Trends in the development of education In the conditions of individualization of education, modern education must be continuous. Need for
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of an open lesson on teaching literacy “Proposal” Educational institution: MBOU DOD “CDT”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of a lesson on speech development on the topic “Tasty and healthy food. Prepared by:
Consultation for parents “Mathematics is interesting” You often hear a child, approved by an adult, declare that
Thematic control “Organization of a story game” educational and methodological material on the topic Plan for conducting thematic control on the topic:
Thematic planning on the topic Hello kindergarten Thematic planning for the week of 09/03/18. — 09/07/18
Elena Ishoeva “Magic rug”. Lesson in the middle group on artistic creativity (drawing) Lesson in
Abstract of educational activities on labor education. lesson plan (preparatory group) on the topic Municipal budgetary preschool educational
Plan Defenders of the Fatherland SAMPLE PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for a week - from 19.02 to 22.02.2018..)