Circus New Year's performance in the senior group of kindergarten. Scenario Circus performance for older preschoolers
Scenario for play leisure in the middle group Scenario for play leisure "Autumn Journey of Koloboks" for children
The essence and types of educational programs for preschool educational institutions The overwhelming number of preschool institutions
Methodological recommendations for organizing theatrical activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education Methodological recommendations for
Center for physical activity in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard Organization of a center for physical activity in groups
Preview: The Tale of Healthy Vegetables In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived
Children's physical exercises Physical exercise is a small set of exercises performed in a playful way to relieve muscle
Project for the development of coherent speech “Skillful Storytellers” author: Filippova Anna Aleksandrovna Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU “Children’s