Plot-game lesson on rhythm for children 5-6 years old Plot-game lesson on rhythm
Long-term planning for familiarization with the outside world in the middle group Tatyana Gromova Long-term planning
How to write a methodological developmentmethodological development on the topic Memo “How to write a methodological development”. Methodological development
Plot First of all, we are talking about the plot content of the game. During the shift, the child experiences
Game program for primary schoolchildren. Scenario “Treasure Island” Competitive game program “Treasure Island” Description: Material
Experience with traffic rules In the senior group, children's ideas are clarified and supplemented. On excursions and
Speech therapy project “Journey to the world of dishes” Relevance of the problem: It is known that the basis of human speech organization
Storytelling based on a picture in the older group In older preschool age, when the child’s activity increases,