the wings are gray-blue, the back is olive in color, and the belly is yellow. Males and females can be distinguished by a stripe on the abdomen: in males it widens, and in females it narrows, this is clearly visible in the photo. In winter, tits do not leave their habitat, but only move closer to human habitation.

Physical exercise "Bullfinches"

Look at the branches, (They clap their sides with their hands) There are bullfinches in red T-shirts. (Showing their breasts) Feathers spread out, (Arms slightly to the sides,) Basking in the sun. (Wiggle their fingers) Turn their heads, turn them, (Turn their heads to the right, left ) They want to fly away. (They run in a circle, waving their arms) Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away!

Explanation and demonstration of the work sequence:

I suggest the children prepare parts for the birds (torso and chest). Smoothly cut off the corners of rectangles and squares so that the shape is an oval and a circle, respectively.

I offer children:

Place the appliqué parts on the sheet using the sample as a support.

Glue each part sequentially.

Korytyndy/Final part:

-What are these birds called? (Bullfinch, tit) - Name what the bird has? (Torso, wings, head) - What color are the bullfinch’s feathers? (Red and black)

— What color is a tit’s breast? (Yellow) Well done guys, the wise owl thanks you and says thank you. Guys, look at the bullfinches and tits we got, how beautifully they sit on the branches, how neatly they are glued on.

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