GCD progress: Educator: Guys, what time of year is it now? Educator: That's right, well done. What's going on
Gymnastics for waking up after a nap in the middle group Gymnastics for waking up after a nap in
Dandelion Stock Illustrations - 777 Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart Seamless Vector Floral Pattern
Making an applique “Boat and Steamboat” Schemes for creating an applique with a steamboat Applications consisting of
5-7 years, or senior preschool age, is an important period in personal and psychological
A theatrical dramatization of a fairy tale for children aged 5-7 years in kindergarten. Script Theatrical performance in
AFTER SLEEP GYMNASTICS COMPLEX No. 1 In cribs 1. “Stretches.” I.p.: lying on
Speech therapy games made by teachers and educators aimed at developing breathing abilities include
Card file of conversations in the middle group Usually thematic blocks are included in the notes: Day of Knowledge; autumn;
Game Bubbles Up! All players form a circle. We select one player who will stand in