Modern methods and forms of partnership between preschool educational institutions and families

Modern methods and forms of partnership between preschool educational institutions and families

Elena Vtorushina

Modern methods and forms of partnership between preschool educational institutions and families

"Modern methods

and forms of partnership interaction

Preschool educational institutions and families »

Teacher of GBDOU No. 71

Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

Vtorushina Elena Borisovna

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

, The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education one of the priority tasks is “
interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.”
Raising children in modern society is a subject of special concern . In the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

18. paragraph 1 determines that parents are the first teachers. What a child acquires in the family , he retains throughout his entire subsequent life. The importance of the family as an educational institution is due to the fact that the child stays in it for a significant part of his life, and in terms of the duration of its impact on the individual, none of the educational institutions can compare with the family . Parents are obliged to lay the foundations for the moral, intellectual and physical development of the child’s personality in childhood. Thus, recognition by the state of the priority of family education requires a different relationship from the educational institution, namely interaction , trust and cooperation.
Cooperation is communication “as equals”

, where no one has the privilege of specifying, evaluating and controlling.
Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities that are carried out through communication. The kindergarten and the family should strive to create a unified space for the child’s development.
Modern trends in the development of preschool education are united by one important and significant criterion - its quality, which directly depends on the level of professional competence of teachers and the pedagogical culture of parents. Achieving a high quality of education for our students, fully satisfying the needs of parents and the interests of children, and creating a unified educational space for the child is possible only if a new system of interactions between the preschool educational institution and the family .

Today, the problem of interaction between kindergarten and family . And our preschool is no exception. On the one hand, parents trust the kindergarten and agree with the forms , methods and techniques of raising their children while they are in kindergarten. On the other hand, they are not ready to perceive teachers as partners and adhere to a single pedagogical line with them outside the kindergarten. Also, teachers more often see the parent not as a subject of joint activity, but as another object of education. The problem of interaction between a preschool institution and a family remains relevant today, sometimes acquiring an aggravated character.

The world is constantly becoming more complex; there is not enough time for real human communication. Therefore, we teachers need to organize these types of events with parents so that they are more interesting and more important than the daily affairs of parents. The task of the kindergarten is to turn its face to the family , provide it with pedagogical assistance, and attract the family to its side in terms of common approaches to raising a child.

A positive attitude towards communication is the solid foundation on which all the work of the group’s teachers with parents is built. The participation of parents in the lives of their children helps them see a lot; parents are different; they, like children, need a special approach. The changing modern family (financial and social stratification, abundance of the latest information technologies , wider educational opportunities) forces us to look for new forms of interaction .

Fathers and mothers need to remember that kindergarten is only an assistant in raising a child, and therefore they should not shift all responsibility to teachers and remove themselves from the educational process.

Today, the principles on which communication between teachers and parents are based have changed. In communication between a teacher and parents, the following are inappropriate: categoricality and a demanding tone. The teacher communicates with parents every day, and it depends on him what the family’s towards the kindergarten as a whole will be.

The main goal of all types of forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and seven is to establish trusting relationships with children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, nurturing the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.

The family and kindergarten are connected by common tasks in raising the child. Therefore, what is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions: family and kindergarten .

Conditions for effective interaction between Doe and family

1. Establishing the interests of each partner

2. Parents’ consent to active participation in the educational process and understanding of the importance of this participation

3. Joint formation of goals and objectives of activities

4. Use of active forms and methods of communication interaction feedback

5. Constant analysis of this process

The teaching staff of our kindergarten is constantly searching for new forms of interaction with the families of pupils that allow us to achieve real cooperation.

The most successful forms of working with parents are the following:

Visual information:

Teachers of our kindergarten actively use ICT technologies in their activities, have pages on social networks on the Internet, where they post useful information for parents , photo reports from events and holidays, and the daily life of children in preschool educational institutions.

Thus, the parents of our students have a new companion at home and a professional consultant on the most pressing issues and troubling problems. Parents got the opportunity to express their point of view, ask their questions and, finally, simply learn useful information .

Another new form of interaction between teachers and parents is the newspaper. With the electronic newspaper we publish, which we call “Znaykiny Vedomosti”
(see appendix),
we want to give novelty to the practice of
interaction between family and kindergarten in our group, to ensure the unity of education in kindergarten and at home. Tasks contributing to the implementation of this goal: providing timely information about the features of the work of our preschool institution, about the events taking place in the kindergarten.
We decided that the newspaper will help make the interesting life of preschool children accessible to everyone, and will involve those parents who are not very interested in the problems of education in one way or another in working together with teachers and children. And we managed to do this.

The newspaper writes about our children, their achievements and their problems. A newspaper for parents, among other advantages, has another undeniable quality - the element of coercion, which psychologists speak with alarm about, completely disappears here, emphasizing that it is this that repels parents and interferes with the perception of even interesting and significant information .

Each kindergarten group has a parent’s corner accessible to the perception of information , aesthetically and colorfully designed , in which parents can learn about the age characteristics of the child, events held in the preschool educational institution, and look at photographs depicting the interesting life in kindergarten.

Joint activities between children and adults can also be organized through the organization of various exhibitions of creative works.

Creative tasks reveal the potential of parents, hidden and sometimes even unconscious resources and opportunities for success. Exhibitions of works by parents made together with their children, participation of families in competitions for the best drawing, crafts made from natural materials not only enrich family leisure, but also unite children and adults in common activities.


At the first parent meeting we make a presentation of our preschool. The purpose of which is to introduce parents to our preschool institution, its charter, development program, and the team of teachers.

As a result of this form of work, parents become interested in our preschool institution and also receive useful information about the content of work with children.

To comply with legal requirements, improve the educational process and inform parents, the kindergarten has created its own website, where regulatory documents of the preschool educational institution, information about employees , reminders and consultations, news from the life of the preschool educational institution, etc. are posted.

Forms , methods and means of interaction between teachers and families of students

The most productive and interesting forms of work , as noted by the parents themselves, are:

• group meetings in the form of debates , including game moments, with the invitation of specialists;

• master classes for parents;

• conducting mass forms of interaction with the families of pupils (holidays, competitions, etc.)


The traditional form of working with parents in any educational institution is the parent meeting. We believe that it is important to structure meetings and consultations for parents so that they are not formal , but, if possible, involve parents in solving problems, develop the spirit of fruitful cooperation, because modern parents do not want to listen to long and edifying reports from teachers. This means that at parent meetings such methods and techniques that activate the attention of tired parents, make it easier to remember the essence of conversations, and create a special mood for a friendly, frank conversation.

Consultations and master classes must be extremely clear, contain only the material necessary for parents and are conducted not for show, but for the benefit of the cause.


Joint holidays, entertainment, and physical education activities make it possible to introduce not only kindergarten students to a healthy lifestyle, but also their parents.

Physical education holidays help improve children’s motor skills, develop interest and need for physical exercise.

For us, the leisure area in working with parents turned out to be the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult to organize. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see from the inside the problems of their child, difficulties in relationships , test different approaches, see how others do it, i.e. gain experience interacting not only with their child, but also with the parent community in in general.

It has become a very warm tradition of our group to hold an annual event in November dedicated to Mother’s Day.

During all these events, opportunities for cooperation and creativity are most fully revealed. Parents take an active part in competitions and contests. A holiday in kindergarten is always joy, fun, celebration, which is shared by adults and children. Parents are the dearest and closest people! They see that children are proud of them, they want to dance, sing, and play with them. Years will pass, children will forget the songs that were played at the holiday, but in their memory they will forever retain the warmth of communication and the joy of empathy. Such events, in my opinion, bring families , provide an opportunity to look at each other in a new environment, strengthen the development of relationships between children and parents through inclusion in joint activities, and enrich relationships through emotional communication. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says, “A child grows not from bread, but from joy.”


Labor or economic:

In modern conditions, it is difficult for a preschool organization to do without the support of parents. That is why much of our work is done by the hands of the fathers and mothers of our children. They help in organizing a developing subject-spatial environment in groups.

The creation of a unified educational space, a subject-spatial developmental environment in groups is impossible without the participation of parents.

Family and preschool are two important social institutions for the socialization of a child. Positive results are achieved only with a skillful combination of different forms of cooperation . The main thing in the work is to gain trust and authority, to convince parents of the importance and necessity of coordinated actions between the family and the preschool institution. Without parental participation, the upbringing process is impossible, or at least incomplete. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the introduction of new forms of cooperation aimed at organizing individual work with families and a differentiated approach to families of different types .

Our group annually develops a plan for joint activities with the parents of students. The events are designed in such a way that they meet the annual goals of the preschool educational institution, the interests and needs of parents, and the capabilities of teachers. The problem of involving parents in a single space for child development in our preschool educational institution is solved in three directions:

1) Working with the preschool educational institution team to organize interaction with the family , familiarizing teachers with the system of new forms of working with parents .

2) Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

3) Involving parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions, working together to exchange experiences.

I see the main tasks of my work as follows:

1) Establish partnerships with the family of each student;

2) Join efforts for the development and education of children;

3) Create an atmosphere of mutual understanding , community of interests, emotional mutual support ;

4) Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents;

5) Maintain their confidence in their own teaching capabilities.

The principles of interaction with parents are:

1) Friendly style of communication between teachers and parents.

A positive attitude towards communication is the solid foundation on which all the work of the group’s teachers with parents is built. In communication between a teacher and parents, categoricality and a demanding tone are inappropriate. The teacher communicates with parents every day, and it depends on him what the family’s towards the kindergarten as a whole will be.

2) Individual approach.

It is necessary not only when working with children, but also when working with parents. The teacher, when communicating with parents, must feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad. Here, both the human and pedagogical ability of the teacher to calm the parent, sympathize and think together about how to help the child in a given situation will be useful.

3) Collaboration, not mentoring.

Modern fathers and mothers, for the most part, are literate people, and, of course, know well how they should raise their own children. Therefore, the position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge is unlikely to bring positive results today. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and family support in difficult pedagogical situations.

4) We prepare seriously.

Any event, even the smallest one, to work with parents must be carefully and seriously prepared. The main thing in this work is quality, not quantity. A weak, poorly prepared parent meeting or master class can negatively affect the positive image of the institution as a whole.

5) Dynamism.

A kindergarten today should be in development mode, not functioning, be a mobile system, and quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, their educational needs and educational requests.

In order to plan work with parents, you need to know your students’ parents well. Therefore, it is necessary to start with an analysis of the social composition of parents, their mood and expectations of their child’s stay in kindergarten. Conducting surveys and personal conversations on this topic will help to properly organize work with parents, make it effective, and select interesting forms of interaction with the family . Every year in September, group teachers conduct a survey among parents of students on the topic: “Social portrait of the family

.Based on the results of studying the questionnaires, the following was revealed: if earlier parents were divided into a group of employees and workers, then with the change in social conditions, entrepreneurs appeared, unemployed, many single-parent families, there are large
families . Analysis of the pupils’ drawings on the topic: “My
family ,
“My home “
also helps to understand how the child is treated at home.

Parents of children attending preschool educational institutions today can be divided into three groups.

The first group are parents who are very busy at work, for whom kindergarten is simply vital. But, despite this, they expect from the kindergarten not only good supervision and care for the child, but also full development, health improvement, training and education, and organization of interesting leisure time. Due to their busy schedule, this parent group is unlikely to be able to actively attend consultations, seminars, and trainings. But with the correct organization of interaction , they will be happy to prepare family work at home together with the child for a competition, exhibition, and at a convenient time for them will take part in pre-announced events.

The second group consists of parents with a convenient work schedule and non-working grandparents. Children from such families might not attend kindergarten, but parents do not want to deprive the child of full-fledged children's communication, games with peers, development and learning. The task of teachers is to prevent this parent group from remaining in the position of a passive observer; they must be involved in the work of the kindergarten.

The third group is families with non-working mothers. These parents also expect from the kindergarten interesting communication with peers, learning skills for behavior in a team, maintaining the correct daily routine, learning and development. The teacher’s task is to select energetic mothers from this group of parents who will become an asset to the parent community and reliable assistants to educators. The teacher must rely on this parent group in preparing parent meetings, holding holidays, competitions, exhibitions, etc.

“Autumn Fantasies” also contributes to the rapprochement of children and parents, as well as the teacher.

“Christmas Tale”
“Generous Autumn”
“Talisman of the Year”
and others, help strengthen
the interaction of the kindergarten with the families of the pupils . An important aspect of competitions is the competitive spirit, which helps parents of the same group unite. Throughout the year, the group’s teachers prepare newspapers : “Mom’s Beloved”
"My Pets"
and others. Each issue of the newspaper is devoted to a specific topic.

And finally, joint cleanup days with parents and children, where the work skills of both parents and their children are demonstrated. The main goal of such events is to strengthen parent-child relationships. As a result, children develop hard work, accuracy, attention to loved ones, and respect for work.

I would like to talk about one important point in the system of working with parents. Every person, having done some work, needs to have his work evaluated. Our parents need this too. “Praise is useful if only because it strengthens us in benevolent dimensions,” wrote F. La Rochefoucauld. I think this is true always and everywhere. I always do this, at any opportunity, and my parents pay me the same.

Trusting relationships are established gradually in the joint activities of parents and the teacher. The upbringing and development of a child is not possible without the participation of parents. In order for them to become teacher assistants and develop creatively together with children, it is necessary to convince them that they are capable of this, that there is no more exciting and noble thing than learning to understand your child, and having understood him, helping in everything, being patient and delicate, and then everything will work out.

What is laid down by upbringing in a family , at an early stage of a child’s development, remains in him for many years, helping his socialization in society. O. D. Kvashnina o The family creates for the child certain guidelines for his future behavior. A joint business, a joint task solved by the family , allows the child to show his best qualities. It is important that from a very early age in the family the child develops the desire to fulfill certain responsibilities according to his abilities. When talking about the ideals of education, one should pay attention to the important idea expressed by M. M. Bakhtin about the ideal, authoritative image, “which is not contemplated, but followed”


Today we can say that we have developed a certain system in working with parents. The use of various forms of work has yielded certain results: many parents from the “spectators”

became active assistants to the teacher, an atmosphere
of mutual respect .
Experience has shown that the position of parents as educators has become more flexible. They now feel more competent in raising children. Many parents began to show sincere interest in the life of the group, learned to express admiration for the results and products of children's activities, and emotionally support their child.

Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience in its own way, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world. For us, this became possible only through joining forces and cooperation. Gradually, misunderstanding and mistrust of parents disappeared. Interaction between parents and kindergarten rarely occurs immediately. This is a long process, long and painstaking work that requires patient, steady pursuit of the chosen goal. We do not rest on our laurels, we continue to look for new ways of cooperation with parents. After all, we have one goal - to educate future creators of life. I would like to believe that our children, when they grow up, will love and protect their loved ones.

Sukhomlinsky said: “Children are happiness created by our labor. Classes and meetings with children, of course, require mental strength, time, and labor. But we are happy when our children are happy, when their eyes are filled with joy.”

Forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and a familyconsultation on the topic


The family is the child’s first collective, his natural habitat, with all the diversity of relationships between its members, the richness and spontaneity of feelings, the abundance of forms of their manifestation - everything that creates a favorable environment for the emotional and moral formation of the individual.

The relevance of the problem lies in the fact that kindergarten is the first non-family social institution, the first educational institution with which parents come into contact and where their systematic pedagogical education begins.

Object of study: interaction between preschool teacher and family

Subject: forms of interaction between preschool teacher and family

To solve this problem, we set a goal:

To theoretically substantiate and practically develop forms and methods of work of a preschool teacher with parents.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were identified:

1. Consider theoretical approaches to organizing interaction between a preschool teacher and parents...

2. Identify the socio-psychological features of the work of a teacher with parents in raising and educating children.

3. Determine the forms and methods of work of a preschool teacher with parents to increase the activity of parents as participants in the educational process.

The child grows up and enters kindergarten. Now new people appear in his environment - adults and children. And the child’s emotional comfort and security, his timely development, and ability to communicate with peers and adults depend on how adults, new people for him, meet the child, their efforts and efforts. The values ​​and atmosphere of the family, its traditions, and the culture of relationships become the basis for the maturation of the individual and the basis of his life guidelines. And parents should become active and equal participants in the educational process. 1.1 Concepts of interaction, cooperation

Cooperation is communication “as equals”, where no one has the privilege of specifying, controlling, or evaluating.

Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception and through communication.

The interaction of teachers with parents presupposes mutual assistance, mutual respect and trust, knowledge and consideration by the teacher of the conditions of family education, and by parents - of the conditions of education in kindergarten. It also implies a mutual desire of parents and teachers to maintain contact with each other.

Pedagogical education of parents is understood as the process of informing them about the characteristics of the child’s personality development and ways of interacting with him, built in the context of the life activities of the subjects of interaction in accordance with cultural values.

Interaction between teachers and parents of preschool children can be carried out:

  • involving parents in the pedagogical process;
  • expanding the scope of parental participation in organizing the life of an educational institution;
  • parents attending classes at a time convenient for them;
  • creating conditions for creative self-realization of teachers, parents, children;
  • information and pedagogical materials;
  • various programs for joint activities of children and parents;
  • combining the efforts of the teacher and the parent in joint activities for the upbringing and development of the child;
  • showing understanding, tolerance and tact in raising and teaching a child, striving to take into account his interests without ignoring feelings and emotions;
  • respectful relationship between family and educational institution.

Thus, the main goal of all forms and types of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families is: - establishing trusting relationships between children, parents and teachers; - uniting them into one team, nurturing the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.

1.2.Modern forms of interaction between preschool teacher and family.

The main areas of interaction with the family are:

  • studying the needs of parents for educational services;
  • educating parents in order to improve their legal and pedagogical culture.

Based on these directions, work is carried out to interact with the families of preschool children through various forms. An analysis of the work practices of preschool educational institutions revealed two types of forms of collaboration:

  • joint events of teachers and parents: parent meetings, conferences, consultations, conversations, evenings for parents, circles for parents, thematic exhibitions, debates, pedagogical councils, board of trustees, meetings with the administration, school for parents, visiting families at home, parent committee.
  • joint events of teachers, parents and children: open days, tournaments of experts, clubs, KVN, quizzes, holidays, family competitions, newspaper release, film screenings, concerts, group registration, competitions, improvement of the preschool educational institution and territory

There are traditional and non-traditional forms of interaction between teachers and parents of preschool children, the essence of which is to enrich them with pedagogical knowledge. Traditional forms are divided into:

  • collective;
  • individual;
  • visual and informational.

Collective forms include: parent meetings, conferences, “round tables”, etc. Currently, parent meetings are being replaced by new forms of communication, such as “oral journal”, “pedagogical living room”, “round table”, “parent conferences”, “workshop seminars” - their main goal is to exchange experiences in family education, etc. Individual forms include: pedagogical conversations with parents - this is one of the most accessible forms of establishing communication with the family. The conversation can be either an independent form or used in combination with others, for example, it can be included in a meeting or family visit. Thematic consultations are organized to answer all questions that interest parents. The main purpose of the consultation is for parents to make sure that in kindergarten they can receive support and advice. A separate group consists of visual information methods. They introduce parents to the conditions, tasks, content and methods of raising children, help overcome superficial judgments about the role of kindergarten, and provide practical assistance to the family. These include tape recordings of conversations with children, video fragments of the organization of various types of activities, routine moments, classes; photographs, exhibitions of children's work, stands, screens, sliding folders.

Currently, non-traditional forms of interaction are especially popular among both preschool teachers and parents. The following non-traditional forms are distinguished:

  • information and analytical;
  • leisure, educational;
  • visual and informational.

Information and analytical: identifying the interests, needs, requests of parents, the level of their pedagogical literacy. Conducting sociological surveys, surveys, “Mailbox”. Leisure: establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents, children. Cognitive: familiarizing parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children. Formation of practical skills in raising children in parents. Workshops, pedagogical briefing, pedagogical lounge, meetings, consultations in non-traditional forms, oral pedagogical journals, games with pedagogical content, pedagogical library for parents. Visual and informational: informational and educational; informational and educational: familiarizing parents with the work of a preschool institution, the features of raising children. In order to effectively implement the interaction process, it is necessary, first of all, to know the characteristics of the subjects of interaction, in particular, the teacher must know the typology of families, the psychological characteristics of parents, their age characteristics, the various styles of communication between parents and children in different families. Preschool teachers are fully aware that each family has a number of individual characteristics and reacts differently to outside intervention. Therefore, at present, individual work with families, a differentiated approach to families of different types, and care not to lose sight and influence of specialists on specific but important family issues continue to be urgent tasks.

Thus, the interaction between parents and teachers in a preschool educational institution has a distinctly specific nature of cooperation, since both the content and forms of relationships between parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions have changed. In our kindergarten, all conditions have been created for organizing a unified space for the development and upbringing of a child. The joint work of pre-school specialists (senior teacher, psychologist, speech therapist, physical education instructor, nurse) to implement the educational program provides pedagogical support for the family at all stages of preschool childhood, making parents truly equal participants in the educational process.

We used active forms and methods of working with parents:

  • visiting families of pupils at home;
  • parent meetings;
  • consultations;
  • group visits;
  • exhibitions of children's works made together with their parents;
  • Days of good deeds;
  • Open days;
  • participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of holidays and leisure activities;
  • design of photomontages;
  • joint improvement of the subject-development environment;
  • seminar - workshop;
  • round tables;
  • theater for adults. The work carried out made it possible to increase the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of parent-child relationships.


Today we can say that at our preschool educational institution we have developed a certain system for working with parents. The use of various forms of work yielded certain results: parents from “spectators” and “observers” became active participants in meetings and assistant teachers, and an atmosphere of mutual respect was created. The interaction of preschool educational institutions with families is effective provided that modern forms of cooperation are introduced, as a result of which the position of both parents and educators becomes more flexible: they actively participate in various activities, and parents feel more competent in raising children.

The main difficulty is to attract parents to actively participate in the activities of preschool educational institutions. To carry out this work, a lot of preparatory work is needed to educate parents into like-minded people in raising children.

In conclusion, we highlight the main directions along which the level and main indicators of interaction between a preschool institution and the family should be built and assessed:

  • study of the family and the conditions of family education;
  • increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents and the general culture of the family;
  • differentiated and individual assistance to families of pupils;
  • study, generalization and dissemination of the best experience of family education;
  • inclusion of parents in the implementation of the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution.


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“Effective technologies for cooperation between preschool educational institutions and parents”

Shchegoleva T.V., teacher

GBDOU kindergarten No. 33 compensatory type

Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

“Effective technologies for cooperation between preschool educational institutions and parents”

Technologies for effective interaction between kindergarten and family.

The main thing in the work of any preschool educational institution is to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of pupils, their creative and intellectual development, and provide conditions for personal growth. The successful implementation of this large and responsible work is impossible in isolation from the family, because parents are THE FIRST AND MAIN EDUCATORS OF THEIR CHILD FROM THE MOMENT OF BIRTH AND FOR THE WHOLE LIFE.

With the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, prerequisites arose for equal, creative, interested interaction between family and educational institutions (Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

Parents need to remember that kindergarten is only an assistant in raising a child, so they should not shift all responsibility to the kindergarten or eliminate themselves, taking the position of consumers of educational services. At the same time, practice shows that many parents do not have special knowledge in the field of education, do not know the age-related characteristics of development, do not take into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of the child, experience certain difficulties in establishing contacts with children, and often carry out education blindly and intuitively.

Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other. The misunderstanding between the family and the kindergarten falls heavily on the child.

What does the concept of “interaction” include?

Most scientists characterize interaction as a mechanism of interpersonal communication between participants in the pedagogical process; other researchers focus on the social nature of the connection between the individual and the community (the immediate and distant environment).

In the pedagogical literature, interaction is interpreted as “a special form of communication between participants in the pedagogical process, which provides for the mutual enrichment of the intellectual, emotional, and activity spheres of the participants, their coordination and harmonization, personal contact, resulting in mutual changes in their behavior, activities, relationships, and attitudes.”

How can teachers involve parents in pedagogical interaction with the child, maintain confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities, while moving away from overorganization and boring templates, and work with parents in an interesting way, taking into account new forms of interaction, creating in kindergarten an atmosphere of creative communication, mutual understanding and support. The activities of parents and teachers can only be successful if they become allies, which will allow them to get to know the child better, see him in different situations, develop his abilities and form value guidelines in life, and prevent negative actions and behavior.

In order to be a true promoter of the means and methods of preschool education, a kindergarten in its work must serve as a model of such education. Only under this condition will parents trust the teachers’ recommendations and be willing to establish contact with them.

Principles of interaction between teacher and parents:

  • Focused, systematic, planned.
  • A friendly communication style that is collaborative rather than mentoring.
  • An individual, differentiated approach to work, taking into account the specifics of each family.
  • Dynamism.

Family study methods:

  • Parent survey.
  • Individual conversations with parents, studying family requests.
  • Child monitoring.
  • Individual conversations with children.
  • Family examination using projective techniques.
  • Visiting the families of pupils.
  • Study of children's drawing tests such as “My house”, “My family”.
  • Observation of a child in the role-playing game “Family”.
  • Observations by the teacher of the relationship between parents and children during the admission of children to kindergarten and the children’s departure home.”

Forms of work with families: general, group, individual.

Traditional forms and methods of working with parents:

Visual propaganda: design of information stands, booklets, mobile folders, exhibitions of children's works.

— Visiting the families of pupils.

— Parent meetings.

— Conversations, consultations, conferences, round table meetings.

— Questionnaires on various issues.

— Open days: viewing of regime moments, NOOD, matinees.

— Participation of parents in public events of the kindergarten, exhibitions, competitions.

— Organization of the work of the parent committee of the group, kindergarten.

Open days give parents the opportunity to observe their children in a situation other than family. They can compare the child’s behavior in the family and in kindergarten, and adopt teaching methods and educational influences from the teacher.

Non-traditional (new) forms of work of preschool teachers with parents:

— Creation of family projects: “Our friendly family”, “Family coats of arms and pedigrees”, “Little discoveries in my big family”, “Family workshop”.

— Weekend project: “Nature Scouts”, “Weekend Hike”.

— Thematic mini-projects.

— Participation of parents in creative competitions.

— Interest clubs.

— Organizing a library for parents.

— Issue of the newspaper “Veselaya Semeyka”.

— Modeling and solving pedagogical situations.

The use of ICT is one of the modern methods of working with parents. Today, electronic day-care is widely used in educational institutions across the country. In preschool educational institutions such forms of interaction as a garden website and groups have appeared. On which information about the kindergarten, group, presentation of the kindergarten, photo album “Let's get acquainted” is posted.


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2. Interaction between family and preschool educational institution: programs for the development of parent-child relationships; joint activities of teachers, parents and children / author-comp. ON THE. Kochetova, I.A. Zheltikova, M.A. Tveretina. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2014. -218 p.

4. Kochkina N.A. Project method in preschool education: Methodological manual. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012.-72 p.

5. Osipova L.E. Kindergarten work with families. – M.: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2011. – 72 p.

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