Morning circle in the second junior group on the theme of fairy tales

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lesson "Circle" for young, middle-aged children and their parents. Consolidation in the construction of a circle, development of imagination (what does a circle look like?). Development of gross and fine motor skills through movements.

Morning exercises are a set of exercises that tune up and charge the entire human body with positive energy and vigor for the entire coming day.

Card file of morning exercise complexes for children 2-4 years old.

The material may be useful for preschool teachers.

Examples of morning exercises with young children.

for children 2

Card index of morning circles for young children.



“CHEST” for teachers and parents

Morning gathering. Card index of the morning circle.

Morning gathering (morning circle) is a rhythmically organized, emotionally and sensory-filled game, aimed at stimulating the child’s active participation in the general game, at developing his communicative abilities, part of a routine moment held at a certain time. Depending on the age of the children, morning gathering lasts from 10 to 15 minutes. The Morning Circle sets the tone for positive and friendly interactions and establishes an atmosphere of trust based on democratic principles for the entire day. During the morning meeting, the skills of attentive, respectful listening, speaking up and cooperative interaction, and a sense of belonging are developed, which in turn are the basis for social interactions in the group throughout the day and year.

The purpose of the morning circle is to organize free verbal communication between children and establish emotional contact.

creating conditions and developing children’s motivation for interaction and communication;

formation of one’s image through playful interaction with children and adults;

stimulation of one’s own play, communication, and speech activity;

development of voluntary regulation of behavior;

development of the cognitive sphere: visual and auditory attention, perception, memory, etc.; formation of ideas about the surrounding world.

Structure of the morning circle:

Each group chooses its own tradition to notify children about the beginning of the morning circle. This could be cheerful music, the ringing of a bell, a chant, a relay race of a magic ball, when children, passing the ball to each other along with wishes for goodness, happiness and love, unwind the thread that tied them together. In children standing in a circle and connected by one thread, the teacher creates a sense of unity, mutual affection, collectivism and tolerance. Call signs can be associated with the desired topic.

During the gathering, children and adults sit in a circle - on chairs, on personalized pillows, on ribbons-rays of the group’s common sun, in a word, each group itself determines the tradition of organizing the circle. The circle promotes openness, children's attention to each other, and gives a sense of unity in the team. The order of the children in the circle may vary.

Children need love and respect from their peers and want to feel part of a group. The greeting is addressed to everyone in the circle. Before starting a greeting, the teacher models it, that is, shows how it is done. Simulation occurs every time a new stage is started. The teacher turns to the child sitting on the left or right and greets him (her): “Good morning, Alina! I'm glad you're with us today." When the example is shown, Alina, turning to her neighbor, greets him in this way. Children continue to greet each other in a circle until the greeting returns to the teacher. There are many ways to greet. It can be verbal and non-verbal. Children address each other by name, with a smile, eye to eye. A friendly atmosphere is established. Posture, a calm and sincere tone of voice, a friendly facial expression, and open gestures are of great importance. Children learn many fun, entertaining, respectful greetings. Pantomime, game moments, songs, rhymes, chants, and forms of greetings of different nations are used. Greetings may contain epithets and compliments. Once the procedure is learned, children can choose or suggest new ways of greeting. It is possible to use various objects that are passed around the circle to the person to whom the greeting is addressed. This could be a favorite toy, ball, flag, magic wand, microphone or other object that is meaningful to children.

One of the most favorite parts of the morning circle for children is the exchange of news - after all, this is an opportunity to tell others something “that no one else knows but me,” share their observations, and brag about interesting events. News topics can be free or pre-set. For example, “Weekend News” is traditionally held on Monday. An important theme is the theme of “Good Deeds.” Children strive to share everything that fills their soul, that begs to be spoken - home events, successes and failures, childhood grievances and achievements. Children tell what the most interesting events happened in their lives. Then the teacher organizes a discussion. Children take part in it, that is, they ask questions and comment on what they hear. Thus, children learn the rules of conducting verbal dialogue, the ability to express their feelings; vocabulary is enriched and activated. Children love to share news, and therefore the problem always arises of how to satisfy the desire of all children within a short period of time. To solve this problem, you can invite children to collectively decide how many and whom we will listen to today. Children develop emotional responsiveness, goodwill, and confidence that they are loved and accepted for who they are.

It is also important that during the morning circle there is a general exchange of information: what is the weather today (day of the week, time of year, holiday), how many children (boys, girls) are there today, who is absent, how many days are left until the next birthday, what we have to do today do what interesting things were noticed in the group. Every day, all children cannot participate, so we introduce different criteria - who will tell what today. Of course, teachers make sure that each of the children participates during the week.

Card index of the morning circle

Hello, everyone who came to us today! Hello. everyone who believes in kindness! Hello, everyone who spares no effort in sharing their happiness.

Hello, golden sun (hands up). Hello, the sky is blue (hands to the sides). Hello my friends (everyone joins hands). I'm very glad to see you!

I love myself so much (hand on heart). That I can love you (hand on neighbor’s shoulder). And you will begin to love yourself) hand on your neighbor’s shoulder). And you can love me (hand on heart).

Thank you for today, thank you for today, thank you for today, thank you for now! Thank you, thank you, thank you for today, thank you for today, thank you for now!

When life is friendly, what could be better! And there is no need to quarrel, And you can love everyone. On a long journey, take your friends with you: They will help you and it’s more fun with them.

Butterfly, let’s be friends (they extend their right hands to each other) It’s more fun to live in friendship (they shake hands firmly). We have flowers in the garden (then they seem to smell the flowers), fly over them (they wave their arms like wings) Well, and the rain will pass over the garden (they cover their head with their hands) there is no need to worry in vain! (with their fingers they indicate with their heads Don’t worry about anything (the “no” gesture is applied under my Panama hat, hide (the right hand to the heart is covered with one palm with the other).

It was invented by someone to simply and wisely say hello when meeting: “Good morning!” Good morning to the sun and birds! Good morning to smiling faces! And everyone becomes kind, trusting, May good morning last until evening!

The gentle sun looked into our window in the morning. greeted us and said: “Good hour”

Let's get into a circle quickly. and let's glorify the new day! Let it be clear and light! And we will all be fine!

I'm turning to you, friend! Get up in a circle with us soon. Feel the joy and warmth, We will all have a good time with our friends.

All the children gathered in a circle, I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.

“Good morning” we will say to the sun, good morning to smiling faces. And everyone becomes kind and trusting. May good morning last until evening for you.

We love, we love (arms up and to the sides) We love the world around us, We are glad, glad, glad, (clap our hands) That we have a friend next to us (hug each other).

Good morning, little eyes! Are you awake? Good morning, ears! Are you awake? Good morning, hands! Are you awake? Good morning, legs! Are you awake? Good morning, children! Are we awake? Rub your eyes, make binoculars out of your fingers and look at each other. Stroke the ears, place your palms behind the ears (represent the ears of an elephant). Stroke hand in hand, clap your hands. Stroke your legs, kneel down in front of you and tap your toes on the carpet. Raise your hands up.

I smile at the world, the world smiles at me. I wish all the people of the planet a good mood.

Gentle, kind girls! Strong, brave boys! And we’ll stand in a circle, we’ll all hold hands and smile joyfully at each other!

Hello day, hello friend, Hello, generous circle of songs, Hello world, hello century, Hello kind person!

We are all friendly guys. We guys are preschoolers. We don't offend anyone. We know how much he cares. We will not leave anyone in trouble. We won’t take it away, we’ll ask for it. Let everyone be well, May it be joyful and light.

So many kind faces around! I invite you all to the circle. Let's join hands! Let's say words of love! Children: we love, we love everyone around us, it’s so good to have a friend nearby!

We will smile at each other, the feeling of joy is full, Be happy, healthy and cheerful from the heart.

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