The importance of reading in preschool age Collective reading of fiction in the 2nd junior group allows
The author is Elena ISAEVA, teacher at Municipal Preschool Educational Institution No. 3 “Teremok”, Omsk. Any event with children
Exercises Do you know that exercises for the development of speech, voice and breathing modernize speech
Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old Summary of an open lesson on
A preschool educational institution is an organization where the primary public education of children is carried out, the first link of the national
Why do you need a plan? Of course, as you learned from the last paragraph, such a plan makes no sense.
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The importance of collective work for preschoolers “The importance of collective work for preschoolers.” (The purpose of collective activities: to form
Every interested parent goes through the experience of decorating children's themed corners with their own hands. In building
The middle group of kindergarten is intended for children of four years of age. During this period, children