“International competition named after. L.S. Vygotsky" Organizer: "Rybakov Foundation" For whom: teachers and specialists of children's
Goals and objectives Sedentary entertainment is aimed at reducing the intensity of physical activity and a gradual transition
Card index of morning conversations of the preparatory group Svetlana Chernova Card index of morning conversations of the preparatory group Expand ideas
How to conduct a consultation for parents? The article presents an approximate version of theses for consultation with
Card file of conversations with children of senior preschool age Tatyana Zolotsevskaya Card file of conversations with older children
The importance of fine arts for children 4–5 years old Many great philosophers and teachers of the past highly
Scenario We have prepared an approximate outlined list of necessary steps for independently organizing a children's master class. WITH
What it looks like A massage mat usually looks like a surface with protruding parts on it. IN
How to make a square with your own hands Everything you need to create an educational toy with your own hands
The development of children of any age should be harmonious and affect the most important areas of personality formation: physical,