It’s no secret that children love everything bright and beautiful; a rich, rich palette attracts
Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic “Still life with vegetables” Polyak Yana
The Origin of Theater The word “theater” has Greek roots. It means some kind of spectacle, as well as a place
GCD objectives and required materials The purpose of this lesson is to develop skills in reproducing flower images
GCD summary for reading fiction. GCD summary for reading fiction. On the topic:
The foundations of correct pronunciation begin to be laid in childhood. If the child has any speech defects,
Summary of a game lesson about swimming with a presentation Physical features of swimming in animals and humans Author:
Summary of a lesson on the basics of literacy and writing in the senior group of a preschool educational institution using ICT
Stage of preparation for the lesson “Child and Kitten” Before giving the figure any pose, you need to sculpt
Class hour with a presentation on the topic “Proper nutrition is the key to good health,” 7th grade